Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen Summary G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 草稿 学科 年 开始日期 时长 语文Chinese, 数学Math, UOI 探究单元 三年级 第2周, December 6周 Units of Inquiry 探究单元 Central Idea 中心思想 社区提供服务和组织来满足人们的需求。 The community provides services and organizations to meet people's needs. 超学科主题Transdisciplinary Theme 我们如何组织自己 Lines of Inquiry 探究线索 - 我们所属的各种社区 The various communities we belong to - 社区里的服务设施和相关组织 Service facilities and related organizations in the community - 社区成员的责任 Responsibilities of community members Student questions学生问题 - 1.社区有哪些部门? 1. What are the departments in the community? - 2.人们有哪些生活需求? 2. What life needs do people have? - 3.具体的问题可以去哪些部门解决? 3. Which departments can solve specific problems? - 4.解决问题的流程是什么样的?4. What is the process of solving the problem? - 5.社区是什么样子的? 5. What is the community like? Teacher questions老师的问题 - 1.在日常生活中,你家人遇到了哪些生活问题需要到社区或者街道相关部门去处理的?1. In daily life, what life problems does your family encounter that need to be dealt with by the community or the relevant department of the street? - 2.什么是社区? 2. What is a community? - 3、设区有哪些服务组织?What service organizations are there in the districts? - 4、你觉得社区中都应该有哪些机构组织?What organizations do you think should be in the community? Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 1 of 12 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen Learning Goals 教学目标 Scope & Sequence 范围与顺序 Chinese 中文 1. Through the study of the texts "The Prosperous Paracel Islands", "Small Seaside Town", and "Beautiful Xiaoxinganling", I understand that different regions have their specific and organizational forms, and understand that people in each region have different community responsibilities. 通过对课文《富饶的西沙群岛》、《海滨小城》、《美丽的小兴安岭》的学习,明白不同的地域有其特定和组织形式,理解每个 地域人们都有不一样的社区责任。 Maths 数学 1.使用生活中的数字编码素材,进行解读和交流信息。(身份证号码、邮政编码、路灯编码……) 1.Use digital coding material in life to interpret and exchange information.(ID、postal code、street number) 2.根据需要进行简单的编码 2.Simple coding as needed. 3.使用编码的知识解决实际问题 3.Using coded knowledge to solve practical problems. English 英文 1.CAN understand descriptions of places with "where" relative clauses. 2.CAN understand words related to the community, for example, organisation, responsibility, community. 3.CAN give simple descriptions of places and community actions. Developing IB Learners IB 学习者培养目标 Learner Profile 学习者特征 Communicators 善于交流 Open-minded 胸襟开阔 Caring 关爱他人 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 2 of 12 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen ATL Skills Approaches to Learning 学习方法 描述 (social skills 社交技能)我能去市民之家办理一张身份证/护照。 (communication skills 交流技能)我在遇到社区问题(例如,水管漏水、交水电费等等),用合理的方式去有关部门fan'y反应反 应解决。 (research skills 研究技能) 我能在网络搜索什么是“公共公共设施” Communication Skills 交流技能 - Exchanging information - Listening, interpreting and speaking 交换信息:倾听、解读、说话 Listening 倾听 Listen to, and follow the information and directions of others. 倾听,并接受别人的信息和指示。 Listen actively and respectfully while others speak. 别人说话时积极并尊重地倾听。 Interpreting 解读 Interpret visual, audio and oral communication: recognizing and creating signs, interpreting and using symbols and sounds. 解读视觉、听觉和口头交流:识别和做出各种手势或动作,解读 和使用各种符号和声音。 Speaking 说话 Speak and express ideas clearly and logically in small and large groups. 清晰并有条理地对小组和大组讲话和表 达想法。 Give and receive meaningful feedback and feedforward. ?供和接受有意义的信息反馈和前馈。 State opinions clearly, logically and respectfully. 清晰、有逻辑和有礼貌地陈述意见。 Discuss and negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers. 