Uploaded by Heidi Williams

Essay Peer Editing Checklist: Thesis, Evidence, Transitions

Collaborative Feedback/Peer Editing
If you see the following elements, highlight your partner’s essay If something is missing or unclear, DO NOT HIGHLIGHT,
underline, or circle. Write your partner a little note to remind him/her of this great way to grow in writing.
Purple: Thesis in introduction: Highlight the thesis statement that pulls words directly from the prompt with 2 or 3
reasons listed. Also, was there a HOOK provided.
Purple: Make sure each body paragraph has a Topic sentence: This should be the same as one of the reasons from the
thesis statement.
GREEN: Cite Evidence from the text. Highlight the specific title, author, expert, or source number.
â–¡Each body paragraph should have at least two pieces of cited evidence and quotation marks around the exact words from
the text when you use a direct quote.
YELLOW: Explain and Elaborate with at least two to three sentences of your own words about the cited evidence.
. This is where you “explain and elaborate” on how the above cited evidence supports the topic sentence.
Circle WITH PENCIL: Identify transitions used throughout the essay. Use your handout with transitions.
Orange: In the conclusion/last paragraph--Reworded thesis: The part of the thesis that rewords the prompt
Feedback to my partner- I really enjoyed reading your paper. Here are some friendly reminders to help you grow as a
writer. Don’t forget to include….
Body Paragraphs-