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General Systems Theory Worksheet

CSP 870
Dr. Grace Mims
General Systems Theory Worksheet Lecture Review
For all items, you provide the general systems term (e.g., circular/reciprocal causality, feedback, morphostasis,
morphogenesis, rules, equifinality, equipotentiality, process, boundaries, stability, adaptability, etc.) that best
fits. Sometimes the item is a 'fill in the blank' item, sometimes it is a statement.
1. A change has occurred and has been accepted by the system. Positive Feedback Loops
2. A change in one part affects all parts. Systems Theory (pond metaphor), system
3. A systems ability to change in the context of stability. adaptability
4. Larger systems within the system. suprasystem
5. ____Feedback_______indicates variations and fluctuations, which serve to increase the probability of
system survival.
6. A set of elements standing in interaction. System
7. *Rules form ___equifinality____which are inferred from repeated patterns of focus behavior.
8. *The emergent properties of Systems Theory: ____Structure _______ and __________Process_____.
9. A system’s ability to remain stable in the context of change. stability
10. The system is greater than the sum of its parts. Systems theory or Family therapy
11. The behavior of A is a logical complement to the behavior of B, just as B’s behavior is a logical
complement to the behavior of A. Systemic Theory
12. A change has not occurred in the system; the status quo is being maintained. Negative Feedback Loops
13. _____ Diffuse boundaries or boundaries ___ distinguish a system from other systems – define it, make it
14. System-enhancing behavior that allows for growth, creativity, innovation, and change. Morphogenisis
15. A rule that goes unchallenged by the system. myths
16. Smaller systems within the system. subsystem
17. Cause and effect are simultaneous. reciprocity
18. Focus is on the ‘why’. Linear thinking
19. Triangles, Boundaries, Subsystems, etc. Structure
20. Family interaction and emotional reactivity, communication, etc. Process
21. Mutual interaction and mutual influence. recursive
22. System’s tendency toward stability/equilibrium. Morphostasis
23. Both processes may refer to something that is good and/or bad. Must be evaluated relative to context.
Positive and negative feedback loops
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