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Apostrophe Lesson Plan: Contractions & Possessives

Lesson Plan for Apostrophes
By Bhuvaneswari Karthick
TOPIC: Apostrophes
SUB TOPIC: Contractions & Possessive Apostrophes
LEARNING OUTCOMES: After this lesson, the students will be able to:
 Understand the usage of apostrophes in contractions and possessive nouns.
 Apply those skills in real-time oral and written work.
 Will be able to differentiate between a contraction and a possessive pronoun. Ex: it's vs its; you're
vs your; who's vs whose.
 Teacher uses a rubber band and the concept of a bandaid to introduce the term contractions. She
explains how to use contractions to shorten a word by removing one letter or more and
substituting an apostrophe in the same spot. Reinforces the concept through activities.
 Teacher explains the use of the apostrophe with nouns to show ownership. A video game (link
provided) during Language Lab will help strengthen the concept.
• Group discussion using a rubber band and a bandaid to introduce the term contraction and
• Board activity: Turn the students into doctors who have to operate on two words to make them
one. The apostrophe works as a bandaid to the new word.
• Talk about common phrases we already use with contractions: Eg: don't do that!
Possessive Apostrophe:
• Group discussion based on who owns what and introduce the term possessive nouns.
• A show and tell with available materials and ask students to form sentences with possessive
• Activity sheet where students create contractions out of printed strips of paper. The strip starts out
with a pair of words like I am. The student folds the word strip on the dotted line to reveal its
contraction - I’m.
For Bulletin Board:
 Chart on contractions and possessive apostrophes
Language Lab Activity: