IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference Plenary Talk3 November 3-5, 2008 / Fukuoka, Japan 4G Wireless Technology: When will it happen? What does it offer? Bill Krenik Chief Technical Officer, Wireless Business Unit Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas, Texas Abstract )RXUWK JHQHUDWLRQ * WHFKQRORJ\ ZLOO RIIHU PDQ\ DGYDQFHPHQWV WR WKH ZLUHOHVV PDUNHW LQFOXGLQJ GRZQOLQN GDWD UDWHV ZHOO RYHU PHJDELWV SHU VHFRQG 0ESV ORZ ODWHQF\ YHU\ HIILFLHQW VSHFWUXP XVH DQG ORZFRVW LPSOHPHQWDWLRQV :LWK LPSUHVVLYH QHWZRUN FDSDELOLWLHV *HQKDQFHPHQWVSURPLVHWREULQJWKHZLUHOHVVH[SHULHQFH WRDQHQWLUHO\QHZOHYHOZLWKLPSUHVVLYHXVHUDSSOLFDWLRQV VXFK DV VRSKLVWLFDWHG JUDSKLFDO XVHU LQWHUIDFHV KLJKHQG JDPLQJ KLJKGHILQLWLRQ YLGHR DQG KLJKSHUIRUPDQFH LPDJLQJ 2001- First 3G service RISKRQHVZHUH%DVLF7HUPLQDOV 6FUHHQ 176x182 SL[HOV [LQFUHDVH 6RIWZDUH JUDSKLFV .SRO\V [ SL[HOV [LQFUHDVH 'DWDUDWH 0ESV [LQFUHDVH 9LGHR :9*$S+' FRPLQJ $XGLR +/26 :LQ&( EPOC $$& +/26 ,PDJLQJ 0LOOLRQ 3L[HOV *UDSKLFV 0SRO\V 2SHQ*/(6 $XGLR 0XOWLIRUPDW '0,', GPS 5HDOWLPH PDSV 1R GPS 1R %URZVHUV This paper will explore what 4G technology is, as well as some of the key factors that must be addressed to fully comprehend the benefits and challenges of successfully implementing 4G. Silicon level technology issues will be addressed, such as next-generation applications processing, modem technology, power management and integration. Finally, the trends and predictions for 4G network deployment will be discussed. 0XOWLSOH &KRLFHV 6WUDWHJ\$QDO\WLFV-DQXDU\µ Figure 1: Current 3G handset features The move to 4G networks will allow service providers to offer the impressive applications that will drive users to upgrade to the new phones. Current downlink data rates are less than 10 megabits per second (Mbps); 4G systems will offer downlink data rates well over 100 Mbps, an improvement of 10 times over 3G. 4G systems will also have low latency, improving the consumer experience. With flexible network connections, efficient use of spectrum and impressive user applications, 4G will offer what consumers want. Introduction Consumer expectations for mobile handsets and similar products are becoming more and more sophisticated. Consumers are demanding a better user experience along with more advanced and useful applications on a more ergonomic device. Devices continue to shrink in size while growing in processing power. Next generation mobile networks, like 4G wireless technologies, will need to meet these user expectations if they are to succeed. But bringing 4G to the market will have its challenges. Next generation applications processors and modem technology will be necessary as well as higher levels of integration and power management. All of this, of course, has to be offered at a price point that the consumer will pay. What is LTE? The current third generation (3G) offerings are a big improvement over the previous 3G network products from several years ago. Figure 1 demonstrates how mobile devices have changed in the past 7 years. Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology is sometimes called 3.9G or Super 3G and has been developed by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) as an improvement to the current Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). By using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), LTE will be able to provide download rates of 150 Mbps for multi-antenna (2x2) multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) for the highest category terminals. For these terminals upload rates in the 50 Mbps range will allow an efficient transfer of data. The current 3G devices are good, but they will have to improve in areas like imaging and processing power to support future 4G applications like three dimensional (3D) and holographic gaming, 16 megapixel (MPixel) smart cameras and high-definition (HD) camcorders. Applications like these will demand more processing power than the current 3G handsets offer, requiring more efficient applications processors. 