Uploaded by Shola Isaac Ayodeji

Spiritual Transformation: Relocating for Purpose

Every week, on Wednesdays to be precised the waste company comes with their
refuse truck to pick up our garbages. On a particular day I overheard the discussion of
two waste personnel while they were about their business.
And this was what they were discussing:
Waste personnel 1: Have you ever wondered why we come here every Wednesday ?
Waste personnel 2: What is there to wonder about ? … We come weekly to pick up
their dirt.
Waste personnel 1: But must they always have dirt to be picked up?
Waste personnel 2:See the truth is these people will always have dirt even for the rest
of their lives.
(They both giggled as they moved with the trash bags in their hands)
I wasn’t too pleased with what I heard so I immediately summoned a meeting for only
those living on my street and we had a consensus that we would not have dirt
anymore so when they come by next week Wednesday they won’t see anything to
Guess what?
As the week came, it was as though the plan worked ( because everyone became
mindful of what they take in so as not to have any waste) but to my greatest surprise
on the appointed day the waste company came and they still had a lot of things to
trash even the irony of it was that they got most of the dirts on that day from my
I immediately called for another meeting and we restrategize but all to no avail.
But then it happened that one day that the dirt personnel1 said to the dirt personnel 2
that this street is so dirty that I have nicknamed it “Dirt Street” and they both looked
at each other and said simultaneously “these people will always have dirt even for the
rest of their miserable lives”
This I heard became the last straw that broke the camel’s back… I quickly called for
another meeting having realized that there was nothing we could do to avoid being
dirty, as long as we remained in that place.
And seeing that we’ve all had it up to our necks so we decided to move to a new place.
And so it was that when the waste company arrived they couldn’t find one single dirt,
and they began to wonder how we were able to break the grip that should have lasted
for a life time, then they soon realized that this we could achieve because we no
longer stay there.
Now you reading this piece might be quick to ask but how about the new place they
all moved to won’t they also defile there?
Hmmmmmmm…see the new place knows who we are, it knows we are dirty, filthy, a
total mess, in fact this place knows that some of us are a waste and that is why it made
the provision for recycling.
The dirty life you still live is as a result of your location, you cannot solve that filth
problem as long as you live on ‘Dirt Street”
Relocate to the other side where the Recycler can turn your waste, your dirt, your filth
into something entirely new, clean and useful…….
Hold on to this “I not a waste, I’m not to be disposed, I still have a purpose in God
and in His hands I’m useful”
Read Judges 11v1-11.