与同伴和教师商讨想法和知识。 Communicate with peers, experts and members of the learning community using a variety of digital environments and media. 利用各种数字环境和媒体与同学、专家和学习社区成员进行交流。 - Literacy - Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information 读写能力--阅读、写作并 使用 语言收集和交 流信息。 Reading 阅读 Read a variety of sources for information and for pleasure. 为获取信息和愉悦,阅读各种来源的材料。 Writing 写作 Paraphrase accurately and concisely. 准确和简明扼要地改述。 Organize information logically. 有逻辑地组织信息。 Social Skills 社交技能 - Interpersonal relationships, social and emotional intelligence - developing positive interpersonal relationships and collaboration 人际关系、社 交和情绪智商 发展积极的人 际关系和协作 Interpersonal relationships 人际关系 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 3 of 12 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen Build consensus and negotiate effectively. 建立共识并有效协商。 Be respectful to others. 尊重他人。 Learn cooperatively in a group: being courteous, sharing, taking turns. 在小组中合作开展学习:有礼貌、分享、 守秩序。 Research Skills 研究技能 Action 行动 Student-initiated Action 由学生发起的行动 1. Go to the citizen's home to apply for an ID card/citizen's card. 去市民之家办理一张身份证/市民卡。 2. Go to the citizen's home to explore the responsibilities of each department. 去市民之家探究各个部门职责。 三年级假期uoi作业.pdf 2021年1月5日 Assessment & Resources 评估与资源 Ongoing Assessment 正在使用的评估 单元评估报告手册 Jan 29, 2021 反思树 Jan 26, 2021 Making flexible use of resources 灵活的资源 书目 《我们小区的保安为什么这么悠闲》 《我们小区的保洁阿姨为什么这么悠闲》 《鲁滨逊漂流记》 杭州梦想小镇概念性总体规划.pdf Jan 12, 2021 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 4 of 12 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen 梦想小镇.mp4 Jan 12, 2021 Learning Experiences 学习体验 Designing engaging Learning Experiences 设计学习体验 一、前期评价 turning in 1. kwl table: collect students' initial understanding of the concept of community and the level of current knowledge that can be understood, and ask questions to blend information kwl表: 搜集学生对社区概念的初步认知和目前知识所能理解的层次,并提出问题,进行信息交融。 2. Community Questionnaire: The problems I encountered in the community and which department I know should be resolved. 社区调查表:我在社区遇到的问题,和目前我所知道应该去哪个部门解决。 3. The secret of ID number, zip code, phone number (collect the ID number of family members, compare the same places of several groups of ID cards through observation, the first 6 digits represent the provinces and cities, the middle 8 digits are the year, month and day The last four digits of the sequence code are three digits and the check code is one, the 17th digit is the gender code) 身份证号码的秘密,邮政编码、电话号码(搜集家里人的身份证号,通过观察比较几组身份证的相同的地方,前6位表示的是省市 区,中间8位是年月日,后四位顺序码三位和检验码一位,第17位是性别码) 二、三搜集分析资料 1. Organize students to explore the citizen's home and complete the exploration map. 组织学生探索市民之家,完成探究导图。 2. Self-describe the process of applying for ID card. 自主描述办理身份证的流程。 四、深入探究 1. My community: Concentric circles: What service facilities are there in my community? What is the role? 我家的小区:同心圆:我家小区有什么服务设施 ?作用是什么? 2. Design and creation: the community in my mind 设计与创作:我心目中的社区 ① Classes are divided into two groups, AB, and design related service facilities in the community. 班级分AB两组,设计社区内的相关服务设施。 ② Show sharing, exchange and report. 展示分享,交流汇报。 ③ Compare the two groups of designs AB, and make suggestions and advantages. Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 5 of 12 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen 对比AB两组设计,互相提建议说优点。 ④ Appreciate some cases of perfect communities in China, such as Anji Taohuayuan, Angel Town... 欣赏国内一些完美社区的案例,如:安吉桃花源、天使小镇…… ⑤ Continue to improve your own community design. 