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Opinion Writing Worksheet for Grades 1-3

Opinion Writing
Grade Level: 1–3
Teacher Guidelines
Instructional Pages
Activity Page
Practice Page
Homework Page
pages 1 – 2
pages 3 – 4
pages 5
page 6 - 7
page 8 – 9
Classroom Procedure:
Approximate Grade Level: 1 – 3
1. Ask your students some opinion questions- How do they
feel about-? What is your favorite-? Talk about how these
answers are opinions.
Objectives:Write opinion pieces on topics or
texts and be able to provide reasons that support
the opinion.
2. Hand out the lesson pages.
Common Core State Standards:
3. Talk about the difference between facts and opinions. Do
an exercise together- take several factual statements and
make an opinion about them to illustrate the difference.
Make time for discussion.
4. Practice using opinion statements and connector phrases.
5. Take time to focus on writing reasons for their opinions by
giving reasons for statements on the board. Also verbally
give a list of reasons for a statement and ask students to
find the one that is unrelated.
Class Sessions (45 minutes): 3-4
Teaching Materials/Worksheets: Lesson
pages, activity page, homework page and
worksheet and practice page. The book “The
Best Part of Me” by Wendy Ewald. A digital
camera, printer and photo paper.
6. Hand out the homework for two nights of assignments.
Student Supplies: Supplies for activity, a crayon
7. Read the book The Best Parts of Me by Wendy Ewald.
Discuss the book and the activity. Have students choose
their favorite body part before the activity begins.
Prepare Ahead of Time: Cut paper to size for
activity, have classroom discussion problems
8. Do the activity. Have students share if they would like to.
9. Review conclusion writing and practice using the conclusion
Options for Lesson: The book Stella Has an
Opinion by Janiel Wagstaff. With 3rd graders I suggest
adding examples into your essays so you will need
more information.
10. Do the practice page.
11. Have students read their opinion essays from their
homework. Discuss what is good about the ones that are
12. Leave time for any final questions, concerns or discussion.
Teacher Notes
In this lesson students will learn about opinions, the difference between opinion and fact and learn to write a
simple opinion paper. The lesson has a couple of beneficial additions for 3rd graders and possibly some 2nd
graders. 3rd graders should learn about and add to their writing examples for each reason they give. Examples
are mentioned briefly in the lesson pages but more help can be found in the additional resources below. It is
also a possibility for older students to write a poem instead of a paragraph for their activity.
Additional Resources:
Opinion Writing
What is an opinion?
An opinion is what somebody thinks or believes about a particular thing.
What Is The Difference Between a Fact And An Opinion?
Facts can be proven. Opinions can be based on facts but they are feelings or beliefs and cannot be proven
Fact The car dropped us off at 10 pm.
Opinion I do not like that the car dropped us off at 10pm because it is much too late for us to be out.
Writing About Your Opinion.
During this lesson you will be writing about your opinion. This is the format of a basic opinion paper for you
to follow.
Introduce topic What is your paper going to talk about?
State your opinion clearly Tell us how you feel about the topic.Use one of these opinion statements to start
your sentence.
Connector Words
Opinion Statements
I think
1. One reason
I believe
2. Another reason
I feel
3. Also
In my opinion
4. ---- is my favorite because
The best thing about-
5. In addition,
Everyone should-
6. I like ------ because
My favorite---- is -----.
The worst thing about-
If you like--- you will love---
One thing I do not like is---
Provide reasons and examples Give more than one reason why you have the opinion you do. Put your reasons in
an order that makes sense. Use these connector words when talking about your reasons.
Conclusion Statements
1. Now you know why ----- is ------.
2. As you can see----3. If you ------ you will-----!
Your teacher may ask you to give examples for each of your reasons. You could start these sentences with For example,
Have a conclusion paragraph In a conclusion paragraph you will state your opinion again and tell us why
it is a reasonable opinion to have. You should base this on the reasons you gave in your paper.
Add a wrap up sentence Include one last sentence to make your thoughts sound finished.
Name __________________________ Date _________
The Best Part of Me Activity
In this activity you will be writing and sharing your opinion about which part of your body you think is the
best part.
Need-Photo paper, a camera and a printer
-A large piece of construction paper
- A piece of thicker colored paper your teacher will have cut to the right size
- Pens, glue and scissors
- Your body!
Steps1. As a class you will read The Best Part of Me by Wendy Ewald.
2. Choose the part of your body you think is the best. You will see examples in the book but remember it can
be a small part like your fingers, toes or teeth .
3. Think for a bit and make a list of reasons this is the best part of your body.
4. Write one paragraph about your body part. Begin with your clearly stated opinion sentence. Then give
three reasons why you feel this way about the body part you chose.
5. When your paragraph is written the way you want to keep it, write it neatly on the thicker, colored piece
of paper you were given.
6. When you are ready have your teacher take a picture of your favorite body part and print it for you.
7. On the large piece of construction paper glue your picture to the top half and your paragraph to the bottom
8. Hang your photo and work proudly for everyone to see!
Name __________________________ Date _________
Facts and opinions- Use a crayon to color in the boxes that contain opinions.
Write an opinion sentence on the topics given. Use one of these to start your sentences-
are a fruit.
taste great.
is yucky.
Bananas have a peel.
Red apples are better
than green apples.
You can squeeze an orange and make orange
I believe, I feel, In my opinion, I like or I dislike.
Riding a bike
Going to bed late
Cross out the sentence that is not a reason for
People should take a walk every day.
Walking is good exercise.
When you walk it is relaxing.
Walking can be hard in bad weather.
Answer Key
Name __________________________ Date _________
Facts and opinions- Use a crayon to color in the boxes that contain opinions.
are a fruit.
taste great.
is yucky.
Bananas have a peel.
Red apples are better
than green apples.
You can squeeze an orange and make orange
Write an opinion sentence on the topics given. Use one of these to start your sentences- I believe, I feel,
In my opinion, I like or I dislike
Riding a bike
Answers will vary
Answers will vary
Going to bed late
Answers will vary
Cross out the sentence that is not a reason for People should take a walk every day.
1. Walking is good exercise.
2. When you walk it is relaxing.
3. Walking can be hard in bad weather.
Name __________________________ Date _________
Writing an Opinion Paper
Write an opinion paper on one of the following topics-favorite ice cream flavor
-favorite book
-favorite sport
-favorite movie
-favorite school subject
-favorite place to visit
-favorite teacher
In this paper you will state your opinion clearly, give THREE or more reasons to support your opinion. Then
you will write a conclusion and a closing sentence. Be sure to use the transition words on your handouts.
You have two nights to work on this paper. The first night you can fill out the opinion paper outline worksheet
and turn it in the next day. The second night you will write your paper and turn it in the following day. The
outline and the paper can have the same sentences, the paper just needs to be in the proper format.
Name __________________________ Date _________
Opinion Paper Outline