Allama Iqbal Open University TEMPLATES FOR UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE COURSES OFFERED ONLINE Preamble: Higher Education systems globally have been undergoing a sea of change not just due to the emergence of Covid-19 but because of the emerging teaching, learning technologies that are easily accessible to young scholars. Since its inception in 1972 AIOU has used a system of distance delivery of education through sending printed reading materials, prepared by the faculty and other discipline specialists, through postal services, assigning a host of tutors to assist, guide and assess the learners about their achieved proficiency of materials provided. The whole emphasis was on acquisition of knowledge to the neglect of developing necessary cognitive skills and application competencies. 21st century created global systems of higher education that demand future generations of scholars to be competent in knowledge, develop skills of independent learning and acquire innovative competencies to effectively use their knowledge and skills to become critical, creative and constructive human resources to transform their societies. The first two decades of this century has undergone a new “fourth generation industrial revolution” based on advanced digital technologies that is basically changing the way we teach, learn and assess the quality of learning outcomes needed by a rapidly changing society. A growing number of highly reputed universities in the world have followed the lead of MIT and Harvard to openly provide their course to students all over the world through the use of Cloud technologies and a number of search engines. AIOU scholars and their teachers have to constantly learn the use of these advanced and advancing digital tools to successfully participate in this revolution and harness it for their development. Transformative Actions at AIOU: Recently AIOU has been undergoing a transformative process to become a state of the art higher education institution through the use of advanced digital technologies and making them available to all members of our scholarly community. AIOU has developed a technology based Learning Management System (LMS), trained all its faculty, course coordinators and widely spread regional centers’ staff to facilitate the qualitatively improved online systems of delivering education, using current and up to date learning materials and diverse methodologies through which to foster development of critical, reflective skills of knowledge and its creative and constructive application to solve problems. The AIOU ICT department has provided an augmented system of servers to enable the effective implementation of the LMS. AIOU is also acquiring a Campus Management System (CMS) to smoothly handle admissions, finances, examinations and infrastructure to meet the needs of its large number of students. AIOU already subscribes to Pakistan Education Research Network (PERN). It provides opportunities for both faculty and students to access most recent scholarly journals and research information provided by them. Faculty will use PERN for constant upgrading of their courses, students will gradually move away from relying only on the prescribed texts but explore new research based information to complete their assignments. All AIOU faculty have been provided laptops with built in tools of academic and scholarly research that will enable them to tap into PERN for refining their curricula and using new, diverse methods of teaching. Most students have access to smart phones and computers that enable them to participate in a variety of scholarly activities. AIOU is negotiating with the service providers for special low rate packages for phones and WIFI connectivity. Templates for Academic work (Undergraduate) 1. Each department will list undergraduate courses currently offered to students, with course codes in four digits and course Title. All first year courses will have numbers beginning with 1000 and ascending according to the level of difficulty of the course; 2nd year courses will begin with 2000; third year courses will begin with 3000 and 4th year advanced courses will begin with 4000. 2. Currently there are more than 1900 courses on AIOU list of course offerings. Each department Chair and faculty will put the old courses in an archival repository. All new courses approved by the academic approval process will be identified with the date when instituted. 3. The department will identify in addition to the required Core General Education courses (27 cr. Hours at 1000 to 2000 level), a sequence of courses that form a cluster in the Major area of studies (approximately 45-48 credit hours at all four levels), supporting Minor area of studies approximately 24 credit hours at all four levels, Practical Field Experiences, 15credit hours in Professional degree courses, Electives9 credit hours totaling minimum 120 credit hours in 4 years. 4. Level 5 undergraduate is first two years of approximately 60+ credit hours leading to Associate Degree. Admission will be granted, on merit, to students who have completed matriculation/SSC with minimum of 50 % marks. 5. Level 6 undergraduate degree will lead to a 4 year Bachelor’s degree on completing all the academic requirements as distributed in 3 above. 6. Each Faculty member responsible for the course will develop a detailed course syllabus including the following sub sections: a. Course description no more than 250 words, b. List learning outcomes in a sequence including theoretical/conceptual Knowledge; Conceptual/practical cognitive skills; logical thinking to solve problems and independent learning competencies. c. List required reading materials and research articles from the Web, d. Detailed LMS activities and deadlines to be completed from the 2nd week to the last week of the semester, e. List diverse teaching /methods used by the faculty and students, f. Assessment scheme and weightage of activities according to the LMS, g. AIOU Plagiarism policy statement that will be followed in all academic activities and assignments. Level 5 Table of Learning Outcomes Leading to Assoc.Degree National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Pakistan Key Student Learning Outcomes of Level 5* 1. KNOWLEDGE -Theoretical -Conceptual Possess theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice, equipment and other resource on basic level based on qualifications gained at secondary education level. Functional knowledge of Urdu and English. Reflective thinking Social context of knowledge. 