Entomol. exp. appl. 43: 25-29, 1987 9 Dr W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht - Printed in the Netherlands 25 The role of a m m o n i a in the attraction of females of the Mediterranean fruit fly to protein hydrolysate baits M. Mazor 1, S. Gothilf 1 & R. Galun2 llnstitute of Plant Protection, ARO, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel; and 2Department of Parasitology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel Keywords: Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, attractant, ammonia, protein hydrolysates Abstract Attraction of female Mediterranean fruitfly (medfly) to ammonia and to protein baits was studied with an olfactometer. Ammonia bait (1 cc/trap) proved to be an effective lure. The maximum number of females was caught in traps loaded with 0.01 M ammonia solution with a release rate of 5.28/zg/cc/h. A positive correlation was found between female catch and the ammonia release rate of various protein baits, especially from dry protein hydrolysate of which casein hydrolysate was the most effective. However, casein hydrolysate was less attractive than certain ammonia solutions having a lower rate of ammonia release. Elevation of the pH of the liquid commercial baits, Buminal and Naziman, increased the latter's efficacy as medfly baits but the increased stimulation could not be strictly correlated with the increased rate of ammonia release. It is therefore suggested that medfly olfactory response to protein baits is affected not only by ammonia but by other volatiles as well. Introduction Tephritid fruit flies require a source of protein to complete egg maturation. This requirement is probably the main cause for the strong attraction of females towards decomposing proteinaceous substances, first observed by McPhail (1939). Based on this behavioural reaction, hydrolysates of protein have been included in baits to control fruit flies (Steiner, 1952). Since ammonia is emitted from decomposing proteins, it was assumed that attraction of fruit flies to protein baits is related to the release of ammonia. Indeed ammonium salts have long been used as a lure in fruit fly traps but with conflicting conclusions concerning their effectiveness. Some workers suggested that ammonia is a weak attractant (e.g. Ripley & Hepburn, 1929; McPhail, 1939; Gow, 1954), while others considered it to be an effective lure (e.g. Hodson, 1948; Frick, 1952; Prokopy, 1975; Reissig, 1975; Vita et al., 1980). Recently Morton & Bateman (1981) and Bateman & Morton (1981) studied the chemistry of the components and volatiles of protein hydrolysates but did not identify any particular compound as being responsible for the attraction of the Queensland fruit fly-Dacus tryoni. However, they did find that certain solutions of ammonium bicarbonate were much more effective attractants than the standard protein baits, and that at low pH the attraction of the fly to the protein baits is caused by the small amounts of ammonia released from the baits. At high pH, other attractive volatiles are apparently released .from these baits. In the present work, we have tested the attractancy of the female Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) (medfly), to ammonia solutions and several proteinaceous baits. We examined the relationship between the attractancy of these baits and their rate of ammonia release. Materials and methods Medfly pupae originating from local fruit plan- 26 tations, reared for 5 to 10 generations in the laboratory, were supplied by the Israel Cohen Institute for Biological Control, Rehovot, Israel. Pupae and the emerging flies were kept in a room with windows, under a natural day:night regime and a controlled temperature of 25 + 1 ~ All experiments were conducted in a separate room under the same conditions. Three- to 10-day-old females were used for the experiments. Preliminary tests showed no difference in the olfactory response of flies in this age range. Flies were maintained on granulated sugar and water absorbed on cotton wool. The following baits were tested: the enzymatic hydrolysates of casein, lactalbumin, soy, and yeast (ICN, Cleveland, OH, U.S.A.), all in dry powder form; Buminal | (Bayer, Leverkusen, F.D.R.), Naziman (Nasid Ltd., Tel Aviv, Israel) and PIB 7 (Staley Manufacturing