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Global Health: Issues, Trends, and Principles

University of Karbala
Collage of nursing
Family and community health nursing
Global health
Prepared by
Zahra Mohammed khudaire
Supervised by
Haqi lsmael
lecture Outline
Identify Global health issues
Historical development of Terms
Disciplines involved in global health
Key concept in relation to global health
Global health trends
Key principles of global health
Global health
Health problems, issues, and concerns that transcend national boundaries, which may be
influenced by circumstances or experiences in other countries and which are best addressed by
cooperative actions and solutions.
Ø Reasons for interest in global health
moral duty
• Public diplomacy
• Investment in self-protection
Ø Problems facing global health
• Past-limited resources
• Present- uncoordinated efforts-wasted resources
Ø Key factors to future direction
• Expanded talent pool in developing world
• Devise effective system for disease prevention and treatment
• Mend health infrastructure
Global health issues
Refers to any health issue that concerns many countries or is affected by transnational
determinants such as:
 Climate change
 Urbanization
 Malnutrition-under or over nutrition
Or solutions such as :
 Polio eradication
 Containment of avian influenza
 Approach to tobacco control
Historical development of terms
Ø Public health : developed as a discipline in the mid 19th century in UK ,Europe and US
concerned more with national issues.
Data and evidence to support action, focus on populations, social justice and equity, emphasis
on prevention vs. cure.
Ø International health : developed during past decades, came to be more concerned with
The diseases(e.g. tropical diseases) and
Conditions(war, natural disasters ) of middle and low income countries
Tended to denote a one way flow of good ideas.
Ø Global health: more recent in its origin and emphasizes a greater scope of health problems
and solution That transcend national boundaries. Requiring greater inter-disciplinary
Disciplines involved in global health
Ø Social sciences
Ø Behavioral sciences
Ø Law
Ø Economics
Ø History
Ø Engineering
Ø Biomedical sciences
Ø Environmental sciences
Key concepts in relation to global health
the determinants of health
The measurement of health status
The importance of culture to health
The global burden of disease
The key risk factors for various health problems
The organization and function of health system
Determinants of health
Ø Genetic make
Ø Age
Ø Gender lifestyle choices
Ø Community influences
Ø Income status
Ø Geographical location
Ø Culture
Ø Environmental factors
Ø Work conditions
Ø Education
Ø Access to health services
Determinants of health
Plus more general factors such as :
Ø Political stability
Ø Civil rights
Ø Environmental degradation
Ø Population growth
Ø Urbanization
Ø Development of country of residence
2. The measurement of health status
Ø Cause of death: obtained from death certification but limited because of incomplete
Ø Life expectancy at birth: the average number of ears a new- born baby could expect to
live if current trends in mortality were to continue for the rest of the new-born is life.
Ø Maternal mortality rate: the number of women who die as a result of childbirth and
pregnancy related complications per 100,000 live births in a given year .
Ø Infant mortality rate: the number of deaths in infants under one years per 1,000 live
births for a given year .
Ø Neonatal mortality rate : the number among infants under 28 days in a given year per 1,000
live births in that year
Ø Child mortality rate : the probability that a new-born will die before reaching the age of live
years, expressed as a number per 1,000 live births
3. Culture and health
Ø Culture: the predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group
or organization
Ø Traditional heath systems
Ø Beliefs about health
• e.g. epilepsy- a disorder of neuronal depolarization vs. a from of possession /bad omen sent by
the ancestors
• Psychoses-ancestral problems requiring the assistance of traditional healer/spiritualist
Ø Influence of culture of health : diversity, marginalization and vulnerability due to race, gender
and ethnicity
4. The global burden of disease
Ø Predicted changes in burden of disease from communicable to non-communicable between
2004 and 2030
Ø reductions in malaria, diarrheal disease ,TB and HIV/AIDS
Ø increase in cardiovascular deaths , COPD, road traffic accidents and diabetes mellitus
Ø Ageing population in middle and low income countries
Ø Socioeconomic growth with increased car ownership
Ø Based on a’ business as usual’ assumption
5. Key risk for factors for various health condition
Tobacco usRelated to the top ten causes of mortality world wide
Poor sanitation and access to clean waterRelated to high levels of diarrheal /water borne diseases
Extra marital affairsHIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections
Under –nutrition (increased susceptibility to infectious diseases) and over nutrition responsible for
cardiovascular diseases, cancers, obesity etc
6. The organization and function of health system
A Health system comprises all organization , institutions and resources developed to producing
actions whose primary intent is to improve health
Most national health system consist :
Public ,private
Traditional and informal sectors
Global health trends
Commonly known as TB(tubercle bacillus) is a bacterial in function that can spread through the lymph
nodes and bloodstream to any organ in your body it is often most found in the lungs
2. Drug use & abuse
It is patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the drug substance in amounts or with
methods which are harmful to themselves or others
It is transmitted primarily via unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated blood transfusions,
hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy ,delivery ,or breastfeeding
4.Non-communicable disease
NCD, can refer to chronic diseases which last for long periods of time and progress slowly
5. Communicable disease
Also know as infectious disease or transmissible diseases
These are illnesses that result from the infection , presence and growth of pathogenic biologic
agents in humans.
6. Climate change
Ø A change in global or regional climate patterns attributed directly or indirectly to human
Ø “global warming ” in sheep's clothing
Ø A long- term change in the earths climate
7. Mental health
It is a level of psychological well-being and the absence of a mental disorder.
8. Immunization & vaccines
Ø It is the safe and effective use of a small amount of a weakened and killed virus or bacteria or
bits of lab made protein that imitate the virus in order to prevent infection by the same virus or
Ø When you get an immunization you are injected with the weakened form or disease . This
triggers your body's immune response, causing it to either produce antibodies and the like
9. Alcohol and tobacco abuse/addiction
Ø The excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco.
Ø Causes communicable and non communicable diseases.
10. malaria/other vector borne
Ø Malaria causes symptoms that typically include fever , fatigue, vomiting and headaches. In
severe cases, it can cause yellow skin, seizures, coma or death.
Ø Vectors are living organisms that can transmit infectious diseases between humans or from
animals to humans
A Focus on the public good .
Belief in a global perspective .
A scientific and interdisciplinary approach .
The need for multi-level approaches to interventions.
The need for comprehensive framework for health polices and financing .
Ø http://www.aannet.org/policy-advocacy/
Ø http://www.nursingworld.org/
Ø http://www.apic.org/professional-practice/implementation-guides
Ø Global health council(2011a) .Emerging diseases. Retrieved july11,2011
Ø Altenstetter , C .(2003). Insights from health care in Germany. American journal of public
health ,93(1)