2. SKILLS -Cognitive -Practical Gain the skills to use basic level theoretical and practical knowledge acquired within the field in the same field of a higher education level or in a field of same level. Interpret and evaluate data, define problems, do analysis, produce solutions based on proof with using basic level knowledge and practices gained within the field. Problem solving Skills through application of knowledge. 3. COMPETENCIES Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility Learning Competence Communication and Social Competence the Conduct studies Evaluate the Transfer acquired ideas based on at basic level knowledge the basic within the field and skills at knowledge and independently. basic level skills acquired Take within the within the field responsibility as field with a through written a team member in critical and oral order to solve approach, communication unexpected determine s in Urdu and complex and respond English. problems faced in to learning Share the the applications needs. ideas and within the field. Direct the solutions to Conduct activities education problems towards the received to a about issues development of higher within the field subordinates education with within a project. level in the professionals Work same field or and noncollaboratively in to an professionals. teams. occupation Monitor the Use knowledge in the same evolving and skills to solve level. developments practical Gain in the field and problems as a awareness communicate technician and a of lifelong with peers by supervisor. learning. using a local Demonstrate language. use of skills Use acquired for informatics and occupational communication success. technologies with at least a minimum level of Computer Application for data processing and Basic Level software usage Knowledge. Field Specific Competence Possess social, scientific, cultural and ethical values on the stages of gathering, implement ation on and release of the results of data related to the field. Possess sufficient consciousn ess of universality of human rights, social justice, equality, cultural values and also, environmen tal protection, worker's health and security. Demonstrat ed academic integrity. Honesty in occupation al practice * Note: Admission requirement for Associate Degree is completion of SSC/Matriculation/ F.A/F.Sc/A-Levels examination with more than 50% (Second division) Level 6 Table of Learning Outcomes leading to Bachelor’s Degree National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Pakistan Key Student Learning Outcomes of Level 6* 1. KNOWLEDGE -Theoretical -Conceptual Possess higher level theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipment and other resources. Complete a required core of General Education Courses. Bilingual proficiency in Urdu and English. Logical persuasive critical expression. Reflective thinking to solve problems 2. SKILLS -Cognitive -Practical Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field. Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field. Problem solving skills through application of knowledge acquired. Writing report of innovative research activities 3. COMPETENCES Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility Conduct studies at an advanced level in the field independentl y. Take responsibility both as a team member and individually in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced within the implementati ons in the field. Planning and managing activities towards the development of subordinates in the framework of a project. Work collaborativel y in teams. Interactive problem solving Appreciate diverse opinions Learning Competence Evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired at an advanced level in the field with a critical approach. Determine learning needs and direct the learning. Develop positive attitude towards lifelong learning. Demonstra ted use of Urdu and English for profession al communic ation ns. Efficient use of scholarly and practical tools Communication and Social Competence Inform people and institutions, transfer ideas and solution proposals to problems in written and orally on issues in the field. Share the ideas and solution proposals to problems on issues in the field with professionals and nonprofessionals by the support of qualitative and quantitative data. Organize and implement project and activities for social environment with a sense of social responsibility. Monitor the developments in the field and communicate with peers by using both Urdu and English Use informatics and communication technologies with at least a minimum level of European Computer Usage Advanced Level software Knowledge. Field Specific Competence Act in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values on the stages of gathering, implementatio n and release of the results of data related to the field. Possess sufficient consciousnes s about the issues of universality of human rights, social justice, equality, cultural values in a diverse world and also, environmental protection, worker's health and security. Demonstrate academic integrity in all academic and practical activities. Note: Admission will be granted on merit to those who have completed secondary school certificate examination or A level examination and fulfill the eligibility criteria set by AIOU. Graduate Level 7 Leading to Master’s degree: Minimum Credit hours required for graduation: 30 1. Each department offering Level 7 graduate program will list all Graduate level courses currently offered to the level 7 students. They will be using Course Code beginning with the name of the department, Course Code beginning with 5000/6000 in an ascending order, Course title and date of approval of the course. The department will archive older courses not offered in the last seven semester in a departmental repository. 