Co., Decatur, IL. U.S.A.), in liquid form. The ammonia stock solution was a concentrated volumetric solution (BDH) adjusted to several concentrations between 0.0001 and 0.1 M. The response of the medfly females to the baits was examined in an olfactometer and in traps described by Gothilf & Galun (1982). All tests were of the two-choice type. During the test six traps were suspended from the horizontally rotating wheel of the olfactometer. Three traps were loaded with one bait and three with a second bait or unbaited. One cc of the experimental bait, whether liquid or dry powder, in a 3-cm-long • 1.5-cm i.d. glass tube (exposure surface of 1.8 cm2), was put in each baited trap. Traps of different treatments were placed alternately in the olfactometer. 250 or 500 female flies were placed in the olfactometer before the start of testing and the same flies were used for several tests, usually one test per day, but sometimes two. Dead flies were replaced by live females of the same age before every test. Each test lasted one hour. At the end of that time the entrance holes of the traps were plugged with a piece of cotton wool and the traps were transferred to a refrigerator for a few minutes. With this procedure the flies became less active and could be counted more easily. The trapped flies were collected with an aspirator, counted, and released back into the olfactometer. For a given bait in a test, the number of flies captured in the three traps was recorded and the test was repeated 5 - 1 2 times. Four olfactometers were used so that four tests could be run simultaneously. The release rate of ammonia from protein hydrolysate baits and from ammonia solutions was determined as follows: 1 cc of an experimental bait was put in a 3-cm-long x 1.5-cm-i.d. glass tube of the type used in the trap, two or three such tubes were prepared when materials of low ammonia release rate were tested. The tubes were placed in a 100-ml flask. Air was pulled with a pump over the sample at a rate of 150 ml/min and then into two consecutive tubes, through cinter glass filters, each containing 10 ml distilled water. The emitted ammonia was trapped mainly in the first water trap; the second trap contained less than 10% of the released ammonia. The duration of this procedure ranged from 1 to 4 h, depending on the expected release rate of ammonia from the experimental material. The amount of ammonia trapped in the distilled water was determined by the phenolchlorite method (Solorzano, 1969) and was calculated as #g ammonia released from 1 cc experimental material per hour. The release rate was checked twice for each bait and only small differences were found. Except for Fig. 2, the average of the two checks is given. All the chemical work was carried out at an ambient temp. of 25 _+ 1 ~ Results and discussion Before questioning the role of ammonia in medfly attraction to baits, it was important to assess the relationship between rate of ammonia release from a bait and the olfactory reaction of the flies. Using a bait of pure ammonia solution, which released only ammonia (ignoring water molecules which had no stimulatory effect in the present experimental environment), a clear correlation was found between the concentration of the solution and its stimulation (Fig. 1) and between the concentration and rate of ammonia release (Fig. 2). The relationship between concentration of ammonia solution and the number of trapped females is linear, characteristic of log stimulus - response relation up to a concentration of 0.01 M (Fig. 1). The relative ammonia release rate at maximum stimulation was 5.28/~g/cc/h. Beyond 0.01 M the correlation was negative, i.e., at higher concentrations with higher release rates of ammonia, the solutions became less and less attractive. The olfactory response of medfly females to vari- 27 80 0 1 I I I I 70 Bait Mean* 9 catch _+ s . e . Ammonia release tzg/cc/h 60 Casein hydrolysate Lactalbumin hydrolysate Buminal Soy hydrolysate Naziman PIB 7 Yeast hydrolysate Control 192.0_+ 5.8 a 141.0+_ 7.4 b 135.6_+ 6.0 b 109.2+ 10.6 c 92.4_+ 9.7 c 83.6+ 9.5 c 29.4+_ 6.1 d 4.5 3.2 2.0 0.4 1.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 50 r~ t,U .