COMILLAS‐ICAI Engineering Research Projects (SPRING & SUMMER 2020) 26/02/2020 RP_CIC01 RP_DEAC01 RP_DEAC02 RP_DEAC03 RP_DIE01 RP_DIM01 RP_DIM02 RP_DIM03 RP_DIM04 RP_DIM05 RP_DIM06 RP_DIM07 RP_DIM08 RP_DIM09 RP_DMA01 RP_DMA02 RP_DOI01 RP_DTC01 RP_IIT01 RP_IIT02 RP_IIT03 Deep Reinforcement Learning mixing virtual and real environments Low‐cost sensor characterization for biomedical applications Evaluation of the perfornac of Narrowband Power Line Communication networks in different scenarios based on simulations Designing software for a generic measurement board for Metrology Solar energy installations and net metering Battery Cell Analyzer 4 KW Module design Determination of plastic pollution in sea salts and brines Sustainability analysis of different types of table salts Designing of DAQ system for a drop weight impact test machine Influence of carbon nanomaterials on electrical and mechanical properties of cianoacrylate adhesives Manufacturing of magnetic cork particles for fabrication of polymer matrix composites Assessment of the recycling performance and environmental awareness among the Comillas University community Programming the game: Binary Who is Who? For the improvement of the teaching of mathematical concepts Asymptotic behaviour of Nonlinear dynamical system in a thermosyphon model Preparation of teaching materials for the finance and operations research areas Exploring applications of machine learning techniques to model space weather conditions Optimization of the location of the electricity and hydrogen charging stations in Spain in the medium and long term State of the Art of Brent and Natural Gas prices forecast models Power generation and storage technologies prospective LEGEND RP_ CIC DEAC DIE DIM DOI DTC IIT Chair: Smart Industry Department of Electronics, Control and Communications Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Mechanical (and Materials) Engineering Department of Industrial Organization Department of Telematics and Computer Sciences Institute for Research in Technology