Hero’s Journey Presentation Criteria Sheet English 1 Mrs. Leopard DUE Date: March 15, 2021 Overview: This movie must be approved by Mrs. Leopard, and may not be changed after March 5. You will need to watch your film outside of class and discuss how the film fits The Hero’s Journey. (Use your notes and chart!!) You may not include any inappropriate content in your presentation. This includes graphic language, sexual content, graphic images (including blood and gore), and demonic content. If you have to ask if something is appropriate, it probably is not! Remember that you may choose movies rated only G, PG, and/or PG-13. This is a Project/Test grade and will count 60% of your grade. Remember you will also be graded/judged on your work ethics through the Individual Progress Assessment. Copying a project from ANY SOURCE (ie. Projects online) will result in a zero for this project with no chance of revision or resubmission. DO NOT CHEAT OR PLAGIARIZE! If you and your group member are having issues (one person is not doing any work) you must let me know. You will be given one warning before I split up the group and each member has to work on the project separately. Cooperative work is part of the South Carolina State Standards. Required Elements: Google Slides presentation with at least 12 slides and include all of the following elements. o Slide 1: Title Slide that includes your name, the movie title, and at least one image o Slide 2: Brief Synopsis of the Movie – explain the basic plot of the movie. Include at least one image. o Slide 3: The Ordinary World - Help us understand the initiate’s normal world and life. Include at least one image. o Slide 4: The Call/ The Refusal of the Call—Discuss how your character is “called” to adventure. (Be sure to include if your initiate/hero tried to refuse the call) Include at least one image of your character. o Slide 5: The Mentor – discuss how the character serves as an advisor to the initiate/hero and where the mentor lives traditionally. Include at least one image of the mentor. Explain if the mentor gives an amulet to the initiate/hero. o Slide 6: Crossing the Threshold – explain “how” the initiate/hero crosses into the unknown world. Include at least one image. o Slide 7: Road of Trials and Helpers - Describe at least three barriers/tests the initiate/hero must overcome/conquer. Also, include the initiates/ hero’s major helpers. Include at least one image. o Slide 8: Approach and The Supreme Ordeal - Where is the final battle and who/what does the initiate/hero have to slay? Include at least one image o Slide 9: The Reward/ The Ultimate Boon – Explain the “goal” of the journey. What does the initiate/hero have to take back to his world? Include at least one picture. o Slide 10: The Road Back – How does the initiate/hero return to his home? Include at least one picture. o Slide 11: The Resurrection – Explain ‘How” the initiate/hero is transformed? How is the hero different that he was when he started the journey? Include at least one image. o Slide 12: Return with the Elixir – How does the “normal/ordinary” world celebrate the hero’s success? Include at least one image. The presentation can be longer. And, Up to 10 Bonus points will be given for exceptional work or extras like working video clips. Hints: ● ● ● ● ● ● Make sure your font is simple. Anything too elaborate is hard to read. Make sure your bullets points have a font size of at least 30 pt. and no larger than 35 pt. Check your grammar, capitalization, and spelling! Images should be large enough to see, but not overpower your information. Make sure your presentation is visually attractive to your audience. During your presentation, make sure you know your information. Make your bullet points clear and concise, then elaborate to your audience. Prove you know the material! ● Make sure you make eye contact with your audience from time to time.