-I 4O 3O * Average of five tests. Average of control was calculated from catches in unbaited traps in all tests. No. followed by same letter not significantly different at 5~ level. h 20 iO 0 I 1 0.0001 0001 0005 AMMONIA I I 0.01 I 0.05 O I CONCENTRATION (M) Fig. 1. Attraction of 9 medflies to traps baited with ammonia solutions of different concentrations. Dots: means of ten tests. Bars: +_S.E. A 2O 0 o ' I ' I I I ' I ' _- V -" 1 5 8 . 8 3 X + 0.79 l/ iq 16 IM t'r I.iJ t~O ,,~ Table 1. Attraction of medfly females to protein hydrolysate baits and their corresponding ammonia releases. 8 IM _J IM r,r 4 0 0 i 0 I 0.02 AMMONIA i I 0.04 , I 0.06 CONCENTRATION i I , 0.08 l O. I (M) Fig. 2. Ammonia release rate from ammonia solutions of different concentrations. ous baits and their corresponding release rates o f a m m o n i a are summarized in Table 1. In this table the various baits were c o m p a r e d to an unbaited control. Since the control catch was practically nill, statistical analysis was unwarrented. However, within the bait series, significant differences were detected as indicated in the table. The most attractive a m o n g the tested baits was casein hydrolysate; next was lactalbumin hydrolysate and Buminal; and less stimulatory were soy hydrolysate, Naziman, PIB 7 and yeast hydrolysate. A positive correlation was f o u n d between the stimulatory effect o f the baits and the a m o u n t s o f a m m o n i a released from them (r =0.77). If the dry baits are considered as a separate group, an even stronger relationship (r=0.96) exists between a m m o n i a release and stimulation (Fig. 3). In spite o f the p r o n o u n c e d relationship between medfly attraction and a m m o n i a release from the dry baits shown in Fig. 3, it seems that attraction to the dry baits is also affected by other volatiles. In Table 2 various concentrations o f a m m o n i a solution were c o m p a r e d to casein hydrolysate in pairs. The flies preferred a m m o n i a solutions at concentrations o f 0.01 M and 0.0075 M although their a m m o n i a release, especially o f the latter, is less than that o f the casein. There was no difference between the reaction o f flies to casein hydrolysate and to a m m o n i a solutions o f 0.005 M and 0.0025 M whose a m m o n i a release rates are m u c h smaller than that o f the casein. It seems, therefore, that alt h o u g h a m m o n i a release can be used as a criterion for stimulation o f dry protein hydrolysates, it is not the only c o m p o u n d which affects the behavioral 28 I 200 I I I Y = 52.17X § 3 0 . 8 0 150 1- IJJ _1 I00 :E IJJ M. 50 YH o 0 AMMONIA I I I 1 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 RELEASE RATE (IJg/ec/hour) Fig. 3. Relationship between rate of a m m o n i a release and 9 catch in traps baited with dry protein hydrolysates. (CH) casein hydrolysate; (LH) laetaibumin hydrolysate; (SH) soy hydrolysate; (YH) yeast hydrolysate. Dots: See Fig. 1, but 5 tests. Bars: see Fig. 1. Table 2. Medfly attraction to a m m o n i a solutions and to casein hydrolysate. Test 1 2 3 4 5 Bait Ammonia0.001M Casein hydrolysate Ammonia0.0025 M Casein hydrolysate A m m o n i a 0.005 M Casein hydrolysate A m m o n i a 0.0075 M Casein hydrolysate A m m o n i a 0.01 M Casein hydrolysate Mean* 9 catch_+ s.c. A m m o n i a release** tzg/cc/h 23.7+_2.0b 40.4+ 3.3 a 21.2+1.4a 24.0_+ 2.3 a 27.7+2.5 a 24.1 • 4.0 a 46.4 +- 3.1 a 20.0_+ 1.8 b 56.8• a 11.5 +_ 1.7 b 0.1 3.1 1.2 3.1 1.6 3.1 2.0 3.1 2.4 3.1 * Average of ten tests. Significancy, see Table 1. ** Values of release from a m m o n i a solutions calculated from regression line of Fig. 2. reaction of the flies to these baits, and that other volatiles, apparently repellents, are involved in the fly-bait relationship. As for the three liquid baits, it is improbable that their attractiveness resulted only from their ammonia release which was low compared with the release rate of dry baits of similar attractiveness (Table 1). That such low rates of ammonia release are not enough for the recorded females catches, can also be deduced from the tests with pure ammonia which were mentioned before (Figs. 1 and 2). Following the results of Bateman & Morton (1981) who succeeded in improving the attractancy of yeast hydrolyate to Dacus tryoni by elevating its pH, we examined this process with Buminal and Naziman which are commonly used in bait sprays