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Poem Response Form: Analyze & Reflect on Poetry

Poem Response Form
Poem Response Form
For Use with
Any Poem
by Rebecca Gettelman
About the Author:
Rebecca Gettelman is an educator with over a decade of experience in the
classroom. She has taught at both the middle school and high school levels and is
known among her students for her love of Shakespeare and her quirky sense of
humor. Rebecca currently lives in Iowa in the heart of Amish country with her
husband and two young children. You can find more great resources, ask questions
and leave comments, and get to know Rebecca a little better at her Teachers Pay
Teachers store (www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Rebecca-Gettelman) and at her
blog, Rebecca’s Classroom and Kitchen (classroomandkitchen.wordpress.com).
Ó 2018 Rebecca Gettelman
Poem Response Form
Some Notes About Copyright, Credits, and Terms of Use:
• All art/photos/clipart has been created by the author or is from Pixabay.com.
• Ó Copyright 2018. Rebecca Gettelman. All rights reserved. Permission is
granted to print and copy pages for student and/or teacher use by the original
purchaser or licensee. The reproduction of any portion of this product for any
other reason without express written consent is strictly prohibited.
o What this means for teachers:
§ You DO have permission to use and make any copies you need of
this product for use in your own classroom with your own students.
§ You DO NOT have permission to make copies of this product for
other teachers for use in their classrooms with their students. If
you would like them to have copies of this product, please direct
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• Placing this product or any portion thereof on the Internet in any form (even a
personal or classroom website) is strictly prohibited. Doing so is a violation of
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Thank you so much for respecting copyrights!
Teach On!
Rebecca Gettelman
Ó 2018 Rebecca Gettelman
Poem Response Form
Notes to the Teacher:
This form can be used in many ways. Here are a few ideas:
• Assign this form instead of a daily journal.
• Use this form as an icebreaking or brainstorming activity before
beginning to discuss a poem as a class.
• This form makes great bell work.
• Use this form as an exit ticket.
• Use this form to have students give feedback to classmates on poems
the students compose.
• There is no reason that this cannot be the only response students give
to a poem. Not all responses or poem studies have to be in-depth.
o Study a poem by a certain author and then have students use this
form with another poem by this same author.
o Have students find their own poem and use this form with it.
o Give students a choice of several poems and have them each
pick one to respond to with this form.
Practicalities and Suggestions:
• The back of this form is blank. Print the poem to which you want
your students to respond on the back. This way the poem and each
student’s response don’t get separated.
• Use this form regularly. The larger the quantity and variety of poems
to which students are exposed, the more comfortable they will be with
poetry and the more likely students are to find a poem with which
they connect.
Ó 2018 Rebecca Gettelman
Poem Response Form
Name: _________________________ Date: ____________________
Poem Title: _______________________________________________
Poem Author: _____________________________________________
What are three things you liked about this
poem? Circle your favorite.
Was there anything you didn’t like about
this poem? (If so, what? If not, explain
why this poem was so great.)
What does this poem make you think?
What does this poem make you feel?
Ó 2018 Rebecca Gettelman