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IELTS Essay Sample: Technology & Saving Money

How to write an essay for the IELTS academic writing component.
Sample question:
Describe a piece of technology which you bought yourself. How important it is to
save money to buy technological items?
Although many of the items in my possession have been either bought by my
parents or given by my friends and relative, I do have certain things which I have
purchased myself such as my computer.
Two years ago, I became very interested in learning English but attending extra
lessons was quite expensive. My college teacher explained that I didn’t have to attend
any courses so long as I had a computer and access to the Internet. Unfortunately, I
didn’t have any as the computers were almost unaffordable for me at the time. I
couldn’t ask my parents to buy one because they were already spending more than
enough for our education.
After I explained my case to my teacher, she hired me as an assistant. Every day,
after school, I helped my teacher with paper work and, after four months, I earned
enough to buy my first and only computer.
I think it’s extremely important to save money when we want to purchase
technological gadgets for two reasons. Firstly, when we buy the item, we own it
compared to getting it on a loan or rent. Secondly, because of the time we have to
spend saving money, we appreciate and value more the item which we buy.
In conclusion, I’m glad that I have had a chance to work and earn money so that
now I can enjoy my computer which I own completely.
In this essay, I will narrate how I bought my computer and why it’s important to
save for such items.
Two years ago, due to my interest in English, I decided to buy a computer which
would help me to learn the language. As my parents couldn’t afford one, I found a
job and, in four months, earned enough to buy a PC. Since then, I’ve been using it to
improve my knowledge not only in English but also in other subjects.
I believe that saving money for technological devices is extremely important for
two reasons. Firstly, when we buy the item, we feel a complete ownership. Secondly,
we appreciate and value them more.
In conclusion, I should say that my computer is my personal possession which I
bought myself as I believe in saving for such technological items.