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Poems about New Year

Bismarck Salazar
GTB 121-5
Response Essay 1
Prof.Mark Julian D. Villaluna
New Year: Three New Perspectives in Three Poems
It has been a year since the last festive Filipino new year has been celebrated . Filipinos would go
outside to make noises, such as banging pots and pans, making the car’s sound alarm, or blowing those
plastic toy horns konwn as “torotot”. The use of firecrackers were also stunning, even though dangerous.
I am never fond of firecrackers, but I see it is a way of how people express their courage. I have seen
friends who were cowardly in many things seem to be courageous when using firecrackers. I have never
thought that I would personally miss the Filipino festive new year celebration. I had always been wishing
a solemn celebration, where people would be silent and reflect upon their actions in the preceding year.
Now that my wish was granted this pandemic, I do not know why it still brings sadness. Perhaps, new year
is not just a festivity, but rather, an important ideology that is vast that understanding it requires a journey
through reading literature. Let us explore three poems which shows three ‘new’ new year perspectives.
The first poem is a poetic elegy that Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote for his friend, Arthur Henry
Hallam who, entitled “In memoriam A.H.H.”. Two of its 133 cantos, specifically cantos 83 and 106 provide
the readers with a novel take on the typical new year ideology – one that is in the perspective of someone
who lost a friend. Canto 83 compares the loss of a friend to the cold freezing winter months where flower
buds are frozen just as how the loss of a friend renders someone unable to do his or her usual routine,
specially when he or she does it passionately when his or her friend is alive. Further, someone who has
lost a friend hopes for “spring” to bring changes to the unproductive frozen winter setting. In canto 83,
Alfred Lord Tennyson used elements of spring season such as orchids, tulips and laburnum trees to depict
the longing of a friend to finally move on and continue living after a friend’s death. This longing during a
friend’s death is comparable to how we hope to have better life opportunities after the death of our last
year’s self from unproductive actions and decisions. Canto 106 is straightforward in its message. It uses
the symbolism of “ringing”, which is a ritual for invocation or cleansing. “Ringing in” is similar to how the
priest sanctifies the hosts and wine by letting his altar servers ring a bell. Ringing out” is similar to how
gongs are sounded during the Chinese new year to scare bad spirits .In canto 106, bad qualities or trait
are rang out while good qualities are to be rang in.
The second poem is written by Thomas Hardy, and is entitled “The Darkling Thrush” which depicts
how an old frail bird, probably weakened by the unfortunate freezing conditions of winter finally retires
to rest eternally from the gloomy winter setting, just how we wish for a gloomy unproductive year to end
and monologue why people are happy and delightful when all of what happened during the year is misery.
The third poem is written by Sylvia Plath and is entitled New year on Dartmoor. As a person from
Phlippines, there is not much to gain interest from it, but when the geographical context of the poem was
considered, it painted a gorgeous scenery of a mountainous and hilly place which is covered in ice hence
the line, “The blind, white, awful, inaccessible slant.”, because the hill slopes are slippery from being
covered in ice. The “glass hat referred to at the last line of the poem is a representation of how exquisite
things a re covered in glass, seemingly how a much more beautiful scenery of Dartmoor is covered in
glassy ice. The child she was talking to was being warned with delighting in things that are temporary, just
how we must not delight in temporarily beautiful thing , but aim for things that last in every year for these
are the things that are truly beautiful.
The three poems are heavy on imagery, which helped the readers from the tropical regions
experience new year in the temperate regions. Personification was also used successfully, specially when
things associated with “spring” was seemed to be called. Alliteration and rhetoric was also used
successfully in Canto 106 of Tennyson’s poem. In terms of tone, Tennyson was more optimistic than Hardy
and Plath, even though all three authors successfully conveyed the idea of “newness”.
Bismarck Salazar
GTB 121-5
Response Essay 1
Prof.Mark Julian D. Villaluna
The New Year Cycle
Once, a cyclist there was,
Who would conquer the mountain roads
Cycling for day and night
Like this paradise is his abode.
Cycling fast when he goes upstream.
Cycling slow when he goes downstream.
Cycling to the wish of his will,
He never really knew upstream or downstream.
For what is important, is the beauty of nature
And the favor he is doing for his stature.
For when you cycle you relax greatly or a bit
And who does not know his body would be fit?
Cycling his way up, he sees the picturesque periphery.
For if he looked around, he would have ended in misery.
His ears hear the beautiful singing birds
And the horns sounded by men with beards.
His eyes are focused afront
To see the coming cars and trucks.
From the blinding curve, they come out
If he didn’t see them he’ll surely be of no luck
Bismarck Salazar
GTB 121-5
Response Essay 1
Prof.Mark Julian D. Villaluna
He cycles his way up and down
Seeming like an actor for people inside cars
Like a hero with great prowess
He gathers these people’s great interest.
At last an actor in him, has been realized
He is gradually cloaked in spotlight
And with a large sound of a trumpet
The tired legs of the cyclist were met.
Everything fell into a darkness
Who knows it might already be night
The cyclist can finally retire from this age old profession
He can finally get good rest.
Jolting from sleep, He sees
Once again the picturesque periphery, but not clealy
On the painting that hanged on the wall.
Just as how he had seen the mountains.
Faintly, someone clad in white appeared.
For a moment, he is struck with fear
“A pleasant morning sir, the lights must be
Greater for your eyes to see”
You had an occipital concussion caused by the fall
When you were hit by a truck
This have made your eyesight loose
It has been a year since you have been in a coma.
Bismarck Salazar
GTB 121-5
Response Essay 1
Prof.Mark Julian D. Villaluna