ARCH 1162 - Law Building Bridge Tutorial This is the bridge between spaces of the Sydney University Law building by the architects, Francis-Jones et al. We will examine an approximation of its structure. Go through this procedure; we will explain what the steps mean as we navigate the course. First, access the Multiframe application from the UNSW “my access" portal (Maxsurf Multiframe) Initially, set up four windows on the screen in tile mode as follows: Restore-up (mid-size) four windows only; Frame, Data, Load and Plot. Go Window/ Tile Vertical then make the frame window operative by clicking in the top band (grey to blue). Ensure that you are using the correct metric units as follows: View / Units / Australian, Edit/ Preferences/ Numerics / Decimal (1place). Set up all the windows as 2-D (view/front). Make a two dimensional frame in the Frame Window: View/Front. Pull down the geometry menu and add a horizontal member to the right from the origin, Geometry / Add member (there are shortcuts; icons & right click options). Click on the right hand end of the first member and again about a quarter of a window upwards to add a post. Add another horizontal member to the right of the first. You should now see a wonky upside-down “T” Law bldg bridge tut a p1 of 6 Correct the dimensions as follows: Click the top band of the "Data" window. Go into the joint data table and modify the x, y and z coordinates of Joint 1 to be 0,0,0. Change the coordinates of joint 2 so they are 12,0,0, joint 3 so they are 12,3.5,0 and joint 4 so they are 24,0,0. Reactivate the frame window and see the corrected frame made up of its three parts by View /Size to Fit. Note that the default joints are rigid (can transfer moment and shear). (Display/symbols/joint nos) to see or remove the joint numbers. In the Frame window, select the horizontal nodes at each end and provide a “pin support” for each (triangle with circle above in toolbar). Select the middle joint and the top of the post and make those “Pin joints” (small circle in toolbar). Select the two horizontal members and define their sections as “360UB50.7” (Frame/Section type/UB/ 360UB50.7). Highlight the post. Define it as “Grade 350 355.6x6.4 CHS” (circular hollow section) Activate the Load window; go Case/ Edit case and change “load case 1” to “G, dead load”. Select both horizontal members and apply a “global distributed load” (4th icon from left in toolbar) of 1.8kN/m to both. Use even load - left icon in pop-up window. Still in the Load window; go Case/add case/ static ; call it “ Q, live load” and apply 9kN/m to both horizontals. Again in the load window, with all members highlighted; go Case/add case/ Self weight call it “self wt” Law bldg bridge tut a p2 of 6 Again in the Load window; Case/add case/ Static combined change its name from “load case x” to “W* Ultimate”. In the dialogue box, assign factors as follows: to dead load, 1.25; to live load, 1.5; to self wt, 1.0. Again in the load window; Case/add case/ Static combined change name from “load case x” to “Ws Service”. In the dialogue box assign factors as follows: to dead load, 1.0; to live load, 0.5; to self wt, 1.0; to W*, 0 Activate the frame window and select all three members. Go Geometry/duplicate . In the dialogue box,, set y spacing: 3.5m, No. of times: 4. Enter . See the structure go up 4 times. View/ size to fit, view /shrink then delete the top column. Because the top beams form the roof, we need to remove the floor live load from them. Activate the load window and set Case to “Q, live load”. Highlight the top beams, right click and go “unload member” or press delete to remove the floor live load from the roof. Law bldg bridge tut a p3 of 6 Now we need to add the diagonal ties to hold the bridge up. In Frame window, geometry/add member . Insert members as shown between the fourth level supports and the bottom centre point. Define their sections as Grade 350 219 x 6.4 CHS. Highlight each of the top supports of the ties and define them as pins (small circles; bottom icons). Now “Analyse” the structure; Analyse/Linear. If all goes OK, a red diagram should appear in the plot window. Size to fit and shrink it with “Case” set to “W* Ultimate” and the left “Numbers” icon in the plot toolbar activated to see the Ultimate Bending Moment diagrams with maximum values shown. See that the greatest value of bending is 292kN.m. This is a large bending moment. Still in the W* case with the plot window active, Display/member stress/bending bottom. The red diagram is now showing maximum stresses of 368 MPa in tension at the bottom of the beams; this is greater than the steel yield stress (300 MPa) so the beams are undersized. We need to increase the beam size. Activate the frame window and highlight all the beams. Right click and define Section type 460UB74.6. Law bldg bridge tut a p4 of 6 Analyse linear again and see that the Ultimate bending stresses in the plot window are now around 203 MPa which is OK. Now change the case to “Ws, service” and click on the blue δ deflection icon in the plot toolbar. Maximise the plot window, Click on a grey trace of the most bent beam and move the cursor along to the worst deflection. See that the maximum deflection of the beam under service load (Ws) is about 35mm in the middle. (numbers at bottom left) This represents a span/deflection ratio of (12000/35=) L/343 which is not great but acceptable. It may make sense to go up a size for the beams. Click on the little sketch at the bottom to get back to the main window. Axial stress in columns and ties: Change the case to W* Ultimate and go Display member stresses /axial Sx to see the tension stress in the ties and the compression in the posts. Note that all are well below the 300 MPa yield of steel so it is not going to collapse at Ultimate. There is however a lot of compression in the bottom post so that needs to be checked for buckling. Law bldg bridge tut a p5 of 6 Finally, still in the Plot window, change the case to Ws, click on the blue deflection icon, set the view to 3-D, click on the blue “Render” icon (Like a bit of an I-beam) and go Display /Animate /Diagram /OK to see an exaggerated deflection animation. This is useful to get an idea of structural behaviour. For explanatory notes, see the Law Building Structures Tutorial Commentary. Law bldg bridge tut a p6 of 6