Imperative Verbs - Bossy action words Put Stop Leave Enjoy Imagine Remember Don’t Make Prepare Separate Unite Think Consider Trust Connectives - Words used to link ideas together. However Above all Except Although Throughout Firstly Eventually On the other hand Yet Not only Mostly Therefore Similarly Direct Address - Talking to your audience We, us, together give the impression of a shared goal or cause. You make the listener question themselves. Them, they isolate a group or individual for either positive or negative reasons. Coco-cola tastes better than Pepsi which is why it is so popular. Coco-cola is the most popular beverage brand in the world. However, Thriller has the worst music video of all time. Michael Jackson’s Thriller is the highest selling album of all time. Using sonar makes dolphins really cool. Dolphins communicate using sonar. Imagine if... How would you feel…? Have you ever…? B, t, p, d a harsh, sharp sound; bullies beat the boys. Tokyo is the best city in the world. Japan has a rich cultural history. Would you…? S, sh, ss, z creates a soft tone; soft, satin sheets. Opinion -A personal view or attitude Facts - Something that is known to be true Rhetorical Questions - Something asked for effect, rather than to receive an answer Alliteration - Two or more words used in a sequence which begin with the same letter Emotive Language - Words chosen to evoke feelings from the listener Amazing Elegant Anticipation Mesmerising Entrancing Gratifying Mysterious Cruel Sadistic Barbaric Vile Horrific Chaotic Hectic Statistics - Numerical facts and data used as evidence Ratios 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer. Percentages You’ll save 80% on your energy bill! Numbers 100 men were asked to take part. Triplets - A set of three similar ideas Cold, lost, alone. Sun, sand, sea. Chaos, death, destruction. Bright, shiny and new. Tail wagging, ears flopping and tongue flapping. Pale, cold, lifeless. Fun, fancy, free.