继续完善自己的社区设计。 ⑥ The gallery visited the community design drawings of each group, and exchanged why there are these service facilities and what are their functions? 画廊参观各组的社区设计图,交流为什么会有这些服务设施,有哪些功能? ⑦ Like the excellent community design. 为优秀的社区设计点赞。 3. Expansion: Robinson Crusoe 拓展:鲁滨逊漂流记 Do community design for an island 为一座孤岛做社区设计 4. Responsibilities of community members: 社区成员的责任: ① Combining the "ideal community in my heart", discuss how to make the community develop better, more harmonious and orderly? 结合”我心中的理想社区“,探讨怎样才能让社区发展得更好、更和谐有序? ② What are the responsibilities of community management, community residents, and community service layers 社区管理层、社区居民、社区服务层都有哪些责任? ③ The team worked together to draw up the [Community Member Convention]. 小组合作拟定【社区成员公约】。 五、及时反思 Watch the movie "Robinson Crusoe" 观看电影《鲁滨逊漂流记》 六、采取行动 Concluding assessment: I am running for community posts 总结性评估:我来竞选小区职务 1 Set roles, which roles you are in the community (security guard, cleaning aunt, breakfast shop owner, etc.). 设置角色,自己是社区的哪些角色(保安、保洁阿姨、早餐店店主等等) Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 6 of 12 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen 2. Complete the worksheet (image design, campaign words) 完成作业单(形象设计,竞选词) Reflections 反思 通用Reflections 反思 Looking Back 回顾 洋 (Candice) 刘 Jan 6, 2021 at 8:37 AM During the "ID card application" link, we found that many students have a fragmented understanding of the process of ID card application. However, it is gratifying that students use and improve communication skills through the exchange of information. The process of applying for an ID card is cleared, which deepens the impression. 我们在进行“办理身份证”环节时,发现许多学生对于办理身份证的流程时碎片化的认知,但值得欣慰的是,学生通过信息的交 流,在运用和提升交流技能的同时,将整个办理身份证的流程都疏通,加深印象。 夏云 柏 Jan 12, 2021 at 2:47 PM In the activity of "designing ideal community ", we find that students can apply the research results of" community service facilities and organizations "to the design, and carry out the understanding and action of this inquiry clue. 我们在“设计理想社区”的活动中,发现学生能够将前期对“社区提供服务设施和组织”的研究成果应用到设计中,落实了对这条 探究线索的理解和行动。 怡 周 Jan 12, 2021 at 2:52 PM In the progress of " Design of Our Ideal Community", our students could learn from each other, then they could improve and optimize their design, in order to make their community more integrated. 我们在“优化理想社区”的活动中,发现学生能够互相学习,取其长处,将前期设计图能够进行优化,使社区各项配备设施及组 织更完整,更合理。 赛骅 王 Jan 12, 2021 at 3:03 PM Everyone has their own ideas about the community. In the activity of creating an ideal community, children play their Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 7 of 12 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen imagination and connect with reality. They start more from their actual needs, and what their needs are, then what the community has, so that their life is more convenient. Teacher guidance, what kind of community is more ideal, after communication, supporting facilities are perfect, can meet all the needs of people in the community to live, study and work as far as possible 对于社区的认识,每个人都有自己的想法,在创建理想社区的活动中,孩子们发挥了想象,和实际相联系,更多的是从自己 实际需求出发,我有什么需求,那么社区有什么,让自己的生活更方便。老师引导,怎么样的社区是比较理想的,交流后得 出,配套设施完善,能尽可能满足人在社区里生活学习工作的一切需求。 