ABDOMEN PROCEDURE RATIONALE/ NORMAL AND DEVAITIONS Introduce oneself and verify client via two-patient identifier. Ensures correct client. Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is necessary, & how he/she can participate. Encourages cooperation. Discuss how results will be used in the planning Perform hand hygiene. Reduces transmission of microorganisms. Provide client privacy Demonstrates respect for client’s dignity. Inquire if there are any abdominal problems or pain. For documenting health history. Assist client to supine position, arms at the sides. Place small pillows beneath knees and head. Reduces tension in the abdominal muscles. Expose client’s abdomen only from chest line to pubic area Inspect skin integrity Inspect abdomen for contour Ask client to take deep breath and hold it Assess symmetry of contour while standing at foot of bed Avoid chilling and shivering which can tense abdominal muscles. Check for abnormalities. Normal: Unblemished skin, uniform color, silver-white striae (stretch marks/ surgical scars) Deviations: Rash, lesions, tense, glistening(may indicate ascites or edema), Purple striae ( Cushing’s disease- releases too much ACTH that leads to hyperpigmentation OR could be caused by rapid weight gaina nd loss) Check for abnormalities. Normal: Flat, rounded(convex) or scaphoid (concave) Deviation: Distended(bloated-swollen sue to pressure inside) Makes enlarged liver or spleen visible. Normal: No enlargement Deviation: There is enlargement Check for abnormalities. Normal:Symmetric Abnormal:Asymmetric If distention is present, measure with abdominal girth by placing tape around abdomen at level of the umbilicus, If girth will be measured repeatedly, use skin marking pen Maintain consistency for future measurements Observe location of umbilicus Check for abnormalities. Observe abdominal movements associated with: Respiration: Normal: vertical level corresponding to the junction between the L3 and L4 vertebrae Abnormal: other locations Check for abnormalities. Normal: Symmetric movements Deviation: Limited pain/disease Normal: Visible peristalsis in very lean people Deviations: Visible peristalsis in non clean clients Normal: Aortic pulsations in thin people at epigastric area Deviations:Marked aortic pulsations Peristalsis: or Aortic pulsations: Warm hands and chest piece movement due to Prevent vasoconstriction Auscultate abdomen for: A. Bowel sounds( diaphragm) Ask when the client ate Place diapghram in all 4 quadrants and listen for active bowel sounds Intestinal sounds are high pitched and is best accentuated by the diaphragm. After eating, bowel sounds may increase.After 4-7 hours, sounds may be heard continuously on the right lower quadrant due to digestive contents being emptied from the small intestine through the ileocecal valve and into the large intestine. irregular gurgling noises (lasts for 5-20 seconds & less than a second to several seconds for a single sound ) B. Vascular sounds (Bell) Use bell over the aorta, renal arteries, iliac arteries, and femoral arteries. Listen for bruits(abnormal mumurs) C. Peritoneal friction rubs(Bell) Definition: rough, grating sounds like 2 pieces of leather rubbed together. It is caused by inflammation, infection, or abnormal growths. Normal: Absence of bruits Deviations: Bruit in aortic area,renal, or iliac arteries Normal: No peritoneal friction rubs Deviation: Presence of friction rub