2. The Department will prescribe the details of the required advanced coursework supported by electives chosen by the student. Those opting for non-thesis degree will complete the 30 credit hours course work with advice of graduate committee and the Chair of the department. 3. Those opting for a thesis will need to select a research committee headed by an academic advisor from the department, which will approve the research proposal and present it to the appropriate departmental committee. Student will earn up to 6 credit hours on successful defense of the thesis in the department committee. 4. University deadlines related to the process of thesis completion will be strictly enforced. 5. Two copies of the approved thesis will be presented to the department, 6. Admission to the program will be based on merit to those students who have completed the Bachelor’s degree with 3.0 CGPA from a HEC recognized institution and have met all the AIOU admission requirements. 7. AIOU provides scholarship/financial aid to outstanding students with high academic grades. 8. Each graduate course faculty will develop a detailed Course syllabus using the following template: a. Course code, title, credit hours and schedule when offered in the academic year, b. Course description no more than 300 words, c. List the Sequence of activities from the 2nd week to the last week of the semester consistent with the LMS. d. Details of grading policy of the instructor, e. Teaching methods to achieve the learning outcomes listed in c above, f. List of required reading texts, articles in research Journals from the Web, g. Enforcement of university Policy on Plagiarism in all forms of academic activities and assigned work. Table of Learning Outcomes for Level 07 for Master’s Degree National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Pakistan Key Student Learning Outcomes of Level 7* 1. KNOWLEDGE -Theoretical -Conceptual Develop and deepen knowledge in the same or in a different field to the proficiency level based on Bachelor level qualifications. Conceive the interdisciplinary interaction which the field is related with. Advanced knowledge of research in the chosen field. Recent development in one’s related field of study. Cognitive, creative, constructive skills for research and reporting results. Utilitarian applied research to solve socioeconomic problems 2. SKILLS -Cognitive -Practical Use of theoretical and practical knowledge within the field at a high proficiency level. Interpret the knowledge about the field by integrating the information gathered from different disciplines and formulate new knowledge. Solve the problem faced related to the field by using research methods and tools. Critical ability to analyze and synthesize technical knowledge and apply it to solve complex problems. 3.COMPETENCE S Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility Independently conduct studies that require proficiency in the field. Take responsibility and develop new strategic solutions as a team member in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced within the applications in the field. Demonstrate leadership in contexts that require solving problems related to the field. Apply methods and tools of inquiry to advance useful knowledge impacting socioeconomic growth. Learning Competence Evaluate knowledge and skills acquired at proficiency level in the field with a critical approach and direct the learning. Ethical use of knowledge created by others. Fidelity of data gathering and its use in technical reports Complete and report an innovative research project to positively impact society Present reports of the research activities to peers and other senior scholars Communication and Social Competence Communicate current developments and studies within the field to both professional and non-professional groups systematically using written, oral and visual techniques by supporting with quantitative and qualitative data. Investigate, improve social connections and their conducting norms with a critical view and act to change them when necessary. Communicate with peers by using a foreign language proficiently. Use advanced informatics and communication technology skills with software knowledge required by the field. Field Specific Competence Audit the data gathering, interpretation, implementation and announcement stages by taking into consideration the cultural, scientific, and ethical values and teach these values. Develop strategy, policy and implementation plans on the issues related to the field and assess the findings within the frame of quality processes. Use the knowledge, problem solving and/or implementation skills in interdisciplinary studies. Be familiar with professional codes of conduct and adhere to them for academic integrity. Note: Admission will be granted on merit to those who have completed Bachelor’s Degree Program with a minimum of 50 % marks/ CGPA 3.00 on 4 point scale, and fulfil the eligibility criteria of AIOU to pursue Master’s degree. Tasks Ahead: AIOU Online Portal for all Undergraduate and Graduate Courses: AIOU is in the process of developing an online informative Portal of all currently offered undergraduate and graduate courses and their schedules for students to make informed decisions before admission. The portal will provide instructions/guidelines by teaching faculty and coordinators of each course on successful completion of the requirements of the courses. High Quality MOOCS for Core General Education Required Courses: AIOU is planning to develop high quality Mass Online Open Courses (MOOCS) in collaboration with outstanding faculty from ranked national/international universities. AIOU will develop and deliver online versions of the nine required Core courses for all level 5 &6 undergraduate degrees offered by them. It will develop agreements with all universities to offer these online courses as MOOCS. Given the recent budget cuts for Higher Education Commission and universities this will be a cost effective way to offer international quality courses by AIOU effective autumn semester 2021 to students enrolled in partner universities and from other countries in the region and overseas.