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Inaugural Address Writing Worksheet

Inauguration speech writing task
The importance of the inaugural address (1st speech by the new president)
The inauguration of a new President offers the nation an opportunity to
witness not only the peaceful transfer of power but also the transformation of
a person we’ve known for over a year as a candidate, and for two months as
President-elect, into the President of the United States of America.
For that reason the first inaugural address is an exceptionally important
speech. Each new President hopes to use his first words as President to capture
the moment, chart a new course, and galvanize the country.
Create your own inaugural address
George Washington’s second inaugural address was only 135 words, so you
don’t need to write a 20-page speech.
1. What are 2-3 themes (such as “national unity,” a theme of Biden’s
address) that you would want to address if you were being sworn in as
president of the United States?
2. What are 2-3 inspirational quotes that you would want to include in an
inaugural address if you were being sworn in as president of the United
3. Take a swing at presidential speech writing. Write between 150-250
words of an inaugural address using themes and inspirational quotes that
you chose or can come up with. Good luck!