of fruit trees. The pH of the commercial preparations is 5.8 for Buminal and 4.5 for Naziman. At these pHs their ammonia release rate is relatively low (Table 1). Using 5N NaOH, the pH of both baits was adjusted also to 7.5, 8, 8.5 and 9. The catch corresponding to a given pH was compared to that of an unbaited control. Again the control catch was virtually nill and results were analyzed as in Table 1. Table 3 illustrates the differences detected among the various formulations. Buminal at pH of 7.5, 8 and 8.5 was more attractive to the females than at pH of 5.8 and 9, with no significant difference in number of females trapped between pHs of 7.5, 8 and 8.5. Naziman showed a slightly different pattern of relationship between attractancy and pH: at pH 8 it was more attractive than at lower or higher pHs. (Table 3). It is obvious from these results that the attractiveness of these liquid baits Table 3. Female catch and a m m o n i a release of Buminal and Naziman at different pHs. pH Mean* 9 catch _+ s.e. A m m o n i a release #g/cc/h Naziman 4.5 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 Control 22.2+_2.9 42.1+_2.9 75.3 +_5.3 53.4+_5.6 25.2 • 5.4 0.3 c b a b c 0.1 2.5 6.4 15.8 26.8 Buminal 5.8 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 Control 29.8+2.5 45.7+2.1 49.4+6.1 49.9 _+4.4 36.9+4.2 0.2 b a a a ab 0.4 4.6 7.4 11.5 23.6 * Average of twelve tests. Significancy, see Table 1. 29 to medfly females can be increased by elevating the pH. Although increase in pH was followed by higher ammonia release, the reason for the increase in attractiveness cannot be attributed solely to elevated ammonia release, because the relation between pH, ammonia release and female catch was different and specific for each of the two liquid baits (Table 2). It can therefore be assumed that volatiles other than ammonia also play a role in female medfly attraction to these baits. We show here in agreement with the findings of Bateman & Morton (1981) with the Queensland fruit fly, that ammonia is a very effective attractant for female medfly. It may be an effective lure also for many other fruit flies. As for the protein baits, their stimulation of medfly females could not be attributed solely to their ammonia volatiles. It is suggested that other unidentified volatiles have an important effect on the olfactory reaction of the fly to protein baits. Acknowledgement Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, (ARO), Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 1653-E, 1986 series. R~sum~ Le role de l'ammoniaque dans l'attraction des femelles de la mouche mdditerandenne aux attractifs ?l base d'hydrolysats de proteines Uattraction de la femelle de la mouche mOditeranOenne h l'ammoniaque et aux attractifs protOiniques a 6t6 6tudiOe au moyen de l'olfactomOtre dOcrit par Gothilf & Galun (1982). Uammoniaque (1 cc/piege) s'avOra ~tre un attractif efficace. Le nombre maximum de femelles fut attrapp6 dans les piOges chargOs avec une solution d'ammoniaque 0.01 M ayant une vitesse de diffusion de 5.28/tzg/cc/h. Une corrOlation positive a &6 trouvde entre les captures de femelles et les vitesses de diffusion de divers attractifs protOiniques, particulierement ceux base d'hydrolysats de protOines secs parmi lesquels le plus effectif a 6t6 l'hydrolysat de casOine. Toutefois, l'hydrolysat de casOine a 6t6 moins attractif que certaines solutions d'ammoniaque ayant une vitesse de diffusion plus basse. Une hausse du pH des attractifs liquides commerciaux, Buminal et Naziman, a augment6 leur efficacit6 en tant qu'attractifs pour la mouche mOditeranOenne; toutefois la stimulation plus intense n'a pu 6tre mise en correlation stricte avec une vitesse accrue de la diffusion de l'ammoniac. C'est pourquoi il est suggOr6 que la rOaction olfactive de la mouche mOditerranOenne est rOgie, non seulement par l'ammoniaque mais aussi par d'autres substances volatiles. References Bateman, M.A. & T. C. Morton, 1981. The importance of ammonia in proteinaceous attractants for fruit flies (Family.q'ephritidae). Aust. J. agric. Res. 32: 883-903. Frick, K. E., 1952. Determining emergence of the cherry fruitfly with ammonium bicarbonate bait traps. J. econ. Ent. 45: 262-263. Gothilf, S. & R. Galun, 1982. 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