宏利環球精選(強積金)計劃 季度基金概覽 Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 重要事項: • 在作出投資選擇前,您必須衡量個人可承受風險的程度及您的 財政狀況。在選擇成分基金或預設投資策略時,如您就某一項 成分基金或預設投資策略是否適合您(包括是否符合您的投資 目標)而有任何疑 問,請徵詢獨 立財務及/ 或專業人士的 意 見,並因應您的個人狀況而作出最適合您的投資選擇。 • 預設投資策略中的宏利 MPF 核心累積基金及宏利 MPF 65 歲後基 金(「預設投資策略成分基金」)及某些簡稱為退休基金的成分 基金,其資產分配會隨時間而改變,因此涉及的投資風險及回 報亦會隨時間而改變。預設投資策略成分基金或退休基金可能 並非適合所有成員。投資前您應了解相關的風險,以及除年齡 外,您亦須考慮其他因素,以及檢討個人的投資目標。 • 本計劃內的宏利 MPF 利息基金及宏利 MPF 穩健基金(統稱「保 證基金」)各自只投資於由宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司提供 以保單形式的核准匯集投資基金。而有關保證亦由宏利人壽保 險(國際)有限公 司提供。因此 ,您於保證 基金的投資( 如 有)將受宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司的信貸風險所影響。 有關信貸風險、保證特點及保證條件的詳情,請參閱強積金計 劃說明書的第 3.4.2 條(宏利 MPF 穩健基金( 「穩健基金」 )) 、第 7.2.4(b)條(宏利 MPF 穩健基金)、第 3.4.1 條(宏利 MPF 利息基 金(「利息基金」) ) 以及第 7.2.4(c)條(宏利 MPF 利息基金)。 • 宏利 MPF 退休收益基金(「退休收益基金」 )就分發派息、派息 頻次及派息金額/派息率概不提供任何保證。派息可從基金的 已變現之資本增值、資本及/或總收入中撥付,同時亦可從資 本中記入/支付全部或部分費用、收費及開支,以致可作為派 息的可分派收入增加。派息從資本中及/或實際上從資本中撥 付代表提取部分原有投資或任何歸因於原有投資的資本增值。 分發派息會導致退休收益基金於除息日的每單位資產淨值降低 或調整。 • 65 歲以下的成員應注意,定期及頻繁地分發派息並將派息再投 資於退休收益基金無可避免會涉及一段投資空檔,派息未有用 作再投資,而重複地受間斷市場風險所影響(現時為每月)。就 由於分發派息的特點,這些成員從退休收益基金得到的回報或 會因派息再投資時,其每單位資產淨值可能已升或跌,而受到 負面或正面的影響。因此,這些成員從退休收益基金得到的回 報或會有别於有相類似投資组合而不包含此安排的成分基金, 而分發派息的特點對這些成員或許不一定是有利。 • 投資涉及風險,並不是每一項成分基金均適合所有成員。您應 考慮各項成分基金及預設投資策略所附帶的風險,您的投資/ 累算權益或會蒙受虧損。 • 在作出投資選擇前 ,您應參閱強 積金計劃說 明書內的計劃 詳 情,包括風險因素、費用及收費,而不應只根據本文件作出投 資決定。 • 過往的基金表現不能作為日後表現的指標。投資涉及風險。有 關計劃詳情,包括風險因素、費用及收費,請參閱強積金計劃 說明書。 Important to note: You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection of constituent funds or the Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”), you are in doubt as to whether a certain constituent fund or the DIS is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek independent financial and/or professional advice and make investment choices most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances. The asset allocation of the Manulife MPF Core Accumulation Fund and the Manulife MPF Age 65 Plus Fund (“DIS CFs”) in the DIS and some of the constituent funds which are referred to as the Retirement Funds will change over time and hence the risk profile and return will also change over time. The DIS CFs or the Retirement Funds may not be suitable for all Members. You should understand the relevant risks involved before investment and consider factors other than age and review your own investment objectives. The Manulife MPF Interest Fund and the Manulife MPF Stable Fund (collectively the “Guaranteed Funds”) under the Scheme each invests solely in approved pooled investment funds in the form of insurance policy provided by Manulife (International) Limited. The guarantee is also given by Manulife (International) Limited. Your investments in the Guaranteed Funds, if any, are therefore subject to the credit risks of Manulife (International) Limited. Please refer to sections 3.4.2 (Manulife MPF Stable Fund (the “Stable Fund”)) and 7.2.4(b) (Manulife MPF Stable Fund) and sections 3.4.1 (Manulife MPF Interest Fund (the “Interest Fund”)) and 7.2.4(c) (Manulife MPF Interest Fund) of the MPF Scheme Brochure for details of the credit risks, guarantee features and qualifying conditions. The Manulife MPF Retirement Income Fund (the “Retirement Income Fund”) does not guarantee distribution of dividend, the frequency of distribution, and the dividend amount/yield. Dividends may be paid out of the realized capital gains, capital and/or gross income while charging/paying all or part of the fees, charges and expenses to/out of the capital, resulting in an increase in distributable income available for dividend distribution. Payment of dividends out of capital and/or effectively out of capital represent a withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Distribution of dividends will result in an immediate decrease or adjustment in the net asset value per unit of the Retirement Income Fund on the ex-dividend date. Members who are below age 65 should note that the regular and frequent distribution of dividends and reinvestment of such dividends into the Retirement Income Fund will inevitably involve an investment time-lag during which dividends are not reinvested and it is subject to out-of-market risk on a recurring basis (currently, on a monthly basis). With the feature of dividend distribution, the return of the Retirement Income Fund for these Members may be impacted negatively or positively as its net asset value per unit may have gone up or down at the time when dividends are reinvested. Therefore the return of the Retirement Income Fund for these Members may deviate from that of a constituent fund with similar investment portfolio without such arrangement and may not always be advantageous to these Members. Investment involves risks and not each of the constituent funds would be suitable for everyone. You should consider the risks associated with each of the constituent funds and the DIS and your investments/accrued benefits may suffer loss. Before making your investment choices, you should read the MPF Scheme Brochure for details including risk factors, fees and charges of the Scheme. You should not make your investment decision based on this document alone. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investment involves risks. Please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure for details including risk factors, fees and charges of the Scheme. 1 僱員福利 盡在宏利 Employee Benefits Provider of Choice 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 中華威力基金 Code Manulife MPF China Value Fund SHK136 推出日期 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Launch Date Risk ClassΦ Risk / Return Meter 4 01-02-2006 6 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 29.905 基金開支比率 † Fund Expense Ratio† 2.00%§ Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 17.83% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 基金類型 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 28,813.6 Risk Indicator1 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 股票基金-大中華 Equity Fund – Greater China 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供中至長期資本收益增長 • 分散投資於主要為任何證券交易所上市( 須遵照《強 制性公積金計劃( 一般) 規例》(「規例」) 的規限) 及 於大中華經濟地區( 包括中華人民共和國、香港及台 灣) 有價值或增長取向的各類行業公司股份 • To provide medium to long term capital growth • Invests on a diversified basis mainly in shares of companies covering different sectors of the economy in the Greater China region, including People's Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and which are listed on any stock exchange subject to the restrictions in the MPF Schemes (General) Regulation (“Regulation“) and which have a value or growth proposition Securities 證券 Holdings 持有量(%) 1. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. 台灣積體電路製造股份 9.74% 2. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 9.10% 3. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 5.28% 4. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 3.91% 5. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. (ADR) 阿里巴巴集團 (ADR) 3.13% 6. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 3.11% 7. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd.香港交易及結算所 2.56% 8. China Construction Bank Corp. 中國建設銀行 2.11% 9. Ping An Insurance 中國平安保險 2.09% 10. MediaTek Inc 聯發科技 2.02% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 7.24 6.94 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 19.15 17.75 55.22 12.03 13.86 27.16 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 49.25 199.05 5.60 9.19 4.09 7.75 -3.30 -2.60 38.17 -14.45 19.94 40.85 62.67 8.60 9.54 6.66 6.33 -6.87 3.40 17.05 -12.25 推出至今 Since Launch 編號 宏利 MPF 康健護理基金 Code Manulife MPF Healthcare Fund SHK137 推出日期 Launch Date 02-04-2008 推出至今 2017 2018 2019 9.75 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 5 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 14.21% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 股票基金-康健護理行業 Equity Fund – Healthcare Sector 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 基金類型 23.624 Fund Expense Ratio† 風險指標 1 29,526.8 Risk Indicator1 1.93% Fund Descriptor 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資目標 Investment Objective • 提供長期資本收益增長 • 分散投資於康健護理或相關行業的公司的股票相關 投資及股份,包括主要在藥劑、康健護理設備及服 務、食物及藥物零售、護理管理業務和生物科技 • To provide long term capital growth • Invests on a diversified basis mainly in shares of companies in health care and related industries, covering mainly in pharmaceutical, healthcare equipment & services, food & drug retails, managed care business and biotechnology sectors Securities 證券 Holdings 持有量(%) 1. AstraZeneca PLC 6.26% 2. Roche Holding AG 6.15% 3. Abbott Laboratories 6.12% 4. Eli Lilly and Co. 5.87% 5. UnitedHealth Group Inc. 5.61% 6. Johnson & Johnson 4.97% 7. Sanofi SA 3.87% 8. Merck & Co., Inc 3.49% 9. Gilead Sciences, Inc. 3.45% 10. Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 3.44% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 2.04 0.88 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 2 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 11.40 16.16 4.81 10.73 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 十年 10 Years 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 29.57 150.49 136.24 5.12 5.32 9.62 7.12 2.05 -7.31 14.47 -1.70 17.04 17.08 6.72 6.24 7.60 8.36 -1.78 -3.25 5.49 -2.97 9.42 推出至今 Since Launch 47.95 72.82 推出至今 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 進取基金 Code Manulife MPF Aggressive Fund SHK124 推出日期 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Launch Date 01-12-2000 Risk ClassΦ 6 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 21.275 Fund Expense Ratio† 風險指標 1 混合資產基金-環球-資產主要投資於股票及與股票有關 的投資 Mixed Assets Fund - Global - Mainly in equities and equity-related investments 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 1.80% Fund Descriptor 基金類型 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 24,606.6 Risk Indicator1 15.17% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供長期的資本增長 • 主要投資於股票及與股票有關的投資 • 投資於任何地區,例如美洲、亞太地區、日本、歐洲 等,並於此等地區略為側重香港及亞太地區市場 • To provide long term capital growth • Mainly invests in equities and equity-related investments • Invests in any region such as America, Pacific Asia, Japan, Europe, etc, with a relative bias towards Hong Kong and Pacific Asia region markets Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 2.67% 2. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 2.01% 3. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 1.76% 4. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 1.49% 5. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. 台灣積體電路製造股份 1.46% 6. Amazon.com, Inc. 1.44% 7. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. 香港交易及結算所 1.21% 8. ASML Holding 1.17% 9. DSV Panalpina A/S 1.14% 10. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 1.10% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 7.09 2.86 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 11.77 11.69 41.70 8.78 9.22 18.44 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 63.73 112.75 3.75 7.22 5.05 3.88 -1.58 0.32 27.98 -13.48 18.31 33.45 72.45 5.80 6.70 5.63 5.19 -3.77 2.94 13.27 -12.04 Since Launch 編號 宏利 MPF 富達增長基金 Code Manulife MPF Fidelity Growth Fund SHK134 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 推出日期 風險指標 1 8,743.3 Risk Indicator1 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 14.25% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 2018 2019 8.62 風險級別 Φ Risk ClassΦ 5 混合資產基金-環球-約 90% 資產投資於股票 Mixed Assets Fund – Global – Approximately 90% in equities 宏利投資管理( 香港) 有限公司投資於由富達基金( 香港) 有 限公司管理之基金 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited invests in the fund managed by FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 1.78% Fund Descriptor 投資目標 Investment Objective 2017 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 01-09-2003 基金類型 30.676 Fund Expense Ratio† 推出至今 Launch Date 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 推出至今 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供長期的資本收益增長 • 以聯接基金形式投資於核准基金(“核准匯集投資基 金”) ,該核准基金約 90% 資產將投資於全球股票,並 側重投資於香港 • 投資於香港、美洲、歐洲、日本及亞太區等市場 • To provide long term capital growth • Invests as a feeder fund into the respective APIF (“Approved Pooled Investment Fund”) and approximately 90% of the APIF will be invested in global equities with a bias towards Hong Kong • Invests in the markets in Hong Kong, America, Europe, Japan and the Asia Pacific region Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 3.90% 2. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 3.23% 3. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 1.98% 4. Ping An Insurance 中國平安保險 1.49% 5. ICBC 中國工商銀行 1.27% 6. Microsoft Corp. 1.27% 7. Amazon.com, Inc. 1.16% 8. Apple Inc. 1.03% 9. Nestle S.A. 0.96% 10. China Mobile Ltd. 中國移動 0.93% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 5.89 0.30 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 3 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 8.20 11.31 40.32 6.59 7.58 16.86 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 62.76 206.76 3.64 7.01 4.99 6.78 -2.36 0.20 27.72 -12.68 19.59 31.97 64.50 4.80 6.17 5.41 5.54 -4.67 1.95 13.39 -11.37 推出至今 Since Launch 推出至今 2017 2018 2019 8.75 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 亞太股票基金 Code Manulife MPF Pacific Asia Equity Fund SHK128 推出日期 Launch Date 01-12-2000 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 6 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 基金類型 26.470 Fund Expense Ratio† 風險指標 1 9,090.8 Risk Indicator1 1.85% Fund Descriptor 17.19% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 股票基金-亞太 Equity Fund – Pacific Asia 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供中至長期資本收益增長 • 投資於任何證券交易所上市的亞太市場(不包括日 本)各類行業公司股份 • To provide medium to long term capital growth • Invests in shares of companies covering different sectors of the Asia Pacific markets, excluding Japan and which are listed on any stock exchange Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 證券 1. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. 台灣積體電路製造股份 6.84% 2. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 5.67% 3. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 2.85% 4. BHP Billiton Ltd. 2.18% 5. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 2.14% 6. CSL Limited 2.10% 7. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 2.04% 8. Commonwealth Bank of Australia 1.98% 9. Infosys Ltd. 1.63% 10. Reliance Industries Ltd. 1.62% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 8.32 1.86 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 9.95 9.90 50.94 9.25 7.61 18.42 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 39.85 164.70 3.20 8.58 3.41 5.03 -7.74 4.53 35.48 -13.25 15.03 28.40 78.26 4.81 6.69 4.89 5.49 -6.61 2.99 15.78 -11.17 推出至今 Since Launch 編號 宏利 MPF 日本股票基金 Code Manulife MPF Japan Equity Fund SHK131 推出日期 Launch Date 01-12-2000 推出至今 2017 2018 2019 7.73 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 6 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 12.836 Fund Expense Ratio† 風險指標 1 1.80% Fund Descriptor 基金類型 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 1,801.2 Risk Indicator1 16.26% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 股票基金-日本 Equity Fund – Japan 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供中至長期資本收益增長 • 投資於任何證券交易所上市的日本經濟各類行業公 司股份 • To provide medium to long term capital growth • Invests in shares of companies covering different sectors of the economy in Japan and which are listed on any stock exchange Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 證券 1. HOYA Corp. 5.40% 2. KDDI Corp. 4.02% 3. SoftBank Group Corp. 3.73% 4. Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd. 3.38% 5. Mitsui Fudosan Co. Ltd. 3.37% 6. Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. 3.18% 7. Toyota Motor Corp. 3.08% 8. ZOZO, Inc. 2.83% 9. Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd. 2.75% 2.74% 10. Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 5.80 -5.56 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 4 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 2.75 1.45 32.69 4.43 2.01 8.99 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 80.71 28.36 0.48 5.82 6.10 1.27 12.80 4.01 22.88 -17.39 20.91 34.38 42.12 1.30 3.40 5.76 3.40 2.91 8.60 13.02 -15.18 11.05 推出至今 Since Launch 推出至今 2017 2018 2019 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 香港股票基金 推出日期 Code Manulife MPF Hong Kong Equity Fund SHK126 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Launch Date 01-12-2000 Risk ClassΦ 6 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 風險指標 1 12,689.5 Risk Indicator1 股票基金-香港 Equity Fund – Hong Kong 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 基金類型 25.105 Fund Expense Ratio† 1.81% Fund Descriptor 18.15% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供中至長期資本收益增長 • 投資於主要為香港聯合交易所上市公司或任何證券 交易所上市的香港經濟各類行業公司股份 • To provide medium to long term capital growth • Mainly invests in shares of companies listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange or companies covering different sectors of the economy in Hong Kong and which are listed on any stock exchange Securities 證券 Holdings 持有量(%) 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 9.20% 2. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 6.83% 3. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 6.26% 4. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 5.64% 5. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. 香港交易及結算所 4.11% 6. China Construction Bank Corp. 中國建設銀行 3.17% 7. China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. 招商銀行 3.17% 8. Ping An Insurance 中國平安保險 2.93% 9. BYD Company Ltd. 比亞迪股份有限公司 1.68% 10. HSBC Holdings PLC. 滙豐控股 1.64% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 4.79 3.56 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 13.61 6.24 48.51 8.79 6.25 18.45 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 47.17 151.05 2.04 8.23 3.94 4.75 -7.28 -1.06 46.05 -17.98 14.40 32.50 83.54 3.98 6.71 5.49 5.75 -8.69 2.12 22.43 -13.86 Since Launch 編號 宏利 MPF 2045 退休基金 Launch Date SHK144 21-02-2011 基金資料 Fund Details 基金開支比率 † 15.527 Fund Expense Ratio† 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 風險指標 1 1,013.8 Risk Indicator1 1.06% Fund Descriptor 基金類型 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 15.21% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 投資目標 Investment Objective 推出至今 推出日期 Code Manulife MPF 2045 Retirement Fund 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 推出至今 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 • 提供長期資本收益增長,並於臨近正常退休年齡時,降低虧 損之風險 • 為預期於二零四五年左右達至正常退休年齡的成員而設 • 在推出時所投資的目標組合,約有 80% 至 100% 會間接投資 於股票及與股票有關的投資,其餘資產則間接投資於債券、 定期存款及規例准許的其他投資 • 投資於美洲、亞太區、日本及歐洲等地區 • To provide long term capital growth while lowering the risk of loss as members approach their normal retirement age • Designed for members expecting to attain their normal retirement age around 2045 • At launch, around 80%-100% of the underlying portfolio is invested indirectly in equities and equity-related investments, with the remainder of the assets in bonds, deposits and other investments as permitted under the Regulation • Invests in regions such as America, Pacific Asia, Japan and Europe, etc. 2017 2018 2019 6.13 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 6 混合資產基金-環球-最多 100% 資產投資於股票 Mixed Assets Fund – Global – max.100% in equities 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 2.65% 2. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 1.99% 3. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 1.78% 4. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 1.51% 5. Amazon.com, Inc. 1.45% 6. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. 台灣積體電路製造股份 1.45% 7. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. 香港交易及結算所 1.20% 8. ASML Holding 1.20% 9. DSV Panalpina A/S 1.17% 10. SAP SE 1.11% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 Fund Performance 2 7.35 5 3.51 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 5 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 12.82 13.78 44.00 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 55.27 N/A▲ 20.18 不適用▲ N/A▲ 9.32 10.53 34.69 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 4.40 6.61 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 2015 2016 7.56 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 4.69 N/A▲ -1.29 0.08 27.94 -13.12 19.25 7.28 不適用▲ N/A▲ -3.54 2.91 13.27 -11.79 6.01 2017 2018 2019 9.16 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 2040 退休基金 推出日期 Code Manulife MPF 2040 Retirement Fund Launch Date SHK143 21-02-2011 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金開支比率 † 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 風險指標 1 1.09% Fund Descriptor 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 578.4 Risk Indicator1 15.13% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 Risk ClassΦ 6 混合資產基金-環球-最多 100% 資產投資於股票 Mixed Assets Fund – Global – max.100% in equities 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 基金類型 15.437 Fund Expense Ratio† 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供長期資本收益增長,並於臨近正常退休年齡時,降低虧 損之風險 • 為預期於二零四零年左右達至正常退休年齡的成員而設 • 在推出時所投資的目標組合,約有 80% 至 100% 會間接投資 於股票及與股票有關的投資,其餘資產則間接投資於債券、 定期存款及規例准許的其他投資 • 投資於美洲、亞太區、日本及歐洲等地區 • To provide long term capital growth while lowering the risk of loss as members approach their normal retirement age • Designed for members expecting to attain their normal retirement age around 2040 • At launch, around 80%-100% of the underlying portfolio is invested indirectly in equities and equity-related investments, with the remainder of the assets in bonds, deposits and other investments as permitted under the Regulation • Invests in regions such as America, Pacific Asia, Japan and Europe, etc. Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 2.63% 2. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 1.97% 3. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 1.77% 4. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 1.50% 5. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. 台灣積體電路製造股份 1.43% 6. Amazon.com, Inc. 1.37% 7. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. 香港交易及結算所 1.19% 8. ASML Holding 1.19% 9. DSV Panalpina A/S 1.16% 10. SAP SE 1.10% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 Fund Performance 2 7.25 3.54 5 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 12.81 13.62 43.49 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 54.37 N/A▲ 19.99 不適用▲ N/A▲ 9.27 10.47 34.30 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 4.35 6.57 2015 2016 7.49 -1.30 0.04 27.81 -13.29 19.27 7.22 不適用▲ N/A▲ -3.53 2.82 13.23 -11.92 編號 宏利 MPF 2035 退休基金 推出日期 Code Manulife MPF 2035 Retirement Fund Launch Date SHK142 21-02-2011 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 風險指標 1 718.6 Risk Indicator1 1.07% Fund Descriptor 14.78% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 • 提供長期資本收益增長,並於臨近正常退休年齡時,降低虧 損之風險 • 為預期於二零三五年左右達至正常退休年齡的成員而設 • 在推出時所投資的目標組合,約有 80% 至 100% 會間接投資 於股票及與股票有關的投資,其餘資產則間接投資於債券、 定期存款及規例准許的其他投資 • 投資於美洲、亞太區、日本及歐洲等地區 • To provide long term capital growth while lowering the risk of loss as members approach their normal retirement age • Designed for members expecting to attain their normal retirement age around 2035 • At launch, around 80%-100% of the underlying portfolio is invested indirectly in equities and equity-related investments, with the remainder of the assets in bonds, deposits and other investments as permitted under the Regulation • Invests in regions such as America, Pacific Asia, Japan and Europe, etc. 5.95 2017 2018 2019 9.14 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 5 混合資產基金-環球-最多 100% 資產投資於股票 Mixed Assets Fund – Global – max.100% in equities 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 基金類型 15.387 Fund Expense Ratio† 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 4.62 N/A▲ 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 2.54% 2. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 1.90% 3. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 1.70% 4. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 1.45% 5. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. 台灣積體電路製造股份 1.38% 6. Amazon.com, Inc. 1.36% 7. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. 香港交易及結算所 1.15% 8. ASML Holding 1.14% 9. DSV Panalpina A/S 1.11% 10. SAP SE 1.06% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 Fund Performance 2 7.08 3.66 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 6 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 12.54 13.37 42.86 9.07 10.28 19.66 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 53.87 N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 33.88 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 4.27 7.39 6.45 7.11 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 4.59 N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 5.89 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 -1.17 0.04 27.45 -13.12 18.75 -3.46 2.77 13.05 -11.75 8.81 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 2030 退休基金 推出日期 Code Manulife MPF 2030 Retirement Fund Launch Date SHK141 21-02-2011 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金開支比率 † 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 風險指標 1 1.07% Fund Descriptor 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 711.6 Risk Indicator1 13.92% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 Risk ClassΦ 5 混合資產基金-環球-最多 95% 資產投資於股票 Mixed Assets Fund – Global – max. 95% in equities 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 基金類型 15.113 Fund Expense Ratio† 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供長期資本收益增長,並於臨近正常退休年齡時,降低虧 損之風險 • 為預期於二零三零年左右達至正常退休年齡的成員而設 • 在推出時所投資的目標組合,約有 75% 至 95% 會間接投資 於股票及與股票有關的投資,其餘資產則間接投資於債券、 定期存款及規例准許的其他投資 • 投資於美洲、亞太區、日本及歐洲等地區 • To provide long term capital growth while lowering the risk of loss as members approach their normal retirement age • Designed for members expecting to attain their normal retirement age around 2030 • At launch, around 75%-95% of the underlying portfolio is invested indirectly in equities and equity-related investments, with the remainder of the assets in bonds, deposits and other investments as permitted under the Regulation • Invests in regions such as America, Pacific Asia, Japan and Europe, etc. Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 2.30% 2. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 1.71% 3. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 1.58% 4. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 1.34% 5. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. 台灣積體電路製造股份 1.22% 6. Amazon.com, Inc. 1.20% 7. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. 香港交易及結算所 1.04% 8. ASML Holding 1.01% 9. DSV Panalpina A/S 0.98% 0.93% 10. SAP SE . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 Fund Performance 2 6.63 3.73 5 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 11.87 12.71 40.73 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 51.13 N/A▲ 18.64 不適用▲ N/A▲ 8.53 9.71 32.12 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 4.07 6.10 編號 宏利 MPF 2025 退休基金 Code Manulife MPF 2025 Retirement Fund SHK140 2015 2016 7.07 -1.27 -0.08 26.51 -12.61 17.49 6.77 不適用▲ N/A▲ -3.37 2.42 12.62 -11.29 推出日期 Launch Date 21-02-2011 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 風險指標 1 733.0 Risk Indicator1 1.06% Fund Descriptor 11.94% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 5.63 2017 2018 2019 8.12 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 5 混合資產基金-環球-最多 95% 資產投資於股票 Mixed Assets Fund – Global – max. 95% in equities 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 基金類型 14.453 Fund Expense Ratio† 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 4.39 N/A▲ 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供長期資本收益增長,並於臨近正常退休年齡時,降低 虧損之風險 • 為預期於二零二五年左右達至正常退休年齡的成員而設 • 在推出時所投資的目標組合,約有 75% 至 95% 會間接投 資於股票及與股票有關的投資,其餘資產則間接投資於債 券、定期存款及規例准許的其他投資 • 投資於美洲、亞太區、日本及歐洲等地區 • To provide long term capital growth while lowering the risk of loss as members approach their normal retirement age • Designed for members expecting to attain their normal retirement age around 2025 • At launch, around 75%-95% of the underlying portfolio is invested indirectly in equities and equity-related investments, with the remainder of the assets in bonds, deposits and other investments as permitted under the Regulation • Invests in regions such as America, Pacific Asia, Japan and Europe, etc. Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 1.80% 2. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 1.34% 3. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 1.23% 4. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 1.08% 5. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. 台灣積體電路製造股份 1.00% 6. Amazon.com, Inc. 0.90% 7. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. 香港交易及結算所 0.81% 8. ASML Holding 0.78% 9. DSV Panalpina A/S 0.76% 10. SAP SE 0.73% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 Fund Performance 2 5.67 3.42 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 7 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 10.07 10.82 34.80 7.16 8.33 15.96 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 44.53 N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 27.66 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 3.48 6.15 5.26 5.86 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 3.91 N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 4.94 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 -1.18 -0.53 23.56 -11.38 15.05 -3.06 1.57 11.19 -10.09 6.91 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 恒指基金 Code Manulife MPF Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund SHK145 推出日期 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Launch Date 23-04-2012 Risk ClassΦ 6 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金開支比率 † 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 風險指標 1 股票基金-香港 Equity Fund – Hong Kong 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 基金類型 14.044 Fund Expense Ratio† 1.01% Fund Descriptor 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 5,340.6 Risk Indicator1 17.89% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供中期至長期資本收益增長 • 投資於一項核准緊貼指數集體投資計劃,以投資於恒 生指數成份股公司的股份,投資的組合成份及比重與 該等股份佔恒生指數的組合成份及比重大致相同(現 時,是由道富環球投資管理亞洲有限公司管理的盈富 基金) • To provide medium to long term capital growth • Invests in shares of constituent companies of the Hang Seng Index in substantially similar composition and weighting as they appear in the index through an approved index-tracking collective investment scheme (currently, the Tracker Fund of Hong Kong managed by State Street Global Advisors Asia Limited) Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 證券 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 9.95% 2. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 9.89% 3. HSBC Holdings PLC. 滙豐控股 7.02% 4. China Construction Bank Corp. 中國建設銀行 6.19% 5. Ping An Insurance 中國平安保險 5.40% 6. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 5.11% 7. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. 香港交易及結算所 4.96% 8. Xiaomi Corp. 小米集團 3.65% 9. China Mobile Ltd. 中國移動 3.46% 10. ICBC 中國工商銀行 3.38% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 Fund Performance 2 恒生指數 (總回報) ∫∫∫ Hang Seng Index (Total Return) ∫∫∫ 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years -2.63 -14.69 -7.54 -7.92 26.82 -2.62 -14.22 -7.05 5 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 -5.58 -5.52 -10.10 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 40.44 N/A▲ 34.75 不適用▲ 0.07 不適用▲ 56.66 N/A▲ 9.43 N/A▲ 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years -2.71 4.87 -1.90 -6.78 編號 宏利 MPF 增長基金 Code Manulife MPF Growth Fund SHK123 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 4.11 N/A▲ 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 21.101 基金開支比率 † Fund Expense Ratio† 風險指標 1 18,607.9 Risk Indicator1 1.78% 2016 2017 2018 2019 -5.01 2.26 39.20 -11.18 12.08 6.15 5.47 -3.92 4.30 41.29 -10.54 13.04 0.03 不適用▲ 2.09 -7.94 3.60 17.98 N/A▲ N/A▲ 推出日期 01-12-2000 4.50 風險級別 Φ Risk ClassΦ 5 混合資產基金-環球-約 50% 至 90% 資產投資於股票及與 股票有關的投資 Mixed Assets Fund - Global - Around 50% to 90% in equities and equity-related investments 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 基金類型 Fund Descriptor 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 -9.51 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Launch Date 12.22% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 投資目標 Investment Objective 2015 不適用▲ 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供中至長期資本收益增長 • 約 50% 至 90% 投資於股票及與股票有關的投資,其 餘資產則投資於債券、存款及規例准許的其他投資 • 投資於任何地區,例如美洲、亞太地區、日本、歐洲 等 • To provide medium to long term capital growth • Invests around 50% to 90% in equities and equityrelated investments with the remaining assets in bonds, deposits and other investments as permitted under the Regulation • Invests in any region such as America, Pacific Asia, Japan, Europe, etc. Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 2.18% 2. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 1.64% 3. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 1.46% 4. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 1.24% 5. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. 台灣積體電路製造股份 1.16% 6. Amazon.com, Inc. 1.15% 7. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. 香港交易及結算所 0.99% 8. ASML Holding 0.93% 9. DSV Panalpina A/S 0.90% 10. SAP SE 0.86% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 5.87 3.31 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 8 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 10.21 10.33 33.58 7.46 8.24 15.51 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 49.19 111.01 3.33 5.96 4.08 3.84 -1.88 -0.50 23.20 -11.39 14.78 26.40 60.57 5.21 5.70 4.58 4.53 -3.31 1.21 10.99 推出至今 Since Launch 推出至今 2017 2018 -9.97 2019 6.83 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 富達平穩增長基金 Code Manulife MPF Fidelity Stable Growth Fund SHK135 推出日期 Launch Date 01-09-2003 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 1.78% Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 8.29% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 7,473.9 Risk Indicator1 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 Risk ClassΦ 4 混合資產基金-環球-約 50% 資產投資於股票 Mixed Assets Fund - Global - Approximately 50% in equities 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司投資於由富達基金(香 港)有限公司管理之基金 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited invests in the fund managed by FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 基金類型 23.442 Fund Expense Ratio† 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供中至長期資本收益增長 • 以聯接基金形式投資於核准基金,該核准基金約 50% 資產將投資於全球股票,約 45% 資產將投資於環球債 券,其餘之資產則投資於規例准許的現金存款 • 投資於香港、美洲、歐洲、日本及亞太區等市場,並 側重投資於香港 • To provide medium to long term capital growth • Invests as a feeder fund into the respective APIF and approximately 50% of the APIF will be invested in global equities, approximately 45% of the APIF will be invested in global bonds with the remaining assets in cash deposits as permitted under the Regulation • Invests in the markets in Hong Kong, America, Europe, Japan and the Asia Pacific region with a bias towards Hong Kong Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. USTN 0.625% 15/05/2030 4.39% 2. Government of Germany 0% 15/02/2030 3.89% 3. Government of Germany SER 178 0% 13/10/2023 2.54% 4. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 2.24% 5. USTN 2% 15/02/2050 2.19% 6. Government of Germany 0.5% 15/02/2025 1.87% 7. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 1.86% 8. USTN 0.5% 31/03/2025 1.40% 9. Government of Japan 0.1% 10/03/2028 1.37% 10. USTN 2.875% 31/10/2023 1.36% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 4.07 3.29 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 7.45 11.55 29.41 5.37 7.97 14.06 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 42.43 134.42 3.71 5.29 3.60 5.11 -3.07 0.61 17.42 -7.64 12.60 23.09 46.19 5.04 5.20 4.07 4.27 -3.55 -0.26 8.47 -6.50 5.36 推出至今 Since Launch 編號 宏利 MPF 國際股票基金 Code Manulife MPF International Equity Fund SHK127 推出日期 Launch Date 01-12-2000 推出至今 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 6 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 基金類型 18.323 Fund Expense Ratio† 風險指標 1 6,136.2 Risk Indicator1 1.79% Fund Descriptor 17.07% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 股票基金-環球 Equity Fund – Global 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供中至長期資本收益增長 • 投資於全球股票及與股票有關的投資 • 投資於任何地區,例如北美、日本、歐洲、亞太區其 他市場及香港 • To provide medium to long term capital growth • Invests in global equities and equity-related investment • Invests in any region such as North America, Japan, Europe, other Pacific Asia region markets and Hong Kong Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 證券 1. Amazon.com, Inc. 4.61% 2. Facebook Inc. 3.31% 3. Apple Inc. 3.04% 4. Microsoft Corp. 2.44% 5. Alphabet Inc. A 1.59% 6. Alphabet Inc. C 1.30% 7. Visa 1.25% 8. Lennar Corp. 1.25% 9. UnitedHealth Group Inc. 1.23% 1.19% 10. Workday, Inc. . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 8.79 6.39 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 9 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 15.97 21.51 11.67 15.56 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 十年 10 Years 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 55.35 115.77 83.23 6.71 9.21 7.99 3.10 1.70 4.38 21.61 -11.85 23.77 26.37 9.61 9.29 8.12 5.95 -1.01 6.49 10.18 -12.15 10.56 推出至今 Since Launch 52.06 87.64 推出至今 2017 2018 2019 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 北美股票基金 Code Manulife MPF North American Equity Fund SHK130 推出日期 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Launch Date 01-12-2000 Risk ClassΦ 6 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 20.716 Fund Expense Ratio† 風險指標 1 1.78% Fund Descriptor 基金類型 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 10,963.3 Risk Indicator1 20.52% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 股票基金-北美洲 Equity Fund – North America 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供中至長期資本收益增長 • 投資於任何證券交易所上市的北美經濟各類行 業公司股份 • To provide medium to long term capital growth • Invests in shares of companies covering different sectors of the economy in North America and which are listed on any stock exchange Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 證券 1. Amazon.com, Inc. 9.30% 2. Facebook Inc. 6.71% 3. Apple Inc. 6.10% 4. Microsoft Corp. 4.85% 5. Alphabet Inc. A 3.16% 6. Alphabet Inc. C 2.70% 7. Visa 2.56% 8. UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.46% 9. Lennar Corp. 2.43% 2.35% 10. Workday, Inc. . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 9.26 13.13 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 22.92 29.43 70.90 199.02 107.16 15.34 22.26 34.69 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 8.98 11.31 11.58 3.74 4.52 8.07 18.80 -15.05 29.77 76.56 129.86 13.49 11.86 10.95 7.74 1.93 9.72 8.87 推出至今 Since Launch 編號 宏利 MPF 歐洲股票基金 Code Manulife MPF European Equity Fund SHK129 推出至今 推出日期 2017 2018 -15.20 10.50 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Launch Date 01-12-2000 2019 Risk ClassΦ 6 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 基金類型 13.439 Fund Expense Ratio† 風險指標 1 3,097.9 Risk Indicator1 投資目標 Investment Objective 1.81% Fund Descriptor 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 15.61% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 股票基金-歐洲 Equity Fund – Europe 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供中至長期資本收益增長 • 投資於任何證券交易所上市的歐洲經濟各類行 業公司股份 • To provide medium to long term capital growth • Invests in shares of companies covering different sectors of the economy in Europe and which are listed on any stock exchange Securities 證券 Holdings 持有量(%) 1. ASML Holding 6.36% 2. DSV Panalpina A/S 6.20% 3. SAP SE 5.90% 4. Infineon Technologies 5.04% 5. Sika AG 4.94% 6. Novo Nordisk 4.90% 7. Zalando SE 3.97% 8. Hexagon AB 3.51% 9. adidas AG 3.45% 10. Atlas Copco 3.20% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 9.46 10.20 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 10 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 23.19 22.47 44.93 15.18 22.10 29.48 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 76.02 34.39 6.99 7.70 5.82 1.50 -0.42 1.91 16.33 -15.43 29.55 43.05 63.15 13.39 10.27 6.96 4.68 -5.24 4.96 7.15 推出至今 Since Launch 推出至今 2017 2018 2019 -12.81 13.93 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 2020 退休基金 Code Manulife MPF 2020 Retirement Fund SHK139 推出日期 Launch Date 21-02-2011 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金開支比率 † 1.07% Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 9.70% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 13.625 Fund Expense Ratio† 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 Risk ClassΦ 4 混合資產基金-環球-最多 85% 資產投資於股票 Mixed Assets Fund – Global – max. 85% in equities 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 基金類型 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 560.8 Risk Indicator1 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供長期資本收益增長,並於臨近正常退休年齡時,降低虧 損之風險 • 為預期於二零二零年左右達至正常退休年齡的成員而設 • 在推出時所投資的目標組合,約有 65% 至 85% 會間接投資 於股票及與股票有關的投資,其餘資產則間接投資於債券、 定期存款及規例准許的其他投資 • 投資於美洲、亞太區、日本及歐洲等地區 • To provide long term capital growth while lowering the risk of loss as members approach their normal retirement age • Designed for members expecting to attain their normal retirement age around 2020 • At launch, around 65%-85% of the underlying portfolio is invested indirectly in equities and equity-related investments, with the remainder of the assets in bonds, deposits and other investments as permitted under the Regulation • Invests in regions such as America, Pacific Asia, Japan and Europe, etc. Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 1.55% 2. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 1.15% 3. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 1.07% 4. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. 台灣積體電路製造股份 0.91% 5. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 0.90% 6. US Treasury 2.375% 15/08/2024 0.79% 7. Amazon.com, Inc. 0.78% 8. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. 香港交易及結算所 0.70% 9. ASML Holding 0.66% 0.65% 10. DSV Panalpina A/S . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 Fund Performance 2 4.97 3.83 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 9.02 10.68 6.35 8.01 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 28.96 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 36.25 N/A▲ 3.44 14.15 不適用▲ N/A▲ 5.06 23.15 編號 宏利 MPF 智優裕退休基金 Code Manulife MPF Smart Retirement Fund SHK138 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 5.22 -1.22 -1.10 19.02 -8.84 12.34 5.23 不適用▲ N/A▲ -2.50 0.16 9.07 -7.82 5.60 推出日期 Launch Date 21-02-2011 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金開支比率 † 1.08% Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 9.38% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 13.061 Fund Expense Ratio† 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 524.9 Risk Indicator1 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 4.22 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 4 混合資產基金-環球-最多 65% 資產投資於股票 Mixed Assets Fund – Global – max. 65% in equities 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 基金類型 投資目標 Investment Objective 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 3.27 N/A▲ 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供中期至長期資本收益增長 • 分散投資基金旗下投資組合約有 40% 至 60% 會間接投資 於股票及與股票有關的投資,其餘資產則間接投資於債 券、定期存款及規例准許的其他投資 • 投資於美洲、亞太區、日本及歐洲等地區 • To provide medium to long term capital growth • Invests on a diversified basis that around 40% to 60% of the underlying portfolio will be indirectly invested in equities and equity-related investments, with the remainder of the assets being indirectly invested in bonds, deposits and other investments as permitted under the Regulation • Invests in regions such as America, Pacific Asia, Japan and Europe, etc. Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 1.56% 2. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 1.16% 3. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 1.08% 4. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 阿里巴巴集團 0.91% 5. US Treasury 2.375% 15/08/2024 0.91% 6. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. 台灣積體電路製造股份 0.91% 7. Amazon.com, Inc. 0.76% 8. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. 香港交易及結算所 0.71% 9. ASML Holding 0.66% 0.66% 10. US Treasury 2.125% 30/11/2023 . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 Fund Performance 2 4.88 5 3.67 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 11 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 8.89 10.08 27.04 6.27 7.98 13.57 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 30.61 N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 20.17 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 3.25 4.90 5.04 5.03 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 2.82 N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 3.73 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 -2.04 -1.33 18.43 -9.04 12.36 -2.48 -0.45 8.75 -7.51 5.67 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 核心累積基金 Manulife MPF Core Accumulation Fund SHK148 / DIS148 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 0.76% Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 9.65% 資經理 Investment Manager of the 基金類型 基金旗下投資項目的投 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 9,615.4 Risk Indicator1 Underlying Investment 投資目標 Investment Objective Launch Date 01-04-2017 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 4 混合資產基金 – 環球 – 約 60%的資產淨值投資於較高風險資產及約 40%的資產 淨值投資於較低風險資產 Mixed Assets Fund – Global – around 60% in higher risk assets and 40% in lower risk assets 基金開支比率 † 12.501 Fund Expense Ratio† 推出日期 Code 宏利投資管理( 香港) 有限公司投資於由領航投資香港有限公司管理之基金 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited invests in the fund managed by Vanguard Investments Hong Kong Limited 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 透過環球分散投資方式提供資本增值 • 依據《強制性公積金計劃條例》強制設立的 • 以聯接基金形式投資於核准基金,採取被動式投資 策略及核准基金約 60%淨資產將投資於較高風險資 產,其餘之資產則投資於較低風險資產 • To provide capital growth by investing in a globally diversified manner • Mandated by the MPF Schemes Ordinance • Invests as a feeder fund into the respective APIF which adopts a passive investment strategy and approximately 60% of the APIF will be invested in higher risk assets with the remaining assets in lower risk assets Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Apple Inc. 2.27% 2. Microsoft Corp. 1.92% 3. Amazon.com, Inc. 1.63% 4. Facebook Inc. 0.76% 5. US Treasury1.375% 15/02/2023 0.65% 6. Alphabet Inc. C 0.55% 7. Alphabet Inc. A 0.52% 8. Johnson & Johnson 0.47% 9. Tencent Holdings Ltd.騰訊控股 0.45% 10. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd.台灣積體電路製造股份 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 2 4.87 3.25 7.59 18.15 7 4.89 3.32 7.63 17.97 5.90 11.09 基金表現 Fund Performance 2 參考組合 Reference Portfolio7 5 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 五年 5 Years 不適用▲ N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 25.01 N/A▲ 不適用▲ 25.01 N/A▲ 不適用▲ 12.63 N/A▲ 三年 3 Years 5.72 5.66 6.94 編號 宏利 MPF 退休收益基金 Code Manulife MPF Retirement Income Fund SHK150 五年 5 Years 不適用▲ N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 6.59 N/A▲ 不適用▲ 6.59 N/A▲ 不適用▲ 6.73 N/A▲ 推出日期 Launch Date 21-09-2020 0.44% 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 2015 2016 2017▲▲ 2018 2019 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 9.52 -5.58 17.09 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 9.74 -5.79 17.03 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 5.25 -5.76 7.34 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 不適用 N/A 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 不適用 基金類型 N/A Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 Risk Indicator1 不適用 資經理 N/A Investment Manager of the 9.998 Fund Expense Ratio† 混合資產基金-環球-約 20% 至 60% 資產投資於股票及與股票有關的投資 Mixed Assets Fund - Global - Around 20% to 60% in equities and equity-related investments 基金旗下投資項目的投 89.7 Underlying Investment 投資目標 Investment Objective 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 • 旨在為放眼於較長線的投資,又願意承擔投資價值出 現波動的風險以達至長期回報的成員,透過分發派息 的方式提供定期及穩定收益,其次要目標則是提供長 期資本收益增長。 • To provide regular and stable income by way of distribution of dividend, with the secondary objective of generating long-term capital growth, for Members who hold a longer term investment view and who are prepared to accept fluctuations in the value of their investments in order to achieve long-term returns. 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd.台灣積體電路製造股份 1.30% 2. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 1.13% 3. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 1.07% 4. Amazon.com, Inc. 0.98% 5. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.阿里巴巴集團 0.91% 6. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 0.82% 7. Facebook Inc. 0.77% 8. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 0.68% 9. HKCG (Finance) Ltd. 1.98% 08/10/2030 0.67% 10. Microsoft Corp. 派息紀錄 ᴪ Distribution Historyᴪ 0.62% 截至日期 For the Period 不適用 N/A 除息日 Ex-Dividend Date 不適用 N/A 每單位派息 Distribution Unit 不適用 N/A 從可分派收入淨額支付 From Net Distribution Income (%) 不適用 N/A 從資本中支付 From Capital (%) 不適用 N/A 年度化派息率 Annualized Yield (%) 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 三年 五年 十年 三年 五年 十年 推出至今 推出至今 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Launch 基金表現 2 不適用* 不適用* 不適用▲ 不適用▲ 不適用▲ 不適用▲ 不適用* 不適用▲ 不適用▲ 不適用▲ 不適用* Fund Performance 2 N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A▲ N/A▲ N/A▲ N/A▲ N/A▲ N/A▲ N/A▲ 不適用▲ 不適用▲ 不適用▲ 不適用▲ 不適用* 不適用▲ 不適用▲ 不適用▲ 不適用* 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 N/A* N/A* N/A▲ N/A▲ N/A▲ N/A▲ N/A▲ N/A▲ N/A▲ 12 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 穩健基金 Code Manulife MPF Stable Fund SHK122 推出日期 Launch Date 01-12-2000 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 4 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 1.77% Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 5.20% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 16.438 Fund Expense Ratio† 基金類型 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 15,272.5 Risk Indicator1 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供較為穩定的中期至長期增長,此外,若發生某些預定事 件,可收取保證利息 ** • 為希望有長遠收益,同時又願意承擔投資價值出現輕微波動風 險的成員,提供穩健的投資 • 最多 40% 投資於股票及與股票有關的投資,其餘資產則投資於 債券、存款及規例准許的其他投資 • 投資於任何地區,例如美洲、亞太地區、日本、歐洲等,並於 此等地區略為側重香港 • To provide relatively stable medium to long term growth and with an interest guarantee** upon the occurrence of certain predetermined events • A conservative investment for members who are prepared to accept modest fluctuations in the value of their investment in order to achieve long term returns • Invests up to 40% in equities and equity-related investments, with the remaining assets in bonds, deposits and other investments as permitted under the Regulation • Invests in any region such as America, Pacific Asia, Japan, Europe, etc, with a relative bias towards Hong Kong 基金表現 2 2.90 4.01 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Tencent Holdings Ltd. 騰訊控股 1.36% 2. HKCG (Finance) Ltd. 1.98% 08/10/2030 1.17% 3. AIA Group Ltd. 友邦保險 1.02% 4. Airport Authority Hong Kong 1.95% 16/06/2027 0.97% 5. Hong Kong Government Bond 3.32% 25/02/2026 0.96% 6. Bank of Communications (HK) Ltd. 2.85% 21/03/2024 0.96% 7. Meituan-Dianping 美團點評 0.92% 8. Hong Kong Government Bond 2.02% 07/03/2034 0.87% 9. State Grid Overseas Development Ltd. 2.7% 17/04/2024 0.85% 10. AIA Group Ltd. 3.68% 16/01/2031 0.82% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 保證基金-利息保證** Guaranteed Fund – Interest Guarantee** 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 6.14 8.46 18.88 4.15 6.76 10.30 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 25.66 64.38 2.74 3.52 2.31 2.54 -0.08 -1.11 11.49 -5.59 8.20 15.82 33.58 4.29 3.87 2.89 2.82 -1.58 -1.09 5.16 -3.77 3.09 推出至今 Since Launch 編號 宏利 MPF 國際債券基金 Code Manulife MPF International Bond Fund SHK133 推出日期 Launch Date 01-12-2000 推出至今 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 3 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 1.18% Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 3.43% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 17.832 Fund Expense Ratio† 5,905.3 Risk Indicator1 基金類型 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 債券基金-環球 Bond Fund – Global 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 為欲取得穩定投資回報的成員提供較有優勢的整體回報 比率 • 主要投資於由任何政府、中央銀行或多邊國際機構發行 的准許存款及債務證券 • 投資於任何地區,例如北美、歐洲、英國及亞洲等地區 • To provide competitive overall rates of return for members who want to have a stable return • Invests mainly in Permitted Deposits, Debt Securities issued by any government, central bank or multilateral international agency • Invests in any region such as North America, Europe, United Kingdom and Asia Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Government of The USA 2.375% 15/08/2024 4.07% 2. Government of The USA 2.125% 30/11/2023 2.93% 3. Government of The USA 2.5% 15/02/2045 2.48% 4. Government of Japan 1.8% 20/09/2030 2.29% 5. Government of The USA 2.5% 31/01/2025 2.07% 6. Government of The USA 3.0% 15/02/2049 2.03% 7. Government of The USA 1.75% 30/11/2021 1.84% 8. Government of The USA 1.375% 31/10/2020 1.36% 9. Government of Spain 4.4% 31/10/2023 1.36% 10. Government of Spain 1.4% 30/04/2028 1.21% . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 2.05 5.02 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 13 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 4.73 6.21 10.82 13.29 78.32 2.03 2.08 3.39 5.86 6.80 8.00 3.73 2.60 推出至今 Since Launch 26.71 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) Since Launch 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 1.26 2.96 -2.63 0.43 4.60 -2.31 3.40 1.52 2.32 -1.41 -3.22 1.80 -0.97 1.14 推出至今 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 香港債券基金 Code Manulife MPF Hong Kong Bond Fund SHK132 推出日期 Launch Date 01-12-2000 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 3 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 1.18% Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 3.01% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 基金類型 15.506 Fund Expense Ratio† 3,624.6 Risk Indicator1 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 債券基金-香港 Bond Fund – Hong Kong 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 為放眼於保守投資的成員提供較有優勢的整體回報 比率 • 主要投資於由香港政府或其他政府、中央銀行或多 邊國際機構發行以港元為單位的准許存款及債務證 券( 一系列到期時間的投資組合) • To provide a competitive overall rate of return for members who hold a conservative investment view • Invests mainly in Hong Kong dollar denominated Permitted Deposits and Debt Securities (in a portfolio with a range of maturity periods) issued by the government of Hong Kong or any government, central bank or multilateral international agency Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. HKCG (Finance) Ltd. 1.98% 08/10/2030 1.84% 2. Airport Authority Hong Kong 1.95% 16/06/2027 1.52% 3. Hong Kong Government Bond 3.32% 25/02/2026 1.51% 4. Bank of Communications (HK) Ltd. 2.85% 21/03/2024 1.51% 5. Hong Kong Government Bond 2.02% 07/03/2034 1.37% 6. State Grid Overseas Development Ltd. 2.7% 17/04/2024 1.33% 7. AIA Group Ltd. 3.68% 16/01/2031 1.29% 8. Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd 3.35% 13/03/2028 1.27% 9. Hong Kong Government Bond 1.97% 17/01/2029 1.24% 1.20% 10. Ascendas REIT 3.57% 20/03/2029 . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 1.43 6.18 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 4.99 11.32 14.44 3.10 8.32 10.15 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 20.74 55.06 3.64 2.73 1.90 2.24 1.62 -0.44 3.25 0.68 4.43 14.33 26.41 5.25 3.82 2.64 2.30 0.13 -2.32 0.74 2.00 0.94 推出至今 Since Launch 編號 宏利 MPF 亞太債券基金 Code Manulife MPF Pacific Asia Bond Fund SHK146 推出日期 Launch Date 23-04-2012 推出至今 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 4 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 1.26% Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 5.03% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 11.907 Fund Expense Ratio† 基金類型 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 1,645.7 Risk Indicator1 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 債券基金-亞太 Bond Fund – Pacific Asia 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 為放眼於較長線的投資,並欲透過收益及資本增值取 得投資回報的成員提供較有優勢的整體回報比率 • 分散投 資於 主要 由任 何政 府、中 央銀 行、 超國 家機 構、多邊國際機構,或企業於亞太區發行的債務證券 • To provide competitive overall rate of returns for members who hold a longer term investment view and want to seek returns through income and capital appreciation • Invests on diversified basis mainly in Debt Securities issued by any government, central bank, supranationals, multilateral international agency and corporate issuers in the Asia Pacific region Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Government of Australia 2.5% 21/05/2030 3.82% 2. Government of Australia 2.75% 21/11/2029 2.25% 3. Government of Indonesia 6.625% 15/05/2033 2.24% 4. Government of The USA 2.0% 15/02/2050 2.19% 5. Government of South Korea 5.5% 10/12/2029 2.16% 6. Government of South Korea 4.75% 10/12/2030 2.09% 7. Government of Indonesia 8.25% 15/05/2036 1.97% 8. Government of South Korea 3.75% 10/06/2022 1.76% 9. Government of Malaysia 4.048% 30/09/2021 1.66% 1.52% 10. Government of Indonesia 8.375% 15/09/2026 . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 Fund Performance 2 2.51 5.22 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 14 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 6.84 10.23 4.74 8.49 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 20.90 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 19.07 N/A▲ 3.30 10.78 不適用▲ N/A▲ 5.36 12.94 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 3.87 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 2.09 N/A▲ -3.18 1.39 7.46 -2.76 6.44 4.04 不適用▲ N/A▲ -1.44 -2.49 2.86 -0.29 2.70 2.82 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 人民幣債券基金 Code Manulife MPF RMB Bond Fund SHK147 推出日期 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Launch Date 16-12-2013 Risk ClassΦ 3 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 基金開支比率 † 1.21% Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 3.48% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 11.036 Fund Expense Ratio† 基金類型 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 1,612.7 Risk Indicator1 投資目標 Investment Objective 債券基金-中國 Bond Fund – China 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 • 為放眼於較長線的投資,並欲透過資本增值及賺取收入取得投資回報的 成員提供較有優勢的整體回報比率 • 旗下投資項目將分散投資(在發債人及發債人之地域分配方面),最少 70%之資產淨值將投資於在中國內地境外由任何政府、中央銀行、超國 家機構、多邊國際機構,或企業發行、買賣或分配的人民幣計價債務證 券 • 宏利 MPF 人民幣債券基金亦可透過旗下附屬核准基金投資於規例准許的 其他人民幣或非人民幣計價投資,包括貨幣市場工具、存款證明書、現 金及存款,及非人民幣計價債務證券,最高可達資產淨值的 30% • To provide competitive overall rate of returns for members who hold a longer term investment view and want to seek returns through capital appreciation and income generation • Invests on diversified basis (in terms of issuers and geographical distribution of such issuers) with at least 70% of the net asset value invested in Renminbi (“RMB”) denominated Debt Securities which are issued, traded or distributed by any government, central bank, supranationals, multilateral international agencies and corporate issuers outside Mainland China • The Manulife MPF RMB Bond Fund may also, through the underlying APIF, invest up to 30% of its net asset value in other RMB or non-RMB denominated investments including money market instruments, certificates of deposits, cash and deposits, and non-RMB denominated Debt Securities, as permitted under the Regulation 基金表現 2 Fund Performance 2 2.90 4.16 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 5.24 9.19 12.58 3.33 5.59 8.30 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 11.773 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 2.97 不適用▲ N/A▲ 3.56 8.85 編號 Agricultural Development Bank of China 3.4% 06/11/2024 4.61% 3. Export-import Bank of China 4.4% 14/05/2024 3.66% 4. ICBC (Singapore) 3.3% 25/04/2022 3.15% 5. Export-import Bank of China 4.15% 18/06/2027 3.08% 6. Wharf REIC Finance (BVI) Ltd. 3.7% 16/07/2025 2.96% 7. Far East Horizon Ltd. 4.9% 27/02/2021 2.83% 8. Charter Style International Ltd. 5.8% 15/09/2024 2.81% 9. Hyundai Capital Services Inc. 3.55% 21/09/2023 2.61% 2.60% 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2.40 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 1.46 N/A▲ -3.30 -1.29 6.68 0.28 3.52 3.14 不適用▲ N/A▲ -2.78 -2.78 3.49 -0.21 0.55 推出日期 SHK149 / DIS149 Launch Date 01-04-2017 基金開支比率 † Fund Expense Ratio† 0.78% 風險指標 1 3.52% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 基金類型 Fund Descriptor 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資目標 Investment Objective 4.92% 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 10.36 N/A▲ Code 3,230.4 Risk Indicator1 China Development Bank 4.2% 19/01/2027 2. . 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 1. 10. First Abu Dhabi Bank 3.4% 18/08/2025 宏利 MPF 65 歲後基金 Manulife MPF Age 65 Plus Fund Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 2.45 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 3 混合資產基金 – 環球 – 約 20%的資產淨值投資於較高風險 資產及約 80%的資產淨值投資於較低風險資產 Mixed Assets Fund – Global – around 20% in higher risk assets and 80% in lower risk assets 宏利投資管理( 香港) 有限公司投資於由領航投資香港有限 公司管理之基金 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited invests in the fund managed by Vanguard Investments Hong Kong Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 透過環球分散投資方式提供平穩增值 • 依據《強制性公積金計劃條例》強制設立的 • 以聯接基金形式投資於核准基金,採取被動式投資策 略及 核 准基 金約 20%淨資 產 將投 資於 較 高風 險資 產,其餘之資產則投資於較低風險資產 • To provide stable growth by investing in a globally diversified manner • Mandated by the MPF Schemes Ordinance • Invests as a feeder fund into the respective APIF which adopts a passive investment strategy and approximately 20% of the APIF will be invested in higher risk assets with the remaining assets in lower risk assets Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Apple Inc. 0.76% 2. US Treasury 1.75% 31/12/2026 0.74% 3. Microsoft Corp. 0.64% 4. Bundesobl -177 OBL 0% 14/04/2023 0.54% 5. Amazon.com, Inc. 0.54% 6. Government of Japan 0.1% 01/04/2022 0.48% 7. US Treasury 1.5% 15/02/2030 0.45% 8. Government of Japan 0.1% 20/06/2029 0.44% 9. BTPS 1.75% 01/07/2024 0.42% 0.42% 10. US Treasury 1.375% 15/02/2023 . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 Fund Performance 2 參考組合 7 Reference Portfolio 7 1.97 1.96 5.23 5.31 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 15 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 5.56 15.58 5.53 3.73 15.23 9.92 五年 5 Years 不適用▲ N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 17.73 N/A▲ 不適用▲ 17.85 N/A▲ 不適用▲ 10.87 N/A▲ 三年 3 Years 4.94 4.84 6.23 五年 5 Years 不適用▲ N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 不適用▲ N/A▲ 十年 推出至今 10 Years Since Launch 不適用▲ 4.78 N/A▲ 不適用▲ 4.81 N/A▲ 不適用▲ 5.83 N/A▲ 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) 2015 2016 2017▲▲ 2018 2019 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 3.24 -1.38 9.88 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 3.69 -1.55 9.63 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 1.75 -1.08 3.84 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 編號 宏利 MPF 利息基金 Code Manulife MPF Interest Fund DHK121 推出日期 Launch Date 01-12-2000 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 1 基金資料 Fund Details 利率公布# Interest Rate Declared# 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 07/2020 0.50% 基金開支比率 † 08/2020 0.50% Fund Expense Ratio† 09/2020 0.50% 基金類型 保證基金-本金保證*** Guaranteed Fund – Capital Guarantee*** 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 1.79% Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 25,727.9 Risk Indicator1 0.02% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 備有本金保證*** 並以每月為成員提供按相等於或 高於積金局所公布的訂明儲蓄利率計算的利息為目 標 • 為下列各類成員提供短期的收益增長: • 採取審慎態度的投資者 • 年屆退休年齡人士 • 欲在不明朗的經濟環境下尋找資金避難所的人士 • To provide capital guarantee*** and aims to provide members with interest each month at a rate that equals to or exceeds the prescribed savings rate published by the MPFA • To provide short-term growth for members who • wish to invest conservatively • are close to the age of retirement • seek a temporary safe haven during more turbulent economic times Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. Bank of Communications (HK) Ltd. 2.85% 21/03/2024 2.05% 2. State Grid Overseas Development Ltd. 2.7% 17/04/2024 1.74% 3. CDBL Funding 2 3.5% 23/10/2021 1.57% 4. CDBL Funding 2 3.3% 24/01/2022 1.25% 5. AIA Group Ltd. 2.95% 16/07/2022 1.17% 6. Bank of China (HK) Ltd. 3.3% 20/11/2020 1.08% 7. Standard Chartered PLC 2.25% 01/06/2023 1.08% 8. Korea Resources Corp. 2.09% 09/03/2025 1.06% 9. Henderson Land Mtn Ltd. 2.2% 06/03/2023 1.05% 10. Bank of East Asia Ltd. 1.25% 11/08/2023 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 2 基金表現 0.13 0.38 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 0.50 1.47 1.49 0.27 0.77 1.06 1.04% 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) Since Launch 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 1.55 13.76 0.49 0.30 0.15 0.65 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.50 0.50 1.29 3.57 0.50 0.41 0.25 0.35 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.27 0.27 推出至今 編號 宏利 MPF 保守基金 ^ Code Manulife MPF Conservative Fund ^ SHK125 推出日期 Launch Date 01-12-2000 推出至今 風險級別 Φ 風險╱回報指標 4 Risk / Return Meter 4 Risk ClassΦ 1 基金資料 Fund Details 基金價格 (港元) Fund Price (HK$) 基金資產值 (百萬港元) Fund Size (Million HK$) 11.340 基金開支比率 † Fund Expense Ratio† 0.77% Fund Descriptor 風險指標 1 0.15% Investment Manager of the Underlying Investment 基金類型 12,780.5 Risk Indicator1 基金旗下投資項目的投資經理 投資目標 Investment Objective 投資組合分布 3 Portfolio Allocation3 貨幣市場基金-香港 Money Market Fund – Hong Kong 宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 十大資產 6 Top 10 Portfolio Holdings 6 • 提供與積金局公布的訂明儲蓄利率相 配合的回報 率,但本金及利息不獲保證 • 依據《強制性公積金計劃條例》強制設立的 • 投資於港元固定收益金融工具上 • 投資於保守基金並不等於將資金存放於銀行或接受 存款公司,而且受託人並無責任按認購價贖回投資 • Aims to provide a rate of return to match the prescribed savings rate published by the MPFA but with NO guarantee of capital or interest • Mandated by the MPF Schemes Ordinance • Invests in Hong Kong dollar fixed income instruments • Investment in the Conservative Fund is not the same as placing funds on deposit with a bank or deposit taking company and that there is no obligation on the part of the Trustee to redeem the investment at the subscription value Holdings 持有量(%) Securities 8 證券 8 1. CDBL Funding 2 1.7% 19/01/2021 3.51% 2. CDBL Funding 2 1.85% 08/02/2021 2.65% 3. Bank of Communications (HK) Ltd. 4.0% 24/02/2021 2.37% 4. Hang Seng Bank Ltd. 0.7% 09/10/2020 2.34% 5. China Construction Bank Corp. ECP 25/02/2021 2.33% 6. Bank of China (Macau) Ltd. 0% 05/03/2021 2.33% 7. ICBC (Macau) 0% 28/10/2020 1.95% 8. Bank of Communications Ltd. 0% 26/02/2021 1.95% 9. Bank of Communications Ltd. 0.71% 11/03/2021 1.56% 1.56% 10. ICBC (Macau) 0.77% 12/03/2021 . 累積回報 Cumulative Return (%) 三個月 年初至今 3 Months YTD 基金表現 2 0.12 0.83 Fund Performance 2 平均成本法(僅作舉例用途) 5 Dollar Cost Averaging (For illustration only) 5 16 年率化回報 Annualized Return (% p.a.) 一年 1 Year 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years 1.23 3.32 3.50 0.55 1.91 2.53 曆年回報 Calendar Year Return (%) Since Launch 三年 3 Years 五年 5 Years 十年 10 Years Since Launch 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 3.81 13.40 1.09 0.69 0.37 0.64 0.05 0.02 0.19 0.92 1.50 3.13 5.61 1.23 0.98 0.61 0.55 0.02 0.01 0.11 0.61 0.84 推出至今 推出至今 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 評論 Commentary 宏利 MPF 中華威力基金 • 大中華股市在第三季繼續上揚,以持續有效控制新冠肺炎疫的中 國內地和台灣表現最佳。 • 在強勁業績帶動下,台灣資訊科技業錄得可觀表現,利好當地市 場於季內延續領先表現。香港股市表現失色,因為當地新冠肺炎 確診病例增加,促使政府收緊限制社交距離的措施。中國市場錄 得正回報。當地經濟復甦步伐延續至第三季,自疫情打擊以來, 零售銷售在 8 月首次錄得正增長。 • 副消費品業是季內表現最佳的行業,主要源於多家中國電子商貿 平台的第二季業績優秀,而且盈利指引向好,刺激股價表現強 勁。資訊科技業亦造好。另一方面,能源和公用事業股的季內表 現繼續遜於大市。 宏利 MPF 康健護理基金 • 康健護理業在第三季上升,但表現遜於以 MSCI 世界指數衡量的 全球股市。康健護理業的所有分類行業上升,但生物科技業除 外。生物科技股繼在整個上半年錄得強勁回報後,於第三季表現 遜於大市。康健護理科技及生命科學工具和服務分類行業持續擴 大由年初至今優於大市的表現。 • 我們認為康健護理業內的個別公司具備長期表現大幅優於大市的 潛力。我們認為行業的防守特徵及個別公司的強勁自然增長應能 帶動行業在整個市場週期持續表現優於大市。 宏利 MPF 進取基金 / 宏利 MPF 增長基金 / 宏利 MPF 穩健基金 / 宏利 MPF 國際股票基金 / 宏利 MPF 智優裕退休基金 / 宏利 MPF 2020 退休基金 / 宏利 MPF 2025 退休基金 / 宏利 MPF 2030 退休基 金 / 宏利 MPF 2035 退休基金 / 宏利 MPF 2040 退休基金 / 宏利 MPF 2045 退休基金 / 宏利 MPF 退休收益基金 • 我們繼續意識到市場會隨時逆轉,因為相關風險仍然在產生作 用。在夏季末至美國 11 月大選期間,市場仍將受到高度不明朗因 素的影響。 • 雖然增長型股票表現持續領先大市,但資金在過去三個月多次轉 換至價值型股票,反映市場認為科技股的估值或已相對偏高。市 場走勢似乎已反映對美國經濟於 2020 年下半年及以後大幅反彈的 預期。增長型與價值型股票之間的市盈率差距持續擴闊,並創逾 20 年最大差距。 • 新型冠狀病毒疫苗帶來的潛在影響仍然涉及一些問題,包括推出 的時間、安全性、成效、分派的先後次序及全球市場的供應秩 序。然而,新型冠狀病毒對全球經濟的長期影響並非我們必須監 察的唯一因素。地緣政治緊張局勢升級、增長率減慢、供應鏈中 斷及去全球化的整體趨勢,都對全球債券及股票市場的未來走勢 構成影響。市場關注的另一個問題仍然是美國大選可能出現混亂 局面及結果很可能引起爭議的風險。 宏利 MPF 富達增長基金 / 宏利 MPF 富達平穩增長基金 • 隨著經濟活動展現復甦跡象,環球股市於季內錄得正回報。投資 者預期環球貨幣政策繼續保持寬鬆,亦為市場帶來支持。 • 值得注意的是,聯儲局已調整有關通脹的政策框架,表示在物價 壓力持續處於溫和水平後,容許通脹率在一段時間超過 2%目 標。歐洲央行亦表明將調整政策框架,以配合聯儲局的行動。然 而,全球 2019 新型冠狀病毒確診個案上升,導致部份國家再度實 施針對封鎖措施;美國即將舉行總統大選;當地加推財政刺激政 策的前景未明;市場憂慮英國脫歐後的貿易協議;以及中美關係 緊張,種種因素均令市場反覆波動。 • 在此環球局勢下,所有主要地區市場報升,其中美國股市顯著造 好。綜觀行業表現,非必需消費品、資訊科技和原材料業領先大 市。 • 債券方面,環球債市回報好淡紛呈。企業債券表現優於政府債 券,而高收益信貸領先投資級別債券。鑑於央行持續提供支持, 加上投資者尋求收益,信貸息差繼續收窄。美國國庫券孳息曲線 趨於陡斜,長期美國國庫券孳息微升,而德國政府債券孳息則下 跌。 • 另一方面,新興市場債券錄得正回報,硬貨幣債券表現優於本幣 債券。 宏利 MPF 亞太股票基金 • 市場正處於過渡階段,投資者把焦點由原先憂慮新型冠狀病毒疫 情對經濟造成負面衝擊,轉向期望成功研發疫苗及由政府推行刺 激方案帶動經濟復甦。 • 南韓及台灣方面,預期 5G 網絡投入服務會帶動科技業進入全新 的更換設備週期。 • 東盟方面,印尼國會通過內容包括一項改革勞工工資結構法例的 綜合法案,令經濟改革進一步向前發展。而且,該國經歷多年的 17 Manulife MPF China Value Fund • The Greater China equity markets continued to rally in the third quarter, led by China and Taiwan where the COVID-19 situation remained under effective control. • Taiwan continued to outperform over the quarter, thanks to strong performance of the information technology sector on the back of strong results. Hong Kong underperformed due to tightening social distancing measures amid rising reported cases of COVID-19. China returned positively. Economic recovery has extended into the third quarter with retail sales growth registering its first positive growth in August since the pandemic hit. • Consumer discretionary was the best performing sector over the quarter. Its rally was mostly led by strong performance of Chinese e-commerce platforms thanks to strong results delivered in the second quarter and positive guidance. The information technology also did well. Energy and utilities on the other hand continued to underperform the broad market over the quarter. Manulife MPF Healthcare Fund • The healthcare sector advanced during the quarter but underperformed global markets as measured by the MSCI World Index. All healthcare sub-sectors provided positive returns, except for biotechnology companies, which underperformed after providing strong returns through the first half of the year. The healthcare technology and life science tools & services sub-sectors continued to improve on their year-to-date outperformance. • We believe select companies within the healthcare sector offer the potential for strong long-term outperformance. We believe that the defensive characteristics of the sector coupled with strong organic growth in selected companies should provide continued outperformance over a full market cycle. Manulife MPF Aggressive Fund / Manulife MPF Growth Fund / Manulife MPF Stable Fund / Manulife MPF International Equity Fund / Manulife MPF Smart Retirement Fund / Manulife MPF 2020 Retirement Fund / Manulife MPF 2025 Retirement Fund / Manulife MPF 2030 Retirement Fund / Manulife MPF 2035 Retirement Fund / Manulife MPF 2040 Retirement Fund / Manulife MPF 2045 Retirement Fund / Manulife MPF Retirement Income Fund • We continue to be cognisant that markets can suddenly change course, as there are still underlying risks at play. Uncertainty is likely to remain high into late summer and the November US election. • While equities with growth characteristics continued to lead the markets, there were bouts of rotation into value equities throughout the past three months as the market recognised that valuations of technology stocks may be becoming relatively high. Markets appear to be factoring in expectations that the US economy will rebound quickly in the last half of 2020 and beyond. The price/earnings disparity between growth and value stocks continues to widen, at its largest difference in over 20 years. • Multiple questions remain on the potential impact of a vaccine, including probable timelines, safety, efficacy, distribution priority and global availability. However, the lasting impact of COVID-19 on the global economy is not the only factor to monitor. Rising geopolitical tensions, decelerating growth rates, supply chain disruptions and a general deglobalisation trend all raise questions about the future trajectory of global debt and equity markets. Another concern remains the wildcard risk of a chaotic and likely contended US election. Manulife MPF Fidelity Growth Fund / Manulife MPF Fidelity Stable Growth Fund • Global equities generated positive returns over the quarter, driven by signs of a recovery in economic activities. Expectations that global monetary policies will remain accommodative also supported markets. • Notably, the US Federal Reserve (Fed) made a shift in its policy framework towards inflation. The central bank said it would be more willing to allow inflation to overshoot its 2% target for some time following a period of muted price pressures. The European Central Bank also indicated that it would change its policy framework to align with that of the US Fed. However, rising COVID-19 cases globally and the re-imposition of some targeted lockdown measures; the upcoming US presidential election; uncertainty over additional fiscal stimulus in the US; worries around a post-Brexit trade deal; and US-China tensions kept markets volatile. • Against this global backdrop, all key regional markets ended higher, with US equities rising significantly. From a sector perspective, consumer discretionary, information technology and materials outperformed the broader market. • Global bond markets generated mixed returns. Corporate bonds outperformed government bonds, with high yield credit outperforming investment grade bonds. Credit spreads continued to tighten, driven by ongoing support from central banks and investors’ search for yields. The US Treasury yield curve steepened, and long-dated US Treasury yields edged higher, while German bund yields ended lower. • Elsewhere, emerging market debt posted positive returns, with hard currency bonds outperforming local currency bonds. Manulife MPF Pacific Asia Equity Fund • The market is in a stage of transitioning from fearing the adverse impact of COVID-19 on the economy to hoping for a discovery of a vaccine and government stimulus led recovery. • In South Korea and Taiwan, the availability of 5G networks is expected to drive a new replacement cycle wave in the technology sector. • In ASEAN, Indonesia took another step forward in its economic reform after the parliament approved an Omnibus Law, which covers a law to reform the labour wage structure. Coupled with years of infrastructure development, the country is now ready to attract foreign direct investments. While Malaysia and Thailand recently faced political uncertainty, the governments have continued to support economic growth by stimulating domestic consumption. 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet 基建發展後,現時已做好吸引外國直接投資的準備。雖然馬來西 亞及泰國政局都在近期轉趨不明朗,但兩國政府繼續透過刺激內 部消費以支持經濟增長。 • 印度股市隨亞洲其他市場同步反彈。儘管如此,我們仍然對印度 市場持審慎展望,因為當前市況尚未完全反映疫情對經濟造成的 衝擊。我們仍然對銀行業持審慎態度,而出口行業預期會表現優 於內部需求行業。 宏利 MPF 日本股票基金 • 市場在第三季持續回升,指數上升 4%(以日圓計)。雖然全球市 場持續關注新型冠狀病毒疫情,但日本市場表現較為穩健,經濟 亦受到政府的消費補貼計劃所支持,其中包括鼓勵國內旅遊的推 廣計劃。 • 在季內的最後一個月,日本市場主要由兩大事件帶動。首先是首 相安倍晉三宣佈因健康欠佳而辭職,而第二大事件是日本電信電 話(NTT)決定以 40%的溢價競購 NTT Docomo 已發行的 34%股 份。 • 行業表現在第三季好壞參半。表現最差的行業包括礦業、公用事 業及造紙。疲弱的石油價格導致礦業遭受特別沉重的打擊。表現 最佳的行業包括遊戲、航運及服務業。遊戲行業的表現特別強 勁,因為防控新型冠狀病毒的封鎖措施帶動強勁的遊戲需求,令 任天堂等公司受惠。 宏利 MPF 香港股票基金 / 宏利 MPF 恒指基金 • 從宏觀角度看,多項經濟數據反映中國經濟復甦狀況完整。 • 在策略層面上,我們仍然對出口主導行業態度審慎,因為有關公 司需重組部份產品以更好地迎合內部需求,而這過渡程序可能會 冗長及困難。 更重要的是,隨著消費活動在放寬疫情相關的封 鎖措施後回復正常,由消閒開支以至汽車銷售方面,我們都看見 內部消費的強勁潛在需求正在釋放。我們亦發現個別週期性增長 行業的投資機會,例如建築材料,因為建築活動由下半年開始再 度加速增長。隨著中國製造業價值鏈持續上移,國內自行創新及 動用的研發開支應能在長線上取得成果。 宏利 MPF 北美股票基金 • 股市連續第二個季度強勢上漲,投資者繼續投注大量熱情於互聯 網及科技巨頭,該等公司受惠於宅經濟。經濟回升速度之快超出 許多人預期,在推動市場上升方面似發揮關鍵作用。自 6 月起, 就業機會增長達到創紀錄水平,製造業信號整體強勁,主要因公 司尋求補充春季消耗的庫存。規模更大的服務業亦於 6 月再度開 始擴張,惟航空公司及其他行業繼續受審慎消費的困擾。 • 對於 7 月份美國冠狀病毒感染再度加劇,投資者基本淡然處之, 但對 9 月份歐洲和美國可能爆發「第二波」疫情的擔憂似乎引起 更大關注。與之相反,疫苗和治療方法研發進展報告則提振市 場。 宏利 MPF 歐洲股票基金 • 歐洲股市在 9 月份輕微低收(以歐元計)。隨著歐洲新型冠狀病 毒確診數字激增至春季以來的最高水平,市場憂慮新推出的旅遊 限制及保持社交距離措施可能會削弱歐洲的經濟復甦,拖累歐洲 股市指數下跌。大部份行業下跌,並以銀行及能源股表現最差。 • 經濟數據顯示病毒疫情反彈已開始影響經濟活動。初步估計的 IHS / Markit 綜合採購經理指數在 9 月份滑落至 50.1,低於 8 月份的 51.9。儘管出口上升帶動工廠產量增加,但服務業活動卻再度下 滑,因為各界對病毒疫情日益關注,導致面對面的消費者業務遭 受特別大的衝擊。由於歐元區四年來首度陷入通縮,各界開始呼 籲歐洲央行加強刺激措施及採取限制歐元升勢的行動。 • 德國股市下跌,與區內市場平均跌幅相若。初步估計的製造業採 購經理指數在 9 月份升至 56.6,較 8 月份的 52.2 為高,並創自 2018 年 7 月份以來的最高水平,主要受強勁的出口訂單所帶動。然 而,服務業活動在 9 月份表現較預期疲弱,滑落至分隔擴張與收 縮區域的 50 水平以下。 • 與此同時,歐洲經濟研究中心(ZEW)德國經濟信心指數在 8 月份升 至 77.4 的 20 年新高。 • 英國股市在 9 月份下滑(以英鎊計)。石油公司仍然表現疲弱, 而一些英國銀行亦面對被指控曾經促進洗黑錢活動,導致股價受 壓。雖然英國經濟在 7 月份增長 6.6%,但仍然只能收復新型冠 狀病毒疫情導致的一半跌幅左右,而英倫銀行則表示正在考慮負 利率所帶來的影響。英國與歐盟的貿易談判進展不大,而雙方關 係更進一步緊張,因為英國政府提出一項備受爭議的法案,並承 認該法案內容凌駕脫歐協議的關鍵條款及違反國際法。 宏利 MPF 國際債券基金 • 全球經濟活動已逐漸回升,並以北亞地區更為顯著,因為新型冠 狀病毒感染率普遍趨於穩定,而且部份國家已經以不同程度重啟 經濟。 • 在有利的全球利率環境,以及美國聯儲局和全球央行為穩定金融 市場而推行刺激方案的支持下,美國國庫債券孳息窄幅上落。我 18 As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 • Stocks in India rebounded along with the rest of Asia. Despite this, we remain cautious on the outlook of the market as the economic impact of COVID-19 has yet to be fully discounted in the current environment. We remain cautious on the banks although companies in the export sectors are expected to do better than their domestic peers. Manulife MPF Japan Equity Fund • The market continued to recover in the third quarter with the index rising 4% in Japanese yen terms. Despite the ongoing concerns over COVID-19 on a global basis, Japan looked healthier and its domestic economy was supported by government subsidy programmes for consumers, including a campaign to encourage domestic travel. • The last month of the quarter was marked by two key events domestically. The first was the resignation of Prime Minister Abe due to ill health while the second event was the decision by NTT to bid for the outstanding 34% stake of NTT Docomo at a 40% premium. • Third quarter sector performance was mixed. Mining, utilities and paper were the weakest sectors. The mining sector was particularly hard hit by the weak oil price. The best performing sectors were gaming, shipping and services. The gaming sector was a strong area of focus as companies like Nintendo benefited from strong demand due to the COVID-19 lockdowns. Manulife MPF Hong Kong Equity Fund / Manulife MPF Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund • From a macro perspective, various economic data have pointed to an intact recovery in China. • At the strategy level, we remain cautious on export-oriented sectors as they will need to restructure some of their products to better cater to domestic demand and this transition may be long and difficult. More importantly, we see strong pent-up demand on domestic consumption from leisure spending to auto sales being released as consumer activities normalise post-pandemic lockdown. We also see opportunities in selective cyclical growth sectors such as building materials as construction activities re-accelerated since the second half of the year. Home-grown innovation and research and development spending should pay-off in the long run as the country continues to move up the manufacturing value chain. Manulife MPF North American Equity Fund • Stocks recorded a second consecutive quarter of strong gains, with investors continuing to focus much of their enthusiasm on the internet and technology giants benefiting from the stay-at-home economy. A faster rebound in the economy than many had expected seemed to play a key role in driving markets higher. Employers added jobs at a record pace beginning in June, and manufacturing signals were generally strong, as firms sought to replenish inventories depleted in the spring. The much larger services sector also began to expand again in June, although airlines and other industries continued to struggle with cautious consumers. • Investors took a renewed rise in U.S. coronavirus infections in July largely in stride, but fears in September of a possible “second wave” in Europe and the U.S. seemed to elicit more concern. Conversely, markets appeared to get a boost from reports of progress in developing vaccines and treatments. Manulife MPF European Equity Fund • European equities closed the month of September (in EUR terms) slightly lower. As new European COVID-19 infections soared to levels last seen in the spring, European market indices were negatively affected by fears that the region’s economic recovery would be curtailed by new travel restrictions and social distancing measures. Most sectors fell, with banks and energy stocks among the weakest performers. • Economic data signalled that the virus’ resurgence was starting to impact economic activity. The flash estimate of the IHS/Markit composite purchasing managers’ index slipped to 50.1 in September, from 51.9 in August. While factories reported a boost to production from rising exports, service sector activity sunk back into decline as face-to-face consumer businesses in particular were hit by intensifying virus concerns. With the Eurozone sliding back into deflation for the first time in four years, the European Central Bank faced calls to increase stimulus measures and act to limit the euro’s strength. • German stocks fell along with the regional average. September’s flash manufacturing purchasing managers’ index rose to 56.6 in September, compared to 52.2 in August and the highest level since July 2018, driven by robust export orders. However, service sector activity was weaker than expected in September, falling back below the 50 level that separates expansion from contraction. Meanwhile, the Zew survey of German economic sentiment rose to a 20-year high of 77.4 in August. • UK shares slid (in GBP terms) over September. Oil companies remained weak and certain UK banks were also pressured by accusations that they had facilitated money laundering. While the UK economy expanded 6.6% in July, it still had only recovered around half of the COVID-induced drop and the Bank of England said it was considering the impact of negative interest rates. There appeared to be little progress in trade negotiations with the EU, and tensions between the two sides became even more strained when the UK government introduced a controversial bill that it admitted broke international law by overriding key elements of the Withdrawal Agreement. Manulife MPF International Bond Fund • Global and notably North Asian economic activity has gradually picked-up as COVID-19 infection rates have generally stabilised and some countries have reopened their economies to varying degrees. • The combination of a favourable global interest rate environment, programmes from the US Federal Reserve Board and global central banks to stabilise financial markets is supportive for a range bound 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet 們預計全球及亞洲投資級別信貸仍將受到支持,但由於信貸價格 已較 3 月份顯著反彈,信貸息差進一步收窄的步伐及幅度將會受 限。 