BARE BONES ESSAY OUTLINE What is your topic? What is your thesis? (Claim or position on the topic) – One sentence What are your key points? Use SCC – State the point; Cite a source; provide Commentary. This is just like ACE, except you are not just restating the material you quoted. You must discuss how the citation furthers your argument in support of your thesis. Key Point 1 Key Point 2 Key Point 3 Key Point 4 Key Point 5 Concluding Sentence: What have you proven with your key points? EXAMPLE What is your topic? The legalization of drugs What is your thesis? (Claim or position on the topic) – One sentence Legalizing drugs will reduce the financial and criminal burdens they place on America. What are your key points? Use SCC – State the point; Cite a source; provide Commentary. This is just like ACE, except you are not just restating the material you quoted. You must discuss how the citation furthers your argument in support of your thesis. Key Point 1 Legalizing drugs can be beneficial. Decriminalizing drugs will reduce government costs and raise tax revenues (Ghosh, 2010). With the additional money generated from the sale of drugs, programs can be put in place to help addicts. Key Point 2 There is a great deal of money to be made. Miron and Waldock estimate that of that $41.3 billion in savings, about $8.7 billion would result from the legalization of marijuana alone and $32.6 billion from the legalization of other drugs, like cocaine and heroin. The drug industry is extremely profitable. Key Point 3 States can benefit from drug legalization. California has thousands of (illegal) marijuana growers, and the state government faces a budget shortfall of nearly $20-billion (Brown, 2020). Rather than spend money fighting a drug war, the state could use the resources already in place to make up for its deficit. Key Point 4 Criminals benefit from the illegal drug market. “By keeping marijuana illegal, we've allowed some very dangerous and violent people to make a lot of money (Ghosh, 2010). If we decriminalize drugs, the dealers and cartels would lose much of their business and the violence that results from these criminal transactions would diminish. Key Point 5 We know that drug decriminalization can work, because it has already been done. Portugal and other countries have made all drugs legal and, as a result, have seen an extraordinary reduction in crime (Time, 2018). Because there is no need to purchase drugs illegally, dealers and cartels do not control the streets and drug users no longer have to succumb to their demands. Concluding Sentence: What have you proven with your key points? By legalizing drugs, states, rather than dealers, could profit and the reduction in crime would make our streets safer.