1. Category A or ECP (Environmentally Critical Project) - projects or undertakings which are classified as environmentally critical projects (ECPs) under Presidential Proclamation No. 2146 (1981), Proclamation No. 803 (1996), and any other projects that may later be declared as such by the President of the Philippines. Examples : 1. Heavy Industries 1. Non-ferrous metal industries 2. Iron and steel mills 3. Petroleum and petro-chemical industries, including oil and gas 4. Smelting plants 2. Resource Extractive Industries 1. Major mining and quarrying industries 2. Forestry projects - a. Logging - b. Major wood processing projects - c. Introduction of fauna (exotic animals) in public/private forests - d. Forest occupancy - e. Extraction of mangrove products - f. Grazing REASON: These mentioned examples are stated in the Presidential Proclamation No. 2146 (1981), Proclamation No. 803 (1996) under Section A. 2. Category B or NON-ECP IN ECA (Non-ECP in Environmentally Critical Area) projects or undertakings which are not classified as ECP under Category A, but which are likewise deemed to significantly affect the quality of the environment by virtue of being located in Environmentally Critical Area (ECA) as declared under Proclamation 2146 and according to the parameters set forth in the succeeding sections. Examples: 1. Agriculture -) Water management projects for agriculture, including irrigation and land drainage projects; 2. aquaculture projects - Intensive fish farming; Mangrove areas Coral reefs reasons why; 3. Areas which constitute the habitat for any endangered or threatened species of indigenous Philippine wildlife (flora and fauna) 4. Areas of unique historic, archeological or scientific interest 5. Areas set aside as aesthetic potential tourist spots; As mentioned above, such examples of ECP are in areas with unique historical, archeological, scientific interest, or areas that are considered as habitats of indigenous Philippine wildlife, and or areas reserve for potential tourist attractions. 3. Category C or Environmental Enhancement projects or undertakings not falling under Category A or B which are intended to directly enhance the quality of the environment or directly address existing environmental problems. Examples: Renewable Energy. Organic Garden REASON WHY: Such examples are in Category C since those are major projects that introduce new inventory objects for defining the environmental settings that would give big impact for the future generation. 4. Category D or Not Covered projects or undertakings that are deemed unlikely to cause significant adverse impact on the quality of the environment according to the parameters set forth in the Screening Guidelines. These projects are not covered by the Philippine EIS system and are not required to secure an ECC. Examples: 6. individual residential houses or commercial buildings/structures; 7. · sari-sari stores; Reasons why: Houses, buildings, and even sari-sari store projects belong to category D since these infrastructures limit to a maximum of 20 employees in its capacity. Even though they are in an environmentally critical area, they do not produce waste materials that pose serious health hazards or even generate significant amount of organic and solid waste.