978-1-4244-2605-8/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 2QO\IRUHFDVWHGWREH%DVLF7HUPLQDOV 6FUHHQ [LQFUHDVH ,PDJLQJ 100K 3L[HOV 'DWDUDWH NESV 9LGHR QCIF ISV ± $YDLODEOHLQKDQGVHWVWRGD\ 141 LTE makes very efficient use of the available spectrum with channel bandwidths from 1.25 Megahertz (MHz) to 20 MHz. 7KHVH IOH[LEOH ³VOLFHV´ ZLOO DOORZ /7( WR EH PRUH HDVLO\ implemented in countries where 5 MHz is a commonly allocated amount of spectrum. LTE will also co-exist with legacy systems already rolled out around the world. IMTAdvanced UMTS/ TD-SCDMA HSPA GPRS/ EDGE With less than 5 millisecond (ms) latency for small IP packets, LTE is able to offer an Internet experience closer to a wired broadband connection. In addition, LTE supports MBSFN (Multicast Broadcast Single Frequency Network) for Mobile TV broadcasts over the LTE network. ~ 200kbps SMS, Internet Browsing Spectral efficiency (bps/Hz) Spectral efficiency (bps/Hz) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 HSDPA (1X2) HSDPA (1X2) HSDPA (2X2) Rake* LMMSE MIMO Context awareness will allow phones to sense and react to a XVHU¶V VXUURXQGLQJV )RU H[DPSOH LPDJLQH D ZRPDQ LV RXW shopping in a local mall. She passes by a poster of her favorite TV star. Her phone and the poster sense each other and she receives information directly on her phone about show times RUHYHQDQRIIHUWRGRZQORDGWKHVWDU¶VODWHVWKLWVLQJOH Another exciting future application is telemedicine. In the future a patient will be able to take general readings, like temperature, pulse and blood glucose levels and send them directly to a doctor for evaluation. Or, imagine you are the SDUHQWRIDGLDEHWLFFKLOG,QWRGD\¶VZRUOGZKHQ\RXUFKLOG heads off to school each day you must rely on the child and school nurse to keep their diabetes under control. With telemedicine applications, your child would be able to take their blood glucose reading at school and that reading would then be automatically forwarded to you, the parent, giving you peace of mind. The possibilities are endless! 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 HSUPA release'6 (1X2)* LTE (2X2) MIMO* LTE (1X2)* Figure 4 shows some of the expected 4G applications and the performance levels consumers demand. Consumers today expect their mobile device to perform with the same or even better standards than stand-alone devices. These applications along with an intuitive, high resolution user interface will deliver the 4G experience of tomorrow. OFDM Benefits High-spectral efficiency Resistance to frequency selective fading Robust to multi-path Show Time 7:30pm As data rates have increased over the years, higher performance applications have been enabled on the mobile handset. Figure 3 shows the progression of these applications. 0 0 video streaming Mobile Web 2.0 4G Applications LTE Uplink 1.2 display graphics High-resolution OFDMA is able to deliver high spectral efficiency due to its resistance to frequency selective fading, multi-path robustness, flexible resource scheduling and its ability to take advantage of MIMO antenna systems. With two times the spectral efficiency of High-Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA), OFDMA is able to provide the performance needed for 4G systems. Like latency, efficiency will be critical to 4G systems. The large amounts of information flowing through 4G systems will require high spectral efficiency. Figure 2 shows the relative spectral efficiency of different 3G and 4G system modem technologies. 0.7 Preference-Aware Advanced video Figure 3: 4G Enables Higher-Performance Applications Consumers want a connection experience like they get at their homes using a wired broadband connection. LTE will decrease latency to just 50 ms from dormant to connection and a 5 ms one-way latency after that, delivering connection latencies similar to a wired connection. 0.8 video streaming Song 2 Latency in a wireless network describes the time it takes between when an action is initiated or requested and when it actually begins. In 3.5G networks, when a phone is in dormant mode and wants to initiate a connection, a several hundred milleseconds (ms) delay is common. For transmission of data packets, 50 ms one-way latency is the norm. LTE Downlink HD video streaming Multi-view real time ~ 100 Mbps to 1Gbps Virtual reality Context & Song 1 Latency and Efficiency 1.4 ~ 10 to 100 Mbps Purchase LTE is currently expected to be ratified in December 2008 with first products available the next year. An additional upgrade, LTE Advanced, would enable peak data download rates of over 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) to support 4G functionality. 1.6 ~ 300kbps to 14 Mbps Interactive 3D LTE/ Wi-MAX OFDMA allows flexible resource scheduling Well-suited to multiple antennae, MIMO systems (diversity) *: Based upon operator initiated LTE performance comparison in 3GPP RAN1 Figure 2: OFDM Offers the Best Spectral Efficiency 142 Camera 8-12 MP Optical zoom 2D/3D graphics and gaming Autofocus 1 s shot-to-shot Browser Full web page display All plug-ins and fonts Navigation GPS based directions Real-time traffic updates Media player 12-megapixel camera Seamless connectivity to WiFi, 3G, WiMAX, GPS Camcorder HD record and playback Image stabilization High-quality audio P DVD-quality camcorder OMAP 3 Processor O M-Shield security W Optimal balance of power, performance and price E Productivity clients R 720p HD video and beyond Support all audio & video formats High-resolution display Full Web browsing Fast boot time Gaming 3D graphics HD quality 3D user interface Figure 4: 4G Meets High Consumer Expectations Figure 5: OMAP Delivers the Performance for 4G Systems Mobile Internet Device (MID) Integrated graphics and image accelerators enable new levels of application performance for 4G phones, like HD camcorder functionality and 720p HD video playback. A critical component of this new generation of OMAP processors is the integration of SmartReflex technologies for advanced power reduction to give users the battery life they expect. Additional interfaces and integrated systems on OMAP 3 processors are shown in Figure 6. A new class of mobile devices is emerging that is a convergence of the Smartphone market with the PC market. These new MIDs, Mobile Internet Devices, are low-power, high-performance wireless devices, able to deliver a desktop experience on a small footprint, portable device. MIDs deliver an intuitive user interface with touch screens, as well as fullfeatured browser support, high resolution displays, broadband and personal connectivity, a camera, camcorder, navigation, media player, gaming and office productivity applications in a small footprint that can operate all day on a single charge. Integration and Power Management To be able to deliver the performance needed for 4G technologies, process technologies must continue towards higher integration. The current 45 nanometer (nm) process in use today allows up to two times the density compared to the previous 65nm process. In addition to cost savings, the 45nm process achieves a 25% performance increase over the 65nm process. Continued integration will increase performance while decreasing costs over time. But all this integration comes at a price, namely the need for sophisticated power management technologies. Shrinking the process technology down to 45nm has an exponential effect on leakage power XQWLOLWEHFRPHVDVLJQLILFDQWSDUWRIDGHYLFH¶VWRWDOSRZHU>@ Console Quality Graphics 2D and 3D acc OpenGL® ES1.1 OpenVG, JSR184, 239, 297 Game Engine up to 800 Mhz Floating Point Java Jazelle RCT Acceleration The OMAP 3 family of applications processors delivers a whole new level of integration and performance for 4G applications by integrating a multi-core technology along with IOH[LEOH V\VWHP VXSSRUW $Q LQWHJUDWHG $50 &RUWH[$ VXSHUVFDODUFRUHSURYLGHV0+]RISHUIRUPDQFHWRHQDEOH innovative user interfaces as well as faster data access rates. Securing Content, DRM, Secure