ITP 249: Introduction to Data Analytics Homework 03: 20 points Due: 02/26/2021 @ 11:59PM Goal You’ll use MYSQL Workbench to write SQL queries to duplicate the results outlined below. Procedure Go to virtual lab Launch MYSQL workbench Connect to the ITP 249 server Make your DB the default database/schema to answer this HW. Create a single Word file with all the SQL queries. The first few lines should be: -- Your Name -- ITP 249 -- Homework 3 Write SQL queries to answer the questions. Insert a screenshot from MySQL workbench with your SQL query and it’s result set. Save the document as lastname_firstname_HW3.doc. Submit the file on Blackboard. Create the Student Table in your Schema/Database: Zip file provided on BB. (4) STUDENT Write queries to answer the following questions based on the student table above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. List the average GPA. (2) List the students(names) who have GPA higher than the average GPA. (2) List the average GPA for Male students. (2) List the female students who have more than the average GPA. (2) Count the female students who have more than the average GPA. (2) 6. List the maximum GPA by gender (2) 7. List minimum GPA by gender (2) 8. List the students (Name) who have a GPA greater than or equal to the minimum GPA (2) 9. List the students (Name) who have a GPA greater than or equal to the maximum GPA (2) 10. Count the number of students who have a GPA greater than or equal to the average GPA (2) Page 2 of 2