宏利 MPF 香港債券基金 / 宏利 MPF 利息基金 / 宏利 MPF 保守基 金 • 香港在新型冠狀病毒疫情影響下,經濟復甦仍將緩慢,並會繼續 遭受中美兩國緊張關係升級的負面影響。 • 然而,香港金融市場基建確實表現穩健,在缺乏資本管制的帶動 下,持續頻繁的首次公開招股活動成功吸引大量資本流入。資本 流入令香港短期利率處於低水平,並可望維持於低位,因為在當 前經濟狀況下,香港金融管理局應該會對利率維持於低位的趨勢 感到安心。 • 基於相同理由,港元短期利率料將維持在現有水平附近,而港元 中期及長期利率表現優於美元利率亦屬意料中事,因為港元利率 曲線結構已回復常態。這項投資主題的走勢將會逐步放緩,隨著 首次公開招股活動步伐放緩及美國總統選舉迫近,港元兌美元匯 率料將在年底前由波動範圍的強方回軟。 宏利 MPF 亞太債券基金 • 全球經濟活動已逐漸回升,並以北亞地區更為顯著,因為新型冠 狀病毒感染率普遍趨於穩定,而且部份國家已經以不同程度重啟 經濟。在有利的全球利率環境,以及美國聯儲局和全球央行為穩 定金融市場而推行刺激方案的支持下,美國國庫債券孳息窄幅上 落。我們預計全球及亞洲投資級別信貸仍將受到支持,但由於信 貸價格已較 3 月份顯著反彈,信貸息差進一步收窄的步伐及幅度 將會受限。 • 亞洲信貸市場包括國有企業債券,可受惠於潛在的政府扶助和政 策,而且它們的降級天使風險普遍相對較低。此外,與全球信貸 比較,商品行業佔亞洲投資級別信貸的比例相對較低,因此在全 球經濟放緩時,其承受的壓力亦會較小。我們預計一級市場將繼 續以亞洲高評級發行人為主,並在當前的信貸市場條件下帶來投 資機會。綜觀全球市場,我們認為亞洲高評級信貸的當前估值具 吸引力,因為亞洲相關的基本因素較穩健,而且企業獲政府的強 大支持。 宏利 MPF 人民幣債券基金 • 中國經濟數據顯示,最新的製造業及貿易數據在 9 月份持續改 善。貿易數據的一項有趣的資料顯示,大部份出口利潤來自醫療 用品方面,而進口則低於預期。由於中國經濟增長取決於內部需 求多於外部需求,消費者開支仍然是投資者關注的重點,尤其是 在中國與全球其他經濟體之間關係惡化的現有環境下。美國總統 選舉成為市場的短期重點事件,投資者現時傾向看好拜登有較大 勝算。 • 中國的在岸債券市場方面,供應風險已經下降,而十年期中國政 府債券孳息已在約 3.10%至 3.15%之間企穩。由於中國人民銀行採 取中性的貨幣政策立場,短期內沒有催化因素推動利率大幅上調 或下調。人民幣在 9 月份繼續表現領先其他主要貨幣,主要受中 國較高的孳息及增長前景改善所帶動。人民幣現時處於預期範圍 的較高水平,料在今年底前保持於現有範圍內。 宏利 MPF 核心累積基金 / 宏利 MPF 65 歲後基金 • 全球股票及固定收益市場在第 3 季出現變化,此乃受到政策公 告、經濟新聞以及各地區及經濟體動態 COVID-19 情況的鞭策。在 好壞參半的情況下,由於中國在疫情的先進先出(FIFO)經驗, 使中國領先於發達市場。儘管全球經濟活動正從休眠狀態逐漸重 新恢復,但對消費者行為的長期疤痕效應尚不明確。在家工作、 電子零售及送餐等 COVID-19 習慣,以及普遍不願意進行面對面 (F2F)消費的習慣,將確保全球產量在非常短時間(及可能更長 時間)內將保持在疫情前水平之下。近期及中期前景均存有高度 不確定性。 19 As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 US Treasury yields. We expect global and Asian investment grade credit to remain supported, though the pace and magnitude for further credit spread compression could be circumscribed given the rally from March this year. Manulife MPF Hong Kong Bond Fund / Manulife MPF Interest Fund / Manulife MPF Conservative Fund • Hong Kong’s economic recovery will likely remain slow amid the COVID-19 situation and will continue to be adversely affected by the elevated US-China tensions. • However, Hong Kong’s financial market infrastructure has proved to be resilient with the heavy initial public offering (IPO) pipeline, which has attracted capital inflows given the lack of capital controls. The inflows have kept short-end Hong Kong rates low and are likely to remain as the Hong Kong Monetary Authority should be comfortable with this trend amid the current economic situation. • For the same reason, HK dollar rates are expected to remain close to current levels on the short end, while we are not surprised to see HK dollar interest rates outperform against US dollar interest rates towards the belly to the longer end given that HK dollar interest rates’ curve steepness has been normalised. This theme may slow down gradually, and the HK dollar currency may weaken against the US dollar from the strong side of the band towards year-end when IPO activities slow and the US presidential election approaches. Manulife MPF Pacific Asia Bond Fund • Global and notably North Asian economic activity has gradually picked-up as COVID-19 infection rates have generally stabilised and some countries have reopened their economies to varying degrees. The combination of a favourable global interest rate environment, programmes from the US Federal Reserve Board and global central banks to stabilise financial markets is supportive for a range bound US Treasury yields. We expect global and Asian investment grade credit to remain supported, though the pace and magnitude for further credit spread compression could be circumscribed given the rally from March this year. • Asian credit consists of state-owned-enterprises, which can benefit from potential government support and policies, and they typically have relatively lower fallen angel risks. Furthermore, Asian investment grade credit has relatively lower exposure to the commodities sector compared to global credit, hence, is under less pressure as the global economy slows down. We expect the primary market pipeline to continue to hold up predominately with Asian high-grade issuers and may provide opportunities under the current credit market conditions. Overall, we believe current valuations of Asian investment grade credit are attractive in the global context, considering Asia’s more resilient underlying fundamentals and strong government sponsorship in the corporate sector. Manulife MPF RMB Bond Fund • Chinese economic data continued to show improvement over September with respect to the latest manufacturing and trade data. An interesting aspect of the trade data is that most of the export earnings were from medical supplies while imports were behind expectations. Consumer spending continues to be the key focus for investors given domestic economic growth is more contingent on domestic rather than external demand, especially in the current environment of the deteriorating relationships between China and other global economies. The US presidential election is the key market event in the short-term with investors currently biased towards a possible Biden victory. • With regards to the onshore bond market, supply risk has eased and the 10-year Chinese government bond yield has stabilised around the 3.10-3.15% level. Given the neutral monetary stance of the People’s Bank of China, there is no catalyst to drive interest rates massively lower or higher in the near-term. During September, the renminbi continued to outperform other major currencies on the back of China’s yield differentiation and improving growth outlook. The renminbi is currently trading at the stronger side of the expected range and is likely to remain in the current range into year-end. Manulife MPF Core Accumulation Fund / Manulife MPF Age 65 Plus Fund • Both global equity and fixed income markets were changeable over the quarter which were whipsawed by policy announcements, economic news and the dynamic COVID-19 situation across regions and economies. Amidst a mixed picture, China outperformed developed markets owning to its first-in-first-out (FIFO) experience with the pandemic. Although economic activity around the globe is gradually re-emerging from hibernation, the longer-term scarring effects on consumer behaviour are unknown. COVID-19 habits such as work-from-home, e-retail and food delivery with a generalised reluctance to engage in face-to-face (F2F) consumption will ensure global output will remain below pre-pandemic levels in the very near-term, and possibly longer. A high degree of uncertainty in both the near-and-medium term outlook. 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 資料來源:宏利投資管理(香港)有限公司、富達基金(香港)有限公司、領航投資香港有限公司、惠理基金管理公司及滙豐機構信託服務(亞洲)有限公司 Source: Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited, FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited, Vanguard Investments Hong Kong Limited , Value Partners Limited & HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Asia) Limited 1 風險指標是以年度標準差表示,數據是根據過往三年之按月回報率計算,並準確至小數後兩個位。一般來說,年度標準差數值越大,成分基金的風險 ╱波幅也將相對較高。成分基金的風險指標會於該基金推出三年後提供。 The Risk Indicator shows the annualized standard deviation based on the monthly rates of return of the fund over the past 3 years, and correct to 2 decimal places. Generally, the greater the annualized standard deviation, the more volatile/risky the constituent fund. The Risk Indicator for the constituent fund will be available 3 years after its launch date. 2 成分基金表現是以港元的每單位資產淨值價計算,不包括每單位派息,並已扣除所有收費。 Constituent fund performance is calculated on the basis of NAV (net asset value) -to-NAV in Hong Kong Dollar, does not include the dividend per unit, and is net of all charges. 3 由於進位數關係,總額可能並不相等於 100%。 Due to rounding, the total may not be equal to 100%. 4 宏利風險╱回報指標使用顏色代號系統,利用不同顏色來代表不同的風險╱回報程度,每項成分基金按其投資目標而獲分配指標內的代表顏色: Constituent funds are represented by the Manulife Risk / Return Meter, a colour coding system in which a spectrum of colours is used to signify the risk-return profiles of our constituent funds. Each constituent fund has an assigned colour in the meter with the respective investment objectives as follows: 保守╱藍色 — 在低風險下,旨在尋求短期的小幅度增長 Conservative/Blue — seeks to provide small short term growth with low risk exposure 穩健╱綠色 — 在低至中風險下,旨在尋求中至長期的增長 Stable/Green — seeks to provide some medium to long term growth with low to medium risk exposure 增長╱黃色 — 在中至高風險下,旨在尋求中至長期的資本增長 Growth/Yellow — seeks medium to long term growth of capital with medium to high risk exposure 進取╱紅色 — 在高風險下,旨在尋求中至長期或長期的資本高增長 Aggressive/Red — seeks high medium to long term or long term growth of capital with high risk exposure 極進取╱紫紅色 — 在大幅風險下,旨在尋求長期的資本高增長 Very Aggressive/Purple Red — seeks long term growth of capital with very high risk exposure 宏利風險╱回報指標顏色代號的選定乃基於其投資項目的多項因素,包括旗下資產類別及其相應的目標比重、覆蓋範圍及地域分佈、有關市場過往的 長期波幅和市場價值。指標內的不同顏色代號是代表不同風險╱回報程度的一般歸類。每項成分基金的風險水平將每年作出檢討。 The colour coding in the Manulife Risk/Return Meter is based on a number of factors in relating to their underlying investments, including types of asset classes and their respective target weightings, breadth and geographical diversification and historical long-term volatility and capitalization of the relevant markets. Different colours in the Meter represent a general division of risk/return profiles. The risk level of each constituent fund will be reviewed annually. 投資越分散及相關資產穩定性越高,波幅也將相對較低。一般而言,預期投資回報越高,所須承擔的風險也越高。成分基金獲分配風險╱回報程度或 顏色,是用以提示其相關投資項目的波幅。成分基金的風險越高,其升跌波幅亦較風險較低的成分基金為高。 The greater the diversification and the more stable the underlying asset, the less volatility will be experienced. Generally, the greater the return you want to earn on your investments, the greater risk you have to assume. The assigned risk/return profile or colour of a constituent fund highlights the volatility of the relevant investments. The value of a constituent fund with higher risk normally fluctuates to a greater extent than a constituent fund with lower risk. 較高風險的成分基金波幅可能較大,長線而言,投資於較高風險的成分基金或可有較佳回報潛力。 While higher risk constituent funds may be more volatile, over the long-term a higher risk constituent fund may have better potential for higher returns. 宏利風險╱回報指標由宏利投資管理(香港) 有限公司制定及每年作定期檢討。此指標只反映宏利投資管理(香港) 有限公司及富達基金(香港) 有限公司 對有關成分基金之看法。宏利風險╱回報指標並不是一種財務工具,亦不應依賴作為投資建議及選取成分基金的根據。請注意風險╱回報指標只供參 考,並不應視為代替個別情況之詳細投資建議及選取成分基金的根據,您應該徵詢專業的財務意見。本公司概不會就上述所載資料被視作為投資建議 而引致的任何損失負責。 The Manulife Risk/Return Meter is developed and regularly reviewed by Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited annually. It represents only the views of Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited and FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited in respect of the relevant constituent funds. The Manulife Risk/Return Meter is not a financial tool and shall not be relied upon to make any investment decisions and selection of constituent funds. Note that the Risk/Return Meter is for reference only and is not a substitute for independent professional advice. Manulife does not provide advice regarding appropriate investment allocations and selection of constituent funds. You should seek independent professional financial advice. We are not responsible for any loss occasioned as a result of relying on such information as investment advice. 5 平均成本法回報的計算是在指定期內將最終資產淨值比較總投資金額得出;方法是在每月最後一個交易日定額投資同一基金內,以當時基金價格(每 單位資產淨值) 購入適量基金單位,總投資金額則等於在指定期間內每月供款的總額;而最終資產淨值則由在指定期內所購得的基金單位總數乘以該 期間最後一個交易日的基金價格(每單位資產淨值)而得出。平均成本法之累積回報及每年平均回報均提供以作參考,惟數據僅作舉例用途。資料來 源:晨星及宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司(只提供宏利 MPF 利息基金) 。 The Dollar Cost Averaging Return is calculated by comparing the total contributed amount over the specified period with the final NAV (net asset value). A constant amount is used to purchase fund units at the prevailing fund price (NAV per unit) on the last trading day of every month over the specified period. The total contributed amount is the sum of all such monthly contributions. The final NAV is arrived by multiplying the total units cumulated over the specified period with the fund price (NAV per unit) on the last trading day of such period. The cumulative and annualized returns of Dollar Cost Averaging are provided for reference, and the figures are for illustrative purposes only. Source: Morningstar and Manulife (International) Limited (for Manulife MPF Interest Fund only). 6 "十大資產" 內列出基金投資組合內的十大證券(不包括現金及其他) 。基金投資組合可能持有少於十項證券。 "Top 10 portfolio holdings" lists out the largest 10 security holdings (i.e. not including cash and others) of the fund portfolio. The fund portfolio may have less than 10 security holdings. 7 「核心累積基金參考組合」及「65 歲後基金參考組合」乃強積金業界建立之參考組合,並由香港投資基金公會公布,旨在就預設投資策略成分基金 (即核心累積基金與 65 歲後基金)各自的表現及資產分配提供一套共同的參考依據。有關參考組合將定期進行檢討並可能有所更改。更多及最新有 關參考組合的資料,請瀏覽香港投資基金公會網站 www.hkifa.com.hk。 “Core Accumulation Fund (“CAF”) Reference Portfolio” and “Age 65 Plus Fund (“A65F”) Reference Portfolio” are the MPF industry developed reference portfolio and published by the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association for the purpose of providing a common reference point for performance and asset allocation of the DIS constituent funds, i.e. the CAF and A65F respectively. The reference portfolio is subject to review on regular basis and may change. For more and the latest information about the reference portfolio, please visit the website of the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association at www.hkifa.com.hk. 8 債券通常附有年息及債券到期日,而年息按債券票面值的某一個百分比計算(稱為「票面利率」) 。 