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NLP Meta Model: Understanding Communication Patterns

Professor Debrah Roundy
• My students call me Professor Deb. I like it.
• I taught English using NLP skills to maximize
learning potential.
Meta Model
• There are 15 different Meta Model programs
we use.
• I “learned” them in one day. (not really)
• My friend learned them in small chunks.
• She knew them much better because she had
a week or two to assimilate and integrate each
pattern before she learned a new one.
• After once doing it with my students as a big
chunk, I chunked them down. So much better.
Meta Model
What is the Meta Model?
What is the Meta Model?
• The Meta Model was developed
by Richard Bandler and John
Grinder in 1975 as a way to
identify problems people had in
the words they used in a
therapeutic environment. They
identified and categorized the
Meta Model patterns then
created questions to use to help
people make the patterns
become stepping stones instead
of traps in our speech and
What is the Meta Model?
• The word Meta in Meta Model takes the English
meaning of “about or beyond.” The Meta Model is
about the models and looks beyond the model. It is
newer and looks at previous existing models in a more
detailed and highly specialized way.
beyond obvious
What is the Meta Model?
• The meta model is word patterns that go
beyond the simple meaning of the word.
• 超越单词含义的单词模式
What is the Meta Model?
• The basic principle behind the Meta Model is the
presupposition that the map is not the territory.
• In other words each person looks at the world
through their own map based on their experiences,
current needs, joys and problems and the people
they interact with both currently and in the past.
What is the Meta Model?
What is the Meta Model?
• Our mental and verbal maps have three basic areas
that both help us and cause us problems.
• Deletions
• Generalizations
• Distortions
What is the Meta Model?
• They, the meta model patterns, can be
a help because we can generalize things
and not have to relearn at each step of
our lives. This helps us in further
What is the Meta Model?
• pencil
What is the Meta Model?
• But the meta model patterns can also
cause us problems because we can be
stuck or trapped by the same
processes that assist us.
What is the Meta Model?
• house
• 房子
What is the Meta Model?
• house
What is the Meta Model?
• The first basic trap is
deletion. We tend to
lump things together
and delete unnecessary
details that otherwise
may occupy and clutter
our minds.
What is the Meta Model?
• It is this wonderful
ability to distort or
fantasize information
that has given our
world beautiful art
work, lovely musical
compositions and
exciting novels.
What is the Meta Model?
• Think of beautiful.
• What is beautiful?
What is the Meta Model?
• Generalizations happens when a
person allows parts to become
separated from the whole.
• It sets set limits.
• The horses are so beautiful.
• What makes a horse beautiful to you.
Are all horse beautiful to everyone.
• It is a generalization
What is the Meta Model?
Distortion is the third Meta Model
process in common use.
We daily distort information that
comes in to us.
What is the Meta Model?
• We might have a meeting with
the boss and imagine what will
happen going through several
scenarios in our head before we
choose the best one.
What is the Meta Model?
• Is there value in the
Meta Model?
• Yes, absolutely.
• If every time we said a
word we had to fully
explain it, we would
never get anything said.
What is the Meta Model?
• When you want to be clear and concise
using the Meta Model questions will
help you refine your words and be better
I want a pepper.
Each time we meet or each lesson we will:
Learn a new Meta Modal Pattern
How to recognize it.
How to question it
• Then you can spend the time between the classes
to notice the meta model pattern in your
environment. Become aware of it, use what you
know in emails and communication. I wonder
what difference it will make.
See you next class
Three groups of Meta Model
• Deletions
• Generalizations
• Distortions