Proposal Topic: The impact of flexible working on work-life balance, and productivity. Background. Sangarandeniya & Ranasinghe (2020) state that work-life balance is the satisfaction of a good working balance between work and home with a minimum to no conflict. Since the early 1990s there has been a move from the traditional way of working to a more flexible way of working. They moved from a full-time employment method to a more flexible alternative working arrangement. This was due to the concern for the wellbeing of the employees( Barling, Inness & Gallgher, 2002). Flexible working arrangements have proven to improve retention and attraction of new candidates, but have also been linked to positive outcomes for individuals but also for the organisation ( Sharafizad, Paull, Omari,2011). Purpose. The purpose of the study is to find out How flexible working arrangements influence the work-life balance of an employee who has these benefits, and their productivity, and those who are self employed that work flexible hours, or at a flex office. To do this, a research will be done on the sectors that have the benefit of flexible arrangements and those who work at flex offices with flexible hours. Research Questions. The research question that will be researched is “ Does flexible working have an impact on work-life balance and productivity in Curacao? Sub Question :Which sectors benefit more from flexible working policies? Sub Question : Does flexible working policies have a positive or negative effect on the work-life balance of a person? To answer these questions a research will be done in the sector of Curacao which is known to have flexible working policies such as the insurance sector for the employees who have the advantage of flexible working, entrepreneurs who work at a flex office or from home. Research Method. Procedure & Validity. The purpose of this research is to find out to what extent flexible working arrangements influence an employees work-life balance and productivity. To find the data to analyze, the quantitative research method will be used to collect data. There are two methods for data collection which are the quantitative research method, and the qualitative research method. Some writers use only one method or use a mix of both. As stated above, for this research, the quantitative research method will be used. The population for this study are the sales agents of all the branches of Guardian Group Fatum who have the flexibility of flexible working, also entrepreneurs who make use of the flex offices around Curacao no matter their sector. The total sales agents employees of Guardian Group are an estimate of 150 people. They all practice the same role which is to sell the products of the insurance company so only one department was used. Four (4) Flex office places were chosen for analysis on entrepreneurs who work from these flex offices which are CoWorld- coworking community Curacao, The Triangle Curacao, The Workspot Curacao, and Green Apple Curacao. It is estimated that the population here is around 50. For this research, stratified sampling was used because there are different branches and different flex offices. For this research, stratified sampling was used because there are different branches and different flex offices. It was difficult to reach all the agents at the same time due to them working on their own schedule, so we requested to receive each agents email, and the survey was sent to them by this means. Variable Question Source Demographics Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4 General questions Flexible Working Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9 Bijsterveld (2014) Davidescu, et all(2020) Stress due to work Q10,Q11,Q12,Q13 Bijsterveld (2014) Productivity/Efficiency Q14,Q15,Q16,Q17, Bijsterveld (2014) Job performance Q18, Q19,Q20,Q21, Ramos-Villagrasa, et all (2019) Work-life balance Q22,Q23,Q24,Q25 Bijsterveld(2014) Validity Table. Representativeness. Branche Populati Male N s/offices on N %N Male sample Female N %N Female N Represe nt of populati on Isenia 25 5 5% 5 20 20% 20 25 Sint Hill 35 10 10% 10 25 25% 25 35 Avidi 10 5 5% 5 5 5% 5 10 Capital 30 15 15% 15 15 15% 15 30 Green Apple 15 5 5% 5 10 10% 10 15 Work Spot 10 4 4% 4 6 6% 6 10 The 15 Triangle 10 10% 10 5 5% 5 15 Coworl d 10 3 3% 3 7 7% 7 10 Total 150 57 57% 57 93 93% 93 150 Representativeness of population Survey Dear employee of Guardian Group Fatum, and entrepreneur at a flex office, my name is Mica Pieters and I am currently conducting research to find out how flexible working impacts the work-life balance and productivity of an employee. Please fill out this survey so I can find the data necessary to do this research. The survey will take about 10 minutes to fill out. 1. Gender 0 Male 0 Female 2. What is your age group ? 0 18 -25 0 25-35 0 35-45 0 45-55 0 55-65 3. What is your marital status? 0 single 0 married 0 separated 0 civil 4. What is your highest level of education ? 0 high school 0 college 0 university Flexible working 5. Please answer the following statements regarding the flexible working policies at your work. Does your organisation offer the following flexible policies ? please mark which applies 0 part-time 0 flexible working schedules 0 working from home 0 Flex place 6. Do you work the same number of hours every week? 0 yes 0 No 7. Do you work flexible hours? 0 Yes 0 No 8. Do you practice home working ? 0 Yes 0 No 9. Do you practice flex office ? 0 Yes 0 NO Please select the opinion which applies to you with strongly disagree being the worst and strongly agree being the best Stress due to work Strongle disagree disagree Somewh at disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewh at agree agree Strongly agree Somehat agree agree Strongly agree 10. I Enjoy my work 11.I have ample energy at the beginnin g of my workday 12.I find it difficult to relax after work 13.By the end of the day i feel worn out Productivity 14. How many hours per week are you expected to work? Strongly disagree 15. I had a hard time doing my job because disagree Somewh at disagree Neither agree nor disagree of personal problems 16. I am inspired by the team to do my best work 17. I do my work because i have to Job performance. Strongly disagree 18. I take extra responsib ility often 19. I set priorities at work 20.I plan my work so i finish on time 21. On my own initiative, i start new task when old one is disagree Somewh at disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewh at agree agree Strongly agree finished Work-life balance: Strongly disagree 22. Work should be only a small part of owns life 23. The mayor satisfacti on in my life is my work 24. To me, my work is only a small part of who I am 25. I have other activities more important than my work. disagree Somewh at disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewh at agree agree Strongly agree