鸿燕 吴 Jan 26, 2021 at 7:08 PM 在完成“社区公约”中,学生自发的想法,是对“责任”的理解In completing the "Community Pact", students' spontaneous ideas are an understanding of "responsibility" 雷英 朴 Jan 27, 2021 at 2:51 PM In the activity of drawing up the community convention, the students made the corresponding requirements on civilized etiquette, environmental hygiene, activity participation, caring for others, safety awareness and so on. They realized that only when every member of the community tries to abide by these conventions, the ideal community we build can develop more orderly and harmonious. Implement the students' understanding of "responsibility". 在拟定【社区公约】的活动中,学生对文明礼仪、环境卫生、活动参与、关爱他人、安全意识等方面,制定了相应的要求, 意识到只有社区内每一位成员都努力遵守这些约定,我们建设的理想社区才能更加有序和谐的发展下去。落实了学生对于”责 任“的理解。 鸿翼 秦 Jan 31, 2021 at 4:09 PM 学生在探究过程中,能够了解社区的基本特点,在绘制社区地图时能够将自己了解的社区元素画在自己的社区地图中。不 过,探究偏于表面,学生对社区各个要素的理解依然非常薄弱,大部分学生无法将社区各个要素与切身需求联系起来。 In the process of exploration, students can understand the basic characteristics of the community and draw the community elements they know on the community map.However, the exploration is superficial, and students' understanding of the various elements of the community is still very weak. Most students cannot connect the various elements of the community with their immediate needs. Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 8 of 12 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen Looking Forward 展望未来 鸿燕 吴 Jan 26, 2021 at 7:12 PM 在设计社区的时候,如果能够让学生做一个3D的模型或者动态的社区,这对学生创建社区的服务设施或者组织会有更深的理 解。因为疫情,我们没有安排实践,如果可以,能够让学生参与一下社区义工,亲身体验义工工作,这样学生的社交技能会 得到提高,关爱他人的感受会更深入。 When designing a community, if students can make a 3D model or a dynamic community, they will have a deeper understanding of the service facilities or organization of the community. Because of the epidemic, we have not arranged for practice. If possible, we can let students participate in community volunteer work and experience the volunteer work firsthand, so that students' social skills will be improved and the feeling of caring for others will be deeper. 洋 (Candice) 刘 Jan 27, 2021 at 2:37 PM In this unit, students build the ideal community by themselves, and the teacher intervenes. How can you keep the ideal community you built? Students need a system for reflection. Since a system is needed, everyone must perform their own duties under this system. This has played a certain role in promoting students' sense of responsibility, and brought students a sense of awareness. I am also a member of the community and my own responsibility. 这个单元,学生自己建造理想社区,老师给予干预,提问如何才能保持你建造的理想社区呢?学生反思需要一个制度,既然 需要制度,那么在此制度下每个人都要各司其职。 这对学生提升自身责任感起到了一定的促进作用,带给学生一种意识,我 也是社区的一员,我也自身的责任。 夏云 柏 Jan 27, 2021 at 3:13 PM In the "community organization" exploration tour, students are very good at collecting information and obtaining information. They used the mind map to introduce the ID card processing process. They go to the police station to register information, then pay, take photos, enter fingerprints, finally get a receipt, and after 15 days to obtain a voucher. The whole process is very organized. 在“社区组织”探索之旅中,学生非常善于搜集资料、获取信息。他们用思维导图介绍了身份证办理流程。他们去派出所先登记 信息,再缴费、拍照、录入指纹,最后领取收据,并在15天之后凭单领证。整个过程非常有条理。 赛骅 王 Jan 27, 2021 at 7:23 PM What is the community like and what will the community be like in the future? The need for community is only going to grow. The same is true for communities. Perhaps the community of the future will be designed and built on children. 社区是什么样子的,将来的社区会是什么样子?人们对于社区的需求,只会越来越高。同样社区的建设也会日趋完善。也许 将来的社区的设计与建设将会在孩子身上实现。 