A bond usually has an annual interest rate and the maturity date, the annual interest rate as a percentage of the par value (or a “coupon rate”). † 截至 2020 年 3 月 31 日止財政年度的基金開支比率。成分基金的基金開支比率會於基金概覽匯報日與基金的成立日期相隔兩年及以後提供。 Fund expense ratio for financial period ended March 31, 2020. Fund Expense Ratio for the constituent fund will be shown after the period between the reporting date of the fund fact sheet and the launch date of the fund reaches 2 years and thereafter. § 請注意宏利 MPF 中華威力基金沒有招致旗下投資項目的業績表現年費(涵蓋截至 2020 年 3 月 31 日止之財政年度)。 Please note that Manulife MPF China Value Fund does not incur any Performance Fee of underlying investments over the financial year ended March 31, 2020. ^ 強積金保守基金的收費可 (i) 透過扣除資產收取;或 (ii) 透過扣除成員帳戶中的單位收取。而宏利 MPF 保守基金採用收費方式 (i),故該成分基金任何列 出之單位價格╱資產凈值╱基金表現已反映收費之影響。 Fees and charges of a MPF conservative fund can be deducted from either (i) the assets of the fund or (ii) members’ account by way of unit deduction. The Manulife MPF Conservative 20 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 Fund uses method (i) and, therefore, any unit prices/NAV/fund performance quoted for the constituent fund have incorporated the impact of fees and charges. # 過往之公布利率已經包含保證訂明儲蓄利率。由 2005 年 2 月 1 日起,公布利率內的訂明儲蓄利率保證經已取消。而利息基金的基金表現是以相關的公 布利率按月複式計算。 The historical rates declared have already taken into account of the guaranteed prescribed savings rates. Effective from February 1, 2005, the guarantee on prescribed savings rates for the declared rates has been removed. The Fund Performance of Interest Fund is derived from relevant declared rates compounded monthly. ** 宏利 MPF 穩健基金( 「穩健基金」) :宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司為保證人。每月保證利率相等於積金局公布的訂明儲蓄利率。符合保證的規定條 件視乎:一、成員於五十五歲生日前的供款須繳清並完成交收程序。二、預定事件(成員須持有本成分基金直至六十五歲正常退休年齡、或於退休前 不幸身故、或完全喪失行為能力)或患上末期疾病,方可獲利息保證。若在發生預定事件或患上末期疾病之前贖回供款,則成員須完全承擔成分基金 資產價值波動的風險。保證只會於在因發生預定事件而作出提取時,在相關帳戶及其所有附屬帳戶以一筆過形式提供一次,保證亦會在因末期疾病情 況而作出提取時在相關帳戶/附屬帳戶提供。當成員年屆六十五歲正常退休年齡(其中一項預定事件)以分期形式提取將有特別安排,保證提供方式 如同以一筆過形式提取。此後,穩健基金的保證將不再提供予該成員提出申索的帳戶。有關保證的詳情,請參閱強積金計劃說明書。 Manulife MPF Stable Fund (the “Stable Fund“): Manulife (International) Limited is the guarantor. Investors are provided with an interest guarantee for each month equal to the prescribed savings rate published by the MPFA. The guarantee is subject to: 1) the contribution must be received in cleared funds before the member's 55th birthday; and 2) occurrence of pre-determined events (members must hold their investment in this constituent fund to normal retirement at the age of 65, or in case of death, or total incapacitation prior to retirement) or in the event of terminal illness. Redemption effected other than the occurrence of the pre-determined events or in the event of terminal illness is fully exposed to fluctuation in the value of the constituent fund's underlying assets. The guarantee will be provided once and only in a lump sum applicable to the relevant account and all its subaccounts when withdrawal is effected as a result of the predetermined events, and will be provided with respect to the relevant account/sub-account withdrawn in the event of terminal illness. There will be special arrangement in case of withdrawal by instalments as a result of the member attaining his normal retirement age of 65 (one of the pre-determined events); the guarantee will be provided as if a lump sum withdrawal is taken place. Thereafter, no further guarantee will be available from the Stable Fund for the account being claimed by the member. Please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure for detailed features of the guarantee. *** 宏利 MPF 利息基金是宏利環球精選(強積金)計劃的一個非單位化的債券基金,備有本金保證並 以每月為成員提供按相等於或高於積金局所公布的 訂明儲蓄利率計算的利息為目標。實際利率 由宏利公積金信託有限公司根據宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司的建議,於月底酌情公布。有關信貸風 險及保證特點的詳情,請參閱強積金計劃說明書的第 3.4.1 條(宏利 MPF 利息基金(「利息 基金」)) 以及第 7.2.4(c)條(宏利 MPF 利息基金)。宏利 人壽保險(國際)有限公司為保證人。宏利 MPF 利息基金的保證特點會受保證人的信貸風險影響。記入並投資於利息基金的派息,因而受到有關風險 的影響,例如保證人的信貸風險,以及需收取適用於利息基金的費用及收費。請參閱強積金計劃說明書第 3.4.1 條(宏利 MPF 利息基金(「利息基 金」))有關利息基金的詳情,尤其投資目標及風險。 Manulife MPF Interest Fund is a non-unitized bond fund of the Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme that provides a capital guarantee and aims to provide members with interest each month at a rate that equals to or exceeds the prescribed savings rate published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority. The actual interest rate shall be declared by Manulife Provident Funds Trust Company Limited at its sole discretion at the recommendation of Manulife (International) Limited at the end of the month. Please refer to sections 3.4.1 (Manulife MPF Interest Fund (the “Interest Fund”)) and 7.2.4(c) (Manulife MPF Interest Fund) of the MPF Scheme Brochure for details of the credit risks and guarantee features. Manulife (International) Limited is the guarantor. The guarantee features of Manulife MPF Interest Fund (the “Interest Fund”) are subject to the credit risks of the guarantor. Dividends are credited to and invested in the Interest Fund which is subject to relevant risks such as the credit risks of the guarantor as well as fees and charges applicable to the Interest Fund. Please refer to sections 3.4.1 (Manulife MPF Interest Fund (the “Interest Fund”)) of MPF Scheme Brochure for a detailed description of the Interest Fund, particularly the investment objective and risks. ▲ 有關成分基金之一年、三年、五年及十年的表現將於成分基金推出一年、三年、五年及十年後提供。 The 1-year, 3-year, 5-year & 10-year performance of the constituent fund will be available 1 year, 3 years, 5 years and 10 years respectively after the launch date. * 有關成分基金的表現將於基金推出六個月後提供。 The performance of the constituent fund will be available 6 months after the launch date. ▲▲ 成分基金由推出日至該年度止之回報。 Constituent fund performance from launch date to end of that calendar year. ∫∫∫ 恒生指數( 總回報) 乃由恒生指數有限公司根據恒生資訊服務有限公司特許協議發佈及編製之「股息累計指數」計算,股價變動及股息收益兩個因素 將包括在內。 The Hang Seng Index (Total Return) is published and compiled according to the "Total Return Index" by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited pursuant to a licence from Hang Seng Data Services Limited. The Index will take account of both price changes and dividend payments. ᴪ 宏利 MPF 退休收益基金(「退休收益基金」)旨在定期分發派息。現時,退休收益基金擬定每月分發派息,並於 2020 年 9 月 21 日推出日期後的第 七個月開始(或首層核准基金的投資經理如認為合適而建議的更早日期)。在每曆年開始分發派息的首個月之前,該曆年每月份的某一交易日將 預定為記錄日(「記錄日」)。於緊隨記錄日後的下一個交易日(「除息日」),退休收益基金每單位資產淨值將降低或調整,以反映分發派 息。每曆年之每月份預定的記錄日及除息日的時間表將於該曆年首個記錄日前,在實際可行的情況下盡快於網站 www.manulife.com.hk 備妥。若當天 並非交易日,將順延至下一個交易日進行。 Manulife MPF Retirement Income Fund (the “Retirement Income Fund“) aims to distribute dividend on a regular basis. Currently, it is intended that the Retirement Income Fund will distribute dividend on a monthly basis starting from the seventh month (or earlier as advised by the investment manager of the underlying first level APIF if it considers appropriate) after the launch date of September 21, 2020. Prior to the first month commencing distribution of dividend in each calendar year, a dealing day of each month for that calendar year will be pre-determined as the record date (“record date”). The NAV per unit of the Retirement Income Fund on the next dealing day immediately following the record date (“ex-dividend date”) will be decreased or adjusted to reflect the distribution of dividend. The schedule of the pre-determined record dates and ex-dividend dates of each month for each calendar year will be made available at www.manulife.com.hk as soon as practicable prior to the first record date of that calendar year. If a date falls on a non-dealing day, then it will be carried out on the next dealing day. 派息金額將根據成員於記錄日的年齡,分配至相關成員的帳戶/附屬帳戶並再投資於退休收益基金或投資於利息基金。於記錄日當天為 65 歲以下 的成員,派息將再投資以認購退休收益基金單位;而於記錄日當天年屆 65 歲或以上的成員,派息將記入利息基金,因而受到有關風險的影響,例 如保證人的信貸風險,以及需收取適用於利息基金的費用及收費。 The amount of dividend will be allocated to the account/sub-account of the relevant Members and reinvested in either the Retirement Income Fund or invested in the Interest Fund based on the Member’s age as at the record date. For member below age 65 as at the record date, dividend will be reinvested to subscribe units of the Retirement Income Fund. For Member at or above age 65 as at the record date, dividend will be credited to the Interest Fund, which will be subject to relevant risks such as the credit risks of the guarantor as well as fees and charges applicable to the Interest Fund. 「可分派收入淨額」指淨投資收入(即股息收入及/或利息收入並已扣除費用、收費及開支),並包括已變現之淨收益(如有)。可分派收入淨 額並不包括未變現之淨收益。 Net Distributable Income means the net investment income (i.e. dividend income and/or interest income net of fees, charges and expenses) and includes net realised gains, if any. Net Distributable Income does not include net unrealised gains. 年度化派息率= [(1+每單位派息/除息日資產淨值)^每年派息次數]-1,年度化派息率乃基於最近⼀次相關派息計算及假設收益再撥作投資,可能⾼於 或低過實際全年派息率。 Annualised yield = [(1+distribution per unit/ex-dividend NAV)^distribution frequency]–1, the annualised dividend yield is calculated based on the latest relevant dividend distribution with dividend reinvested, and may be higher or lower than the actual annual dividend yield. 請注意,正派息率並不代表正回報。退休收益基金就資本或投資回報或派息金額/派息率概不提供任何保證,並且不擔保派息頻次,而派息金額 21 季度基金概覽 Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet As at September 30, 2020 | 截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日 /派息率亦可能出現波動。派息可從基金的已變現之資本增值、資本及/或總收入中撥付,同時亦可從資本中記入/支付全部或部分費用、收費 及開支,以致可作為派息的可分派收入增加。派息從資本中及/或實際上從資本中撥付代表提取部分原有投資或任何歸因於原有投資的資本增 值。分發派息會導致退休收益基金於除息日的每單位資產淨值降低或調整。儘管上文所述,派息將會分配至成員的帳戶/附屬帳戶。投資者不應 只根據上表載有資料而作出任何投資決定。有關詳情,包括風險因素,請參閱強積金計劃說明書。 Please note that a positive dividend yield does not imply a positive return. The Retirement Income Fund does not provide any guarantee on the capital or investment return or dividend amount/yield. There is no assurance on the dividend distribution frequency and the dividend amount/yield may fluctuate. Dividends may be paid out of the realized capital gains, capital and/or gross income while charging/paying all or part of the fees, charges and expenses to/out of the capital, resulting in an increase in distributable income available for dividend distribution. Payment of dividends out of capital and/or effectively out of capital represent a withdrawal of part of the original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Distribution of dividends will result in an immediate decrease or adjustment in the net asset value per unit of the Retirement Income Fund on the ex-dividend date. Despite the above, dividends will be allocated to members’ account/sub-account for investment. Investors should not make any investment decision solely based on information contained in the table above. You should read the MPF Scheme Brochure for further details including risk factors. ɸ 每個成分基金均須根據該成分基金的最新風險指標,劃分為以下七個風險級別的其中一個風險級別。風險級別由強制性公積金計劃管理局(「積金 局」 )根據強積金投資基金披露守則制定,而該風險級別並未經香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會(「證監會」)審閱或認許。 A risk class is to be assigned to each constituent fund according to the seven-point risk classification below based on the latest risk indicator of the constituent fund. The risk class is prescribed by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (“MPFA”) according to the Code on Disclosure for MPF Investment Funds and the risk class has not been reviewed or endorsed by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”). 風險級別 Risk Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 相等或以上 0.0% 0.5% 2.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 25.0% 風險指標 Equal or above 少於 Less Risk Indicator 0.5% 2.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 25.0% than 警告 : 基金單位價格可升可跌。所載數據僅供參考而過往的基金表現不能作為日後表現的指標。投資帶有風險。有關計劃詳情,包括風險因 素、費用及收費,請參閱強積金計劃說明書。本刊物所載任何資訊不應依賴作為投資建議,或視作代替詳細之投資建議,又或者視為 代替個別情況之詳細投資建議。 註 : 所有圖表及成分基金表現資料皆由相關基金的投資經理提供(除宏利 MPF 利息基金的表現資料由宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司提 供) 。所有基金報價均已扣除投資管理費及其他費用。 WARNING : Unit prices may fall as well as rise. The figures are for reference only and past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investment involves risks. Please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure for details including risk factors, fees and charges of the scheme. No information contained in this publication should be relied upon as investment advice or regarded as a substitute for detailed investment advice or regarded as a substitute for detailed investment advice in individual cases. Note : All the graphs and constituent funds’ performance information are provided by the investment managers of the underlying funds (except performance information of Manulife MPF Interest Fund is provided by Manulife (International) Limited). All unit prices declared are net of investment management fees and other charges. 如欲參閱宏利之私隱政策,閣下可瀏覽宏利網站,網址為 www.manulife.com.hk。閣下並可要求宏利避免使用閣下的個人資料作直接促銷用途,如有此需要,請致函宏利的個人資料 主任,地址為香港九龍觀塘偉業街 223-231 號宏利金融中心 A 座 22 樓,或致電客戶服務熱線 2108 1188。 To view our Privacy Policy, you can go to our website at www.manulife.com.hk. You may also request Manulife not to use your personal information for direct marketing purpose by writing to our Privacy Officer at 22/F, Tower A, Manulife Financial Centre, 223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong or by calling our Customer Service Hotline at 2108 1188. 此季度基金概覽報導宏利環球精選(強積金)計劃內各基金的最新走勢,並可在宏利網站 www.manulife.com.hk 下載,或致電成員服務熱線 2108 1388。 由宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司(於百慕達註冊成立之有限責任公司)刊發。地址:僱員福利業務,香港九龍觀塘偉業街 223-231 號宏利金融中心 A 座 21 樓。傳真:2234 5617 This quarterly Fund Fact Sheet provides fund performance updates for the Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme and you can download it at www.manulife.com.hk, or by calling our Member Hotline at 2108 1388. Issued by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability). Address: Employee Benefits, 21/F., Tower A, Manulife Financial Centre, 223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Fax: 2234 5617 EB-M-828/10/20 22