Runtime, IPSec ARM Cortex A8 Neon PowerVR SGX530 GPU Imaging Video Accelerator LCD I/F Camera Image Pipeline Memory Controller Internet access social network connection, online gaming, VoIP based chat Modem WLAN L3 Interconnect Security Processing Power for all application. full Internet browsing experience, Audio Engine, Speech, VoIP Chat Video (720p) and Still Image capture and playback. UI/game control by camera Bluetooth Image Signal Processor Video Out The amount of processing performance needed to deliver these new 4G applications will be large. Integrated, multi-core architectures that deliver microprocessors and DSPs on a VLQJOHFKLSZLOOEHFULWLFDOWR*¶VVXFFHVV3URGXFWVVXFKDV 7,¶V 20$3 DSSOLFDWLRQV SURFHVVRUV HQDEOH PRUH sophisticated and intuitive user interfaces and provide a web browsing experience similar to traditional PCs. These multicore applications processors are smaller in size and consume less power than PC-based architectures. Figure 5 GHPRQVWUDWHV 20$3¶V XQLTXH DELOLW\ WR GHOLYHU WKH performance, power and price needed for 4G technology. Peripherals Next Generation Applications Processors L4 rnterconnect With the ability to reuse software and hardware already in use in Smartphones, MIDs will offer a whole new market for 4G WHFKQRORJ\ 5HXVH ZLOO PD[LPL]H DQ 2(0¶V UHWXUQRQ investment and accelerate the time-to-market of these new devices. GPS OMAP3430 On device auto image enhancement and correction. AF/AE/AWB Sensors accelerometers, eye glasses Digital still camera quality imaging Drive TV or DLP direct from phone Figure 6: OMAP 3 High-Performance Applications Processors for 4G 143 7,¶V 6PDUW5HIOH[ LV DQ DJJUHVVLYH SRZHU PDQDJHPHQW WHFKQRORJ\WKDWLQYROYHVDOORIWKHV\VWHPFRPSRQHQWVVLOLFRQ GHVLJQ DQG VRIWZDUH %\ LQWHJUDWLQJ SRZHU PDQDJHPHQW DFURVVDOORIWKHVHOHYHOV6PDUW5HIOH[ZLOODOORZ*SURGXFWV WKDWZLOOKDYHVPDOOHUEDWWHULHVEXWGHOLYHUDOOGD\RSHUDWLRQRQ DVLQJOHFKDUJH Positioning technology 3D and holographic gaming 10+ hours of talk time 1H[WJHQHUDWLRQ ZLUHOHVVQHWZRUNV Augmented reality 8+ hours of video ;DSSOLFDWLRQSHUIRUPDQFH 7KH 6PDUW5HIOH[ SRZHU PDQDJHPHQW DUFKLWHFWXUH LQFOXGHV VHYHUDO NH\ FRPSRQHQWV IRU UHGXFLQJ SRZHU FRQVXPSWLRQ ZKLOHLQFUHDVLQJSHUIRUPDQFH)LUVWPXOWLSOHLQWHUGHSHQGHQWO\ FRQWUROOHG SRZHU GRPDLQV DOORZ SRZHU DQG SHUIRUPDQFH PDQDJHPHQWE\VRIWZDUH0XOWLSOHJDWHOHQJWKFHOOVLQFUHDVH WKH VZLWFKLQJ VSHHG VKRUWHU JDWH OHQJWK RU UHGXFH OHDNDJH ORQJHU JDWH OHQJWK WR DFKLHYH WKH ULJKW PL[ RI SHUIRUPDQFH YHUVXVOHDNDJH 3D imaging & display Personalization of user interface 256+ gigabytes memory Multi touch-screen KRXUVRIPXVLF HD camcorder 16MP smart cameras Motion sensor Speech enablement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³6PDUW5HIOH[3RZHUDQG3HUIRUPDQFH 0DQDJHPHQW 7HFKQRORJLHV UHGXFHG SRZHU FRQVXPSWLRQ RSWLPL]HG SHUIRUPDQFH´)HEUXDU\ >@ :LUHOHVV,QWHOOLJHQFHUHSRUW-DQXDU\ >@ 6WUDWHJ\$QDO\WLFV$SULO 2WKHU 6PDUW5HIOH[ GHVLJQ WHFKQRORJLHV OLNH DGDSWLYH YROWDJH VFDOLQJ $96 G\QDPLF SRZHU VZLWFKLQJ '36 G\QDPLF YROWDJHDQGIUHTXHQF\VFDOLQJ '9)6 PXOWLSOHGRPDLQVDQG VWDQGE\ OHDNDJH PDQDJHPHQW 6/0 ORZHU VWDQGE\ OHDNDJH SRZHUWRGHOLYHUEHWWHUSRZHUFRQVXPSWLRQIRU*KDQGVHWV Predictions for 4G 6RZKHQZLOO*KDSSHQ"&XUUHQWLQGXVWU\GHSOR\PHQWWLPHV HVWLPDWHDWLPHIUDPH9HUL]RQ:LUHOHVVLVDOUHDG\ LQILHOGWULDOVZLWK9RGDIRQHXVLQJ/7(WHFKQRORJ\7KHLUIXOO /7( QHWZRUN LV H[SHFWHG WR EH ODXQFKHG LQ 177 'R&R0RKDVDOUHDG\DFKLHYHGGRZQOLQNVSHHGVRIXSWR 0ESV LQ ILHOG WHVWLQJ ZLWK /7( 177 'R&R0R¶V 6XSHU * QHWZRUNZLOOEHODXQFKHGLQZLWKWKHIXOO*QHWZRUNWR EHODXQFKHGLQRU :LWK WKH EUHDGWK RI HQJDJLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQV DQG SHUIRUPDQFH WKDW *ZLOO RIIHU DV VKRZQ LQ )LJXUH*ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR JURZWKHFHOOXODUKDQGVHWPDUNHW :LUHOHVV ,QWHOOLJHQFH >@ HVWLPDWHV WKH KDQGVHW PDUNHW ZLOO UHDFKPRUHWKDQELOOLRQVXEVFULEHUVE\ZLWKPLOOLRQ 6PDUWSKRQH VDOHV H[SHFWHG WKDW \HDU >@ L6XSSOL SUHGLFWV PRUH WKDQ PLOOLRQ SHRSOH ZRUOGZLGH DUH H[SHFWHG WR FRQQHFW WR WKH ,QWHUQHW XVLQJ WKHLU PRELOH SKRQHV LQ GULYLQJWKHGHPDQGIRU* 144