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 9 of 12 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen 雷英 朴 Jan 31, 2021 at 4:32 PM Everyone is not an isolated individual. We live in a community organization, so what do we need? What services can the community provide us? These inquiries are very meaningful and are closely related to everyone's life. If you can invite community managers, especially those from the surrounding communities with advanced and complete development, to share, and students have the opportunity to practice as community volunteers, they will have a deeper understanding and thinking. 每个人都不是孤立的个体,我们生活在社区的组织中,那么我们有什么需求?社区又能为我们提供哪些服务?这些探究内容 非常有意义,与每个人的生活息息相关。如果能够请到社区的管理人员,特别是周边发展比较先进和完善的社区人员做分 享,同时学生有机会作为社区义工进行实践,会有更深的认识和思考。 Additional Subject Specific Reflections 添加其他学科的具体反思 洋 (Candice) 刘 Jan 27, 2021 at 2:38 PM Regarding self-employment of community members, this part is very closely integrated with Chinese. In the process of specific and subject integration, more assistance should be provided to students so that they can express more fluently and smoothly. 关于自我应聘社区成员,这部分和语文结合非常紧密,在具体和学科融合的过程种,应该多给学生辅助,让其能更流利顺畅 表达。 夏云 柏 Jan 27, 2021 at 3:11 PM During UOI exploration, we use digital coding materials in mathematics, such as ID number, postal code, street lamp code, to interpret and exchange information. 在UOI探究中,我们使用数学的数字编码素材,例如身份证号码、邮政编码、路灯编码,进行解读和交流信息。 赛骅 王 Jan 27, 2021 at 4:46 PM Students can observe the world with mathematical eyes and think about the world with mathematical thinking in the study of the subject. In the part of partial code, students can quickly use mathematical knowledge to find the secrets hidden in the numbers and interpret them. 学生在超学科主题学习中,能够用数学的眼光观察世界,用数学的思维思考世界。在偏码环节中,学生能够快速运用数学知 识找到数字中藏着的秘密,并进行解读。 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 10 of 12 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) 雷英 朴 Jan 31, 2021 at 4:37 PM In the exploratory activity of drawing up a community convention, the students brainstormed and listed the rules that many community members need to abide by, and then summarized them into several aspects, such as: environmental hygiene, civilized etiquette, activity participation, caring for others, safety Consciousness etc. Cultivated the ability of summarization and expression. 在拟定社区公约这个探究活动中,同学们头脑风暴,列出了很多社区成员需要共同遵守的规则,然后归纳总结成几个方面, 如:环境卫生、文明礼仪、活动参与、关爱他人、安全意识等。培养了归纳总结能力、语言表达能力等。 Stream & Resources 学习路径图 Stream 学习路径 Zhangwei Chen 发布一个 任务 ,发布日期: Dec 21, 2020 at 5:22 PM 1 DEC 21 预评估-assessment Formative 研究 Monday at 5:20 PM 洋 (Candice) 刘 发布一个 任务 ,发布日期: Dec 23, 2020 at 1:18 PM 2 DEC KWL 表格 23 Formative 探索 Wednesday at 1:15 PM 洋 (Candice) 刘 发布一个 任务 ,发布日期: Jan 12, 2021 at 2:45 PM 3 JAN 12 绘制自己的社区 Formative 探索 Tuesday at 2:35 PM 学生自主说明对社区的认识,老师分发资料,学生阅读增进对社区的了解。 然后进行绘制,绘制自己的社区。 洋 (Candice) 刘 发布一个 任务 ,发布日期: Jan 12, 2021 at 2:49 PM 4 JAN 5 建立自己的理想社区 Formative 实验 Tuesday at 2:45 PM 我的理想社区 Jan 12, 2021 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 11 of 12 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU Enhanced PYP UOI Grade 3 (三年级) G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织 来满足人们需求 美玲 安, 艳 王, Thomas Lawrie, 君英 周, 夏云 柏, 赛骅 王, 怡 周, 鸿燕 吴, 洋(Candice) 刘, 鸿翼 秦, 雷英 朴, Zhangwei Chen Link Resources关联资源 鸿翼 秦 发布一个 1 文件 ,发布日期: Jan 12, 2021 at 2:59 PM 杭州梦想小镇概念性总体规划 杭州梦想小镇概念性总体规划.pdf 100 MB PDF Document 鸿翼 秦 发布一个 网站 ,发布日期: Jan 12, 2021 at 2:54 PM 梦想小镇介绍 https://m.baidu.com/video/ page?pd=video_page&nid=8440272587915630957&sign=&word=%E6%9D%AD%E5%B7%9E%E6%A2%A6%E6%83%B3%E5%B0%8 kedz4jthyqryp2fx%5C%2Fmdakedz4jthyqryp2fx.mp4%3Fpd%3D20%22%2C%22loc%22%3A%22http%3A%5C%2F%5C%2Fhaokan.baidu.com%5C%2Fv%3Fpd%3 Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU G3U3 How we organize ourselves社区提供服务和组织来满足人们需求 Page 12 of 12