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2021 Digital Equity Awards Nomination Form

Nomination Form for 2021 Charles Benton Digital Equity
NDIA will present two awards: the Digital Equity Champion Award will recognize an outstanding individual who has made a
difference in the field of digital equity, while the Emerging Leader Award will acknowledge an up-and-coming digital inclusion
practitioner. Awards will be presented during NDIA’s Net Inclusion webinar.
To be successful, nominees should exhibit:
- - Sustained commitment to digital inclusion programs, practices, and/or policy work,
- - Applied innovative approaches to addressing and solving problems,
- - Use of data and evaluation to shape digital inclusion programs and share best practices,
- - Demonstrated leadership in his/her community, and/or
- - Collaboration that can be scaled and replicated.
Nominations will be accepted until the end of day February 12th.
* Required
Contact Information
If you are nominating someone else, please submit your name, email address, affiliated organization, and
relationship to the nominee here. If you are nominating yourself, please leave this section blank.
Nominee's First Name: *
Nominee's Last Name: *
Nominee's Employer/Affiliation: *
Nominee's Position/Job Title *
Nominee's Email Address *
Nominee's Impact
All answers are capped at a max of 1,500 characters
What award is this person being nominated for? *
The Digital Equity Champion Award will recognize an outstanding individual who has made a difference in the field of digital equity. The Emerging
Leader Award will acknowledge an up-and-coming digital inclusion practitioner.
Check all that apply.
Digital Equity Champion Award (5+ years of service)
Emerging Leader Award (1-5 years of serivce)
How long has the Nominee worked in Digital Equity? *
Describe how the nominee's approach to bridging gaps in digital inclusion is innovative. For example: novel policy
approaches, new technological solutions, creative community programming, etc. *
What communities/populations have been helped by the work of the nominee, and what specific problems has
the nominee addressed? *
Describe how the nominee’s work demonstrates a commitment to engaging others in collaboration and how that
collaboration has been used to advance the field of digital inclusion. *
How has the nominee promoted equity and diversity in their digital inclusion work and/or served as a leader or
ally in building an inclusive culture in addressing the digital inequity? *
Describe how the nominee's leadership has been demonstrated at the local, regional, and/or national level.
Describe how the nominee’s leadership activities have had a clear benefit and impact. *
Describe how the nominee has used data thoughtfully to shape programs and/or policies. How has the nominee
used data to show the impact of their digital inclusion work? *
Describe the nominee's specific areas of work and expertise (programs, policy, and/or practice). *
Describe how the nominee's work is sustainable and how the work is replicable. *
Describe any additional personal or professional characteristics or accomplishments of the nominee the judges
should consider. *
Optional: add links to further our understanding of the above mentioned work. For example: articles, programs,
interviews, etc. (Max 3)
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