DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis Worksheet

Place a (+) if you agree with the statement and a (-) if you disagree with the statement in the
BEFORE column, BEFORE you read the chapter. AFTER you read the chapter or sections,
complete the after column in the same format.
1. DNA was identified as the genetic material through Mendel’s
2. The structure of DNA is the same in all organisms.
3 Watson & Crick developed the first model of DNA structure.
4. Nucleotides do not always pair up in the same way. Such as A=T,
5. During replication the genetic (DNA) information is copied.
6. Proteins drive the process of DNA replication
7. Replication takes a long time to occur and it’s usually not accurate.
8. RNA makes a copy of the DNA message.
9. RNA can leave the nucleus but DNA can’t.
10 The bases of RNA are adenine (A), uracil (U), cytosine (C ), and
guanine (G).
11. There are 3 types of RNA: messenger RNA, Transfer RNA, and
ribosomal RNA.
12. Transcription is the copying of the DNA genetic code by RNA.
13. Translation is the decoding of the RNA message into amino acids
14. Codes for the production of amino acids are carried on the messenger
15. Amino acids are linked together to become a protein
16. Gene expression is controlled and can be turned on and off.
17. Environmental factors affect gene expression and mutations.