Review Sheet: WWI and Imperialism WRITE YOUR ANSWER IN THIS COLUMN 1 READ THIS CLUE BELOW. Economic motivation during imperialism 2 European division of Africa 3 A new Technology that made it easier for Europeans to expand control in Africa Impact of Imperialism on European countries relations 4 5 That idea that European’s culture was superior and should be ‘shared’ with the ‘lesser’ African and Asian cultures Countries such as India and China tried to resist imperialism during the Sepoy Rebellion (India) and the Boxer Rebellion (China) A British man who hoped to gain economic profits by exploiting the raw materials in Africa Planes, Tanks, Submarines, Gas, Machine Guns. The use of greatly increased the number of deaths Devoting all Resources and efforts to the war effort 6 7 8 9 10 11 Blamed and punished Germany for the millions of deaths, huge debts, and property destroyed during the war. Internal reasons that made imperialism easier in Africa 12 A message from Germany to Mexico that proposed an invasion of the US 13 The Assassination of this man was the spark they caused WW1 to begin 14 15 Their role began to change as they worked in factories to help the war effort, and eventually won the legal battle to vote The belief that one’s nation is the best 16 Increasing the size and spending on military 17 The tension caused over fighting for land in Africa 18 The network of agreements among countries to protect one another 19 Taking over land for the natural resources Raw Materials Treaty of Versailles Cause of WW1 (M)- Militarism White Man’s Burden Cecil Rhodes Berlin Conference Cause of WW1 (A)- Alliance Archduke Franz Ferdinand Total War Rising Tensions Cause of WW1 (I)- Imperialism New Military Technology Railroad wide variety of cultures Cause of WW1 (N)- Nationalism Zimmerman Telegram Imperialism Women’s Role Reaction to Imperialism PREVIOUS LESSONS 20 This inspired Latin American Revolutions to gain independence. 21 This despotic leader took over post-revolution France. 22 He wanted to create a Latin American Federation. 23 These ideas developed in Europe and spread to the Americas Enlightenment American Revolution Simon Bolivar Robespierre PART 2 Questions Imperialism 1. What is imperialism? 2. What did the European nations want during imperialism? 3. What was the belief that imperialism was necessary to spread the benefits of western society? World War one 12. What are the 4 main causes of WW1? a. b. c. d. 13. What were the two sides called and members of? a. b. 4. What are some Natural resources sought out in Africa? 5. What event divided Africa and did Africans have a say? 14. Who was Archduke Franz Ferdinand? 15. What new inventions caused a large increase in casualties during WW1 compared to previous wars? 6. What are some countries swallowed up in England’s imperial ambitions? 16. WW1 was a total war. What does this mean? 7. How did China and India respond to Imperialism? 17. What was the Zimmerman telegram, and what was the point of it? 8. How did imperialism impact relations among European Nations? 18. What finally caused the US to join the war? 9. Why was Europe able to spread into Africa in the late 1800s? 19. What impact do we see as a result of women’s efforts on the home front? 10. Who was Cecil Rhodes and what was he after? 20. What ended WW1? a. What was its impact on Germany? 11. Modern events such as Rwandan Genocide, Conflict Diamonds, and Apartheid are effects of what 19th & 20th Century event? b. What was its impact on the maps of Europe?