Experiment#6 DETERMINATION OF FLUORIDE BY ION SELECTIVE ELECTRODE Samuel Raymond Chem 322-01 Professor: Dr. Jimenez 11/11/2020 Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to learn how ISE electrodes particularly fluoride ISE are used to find the concentrations levels of this element. Through electrochemistry the study of current in the electroactive species. Detections of fluoride throughout daily objects such as toothpaste and foods can undergo testing to discover the constituted of Floride. Introduction: In the world of electrochemistry techniques to measurement of ion activity have become a staple in monitoring electrical currents among electroactive elements. With that in mind, this experiment utilizes an fluoride selective electrode and reference electrode equipped with unique type of selective membrane to detect only the fluoride ion exchanges. This is possible because of the preparation taken to ensure inference is reduced effectively by undergoing a redox reaction of Sodium Fluoride molecule beforehand so that solely F- activity is measured. Mechanism& Equations: E = Eo + 2.303 (RT/F) log A ion M1V1=M2V2 Chemicals: Sodium fluoride( NaF) Blue Yellow Red 3 - Short exposure could cause serious temporary or moderate residual injury. 0 - Normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and is not reactive with water. 0 - Materials that will not burn under typical fire conditions , including intrinsically noncombustible materials such as concrete, stone, and sand. Materials that will not burn in air when exposed to a temperature of 820 °C (1,500 °F) for a period of 5 minutes. Lanthanum trifluoride(LaF3) Blue Yellow Red 2 - Intense or continued but not chronic exposure could cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury. 0- Normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and is not reactive with water. 0 - Materials that will not burn under typical fire conditions , including intrinsically noncombustible materials such as concrete, stone, and sand. Materials that will not burn in air when exposed to a temperature of 820 °C (1,500 °F) for a period of 5 minutes. Supplies& Equipment: Plastic polyethylene beakers Analytical balance 1L volumetric flask Volumetric pipette 100-ml volumetric flasks PH electrode Fluoride ISE Procedures: To begin the preparation of 100ppm Fluoride solution several PE beakers were rinsed in DI water wand dried. Then 0.22 grams of Sodium fluoride was weighed, and difference calculated between the beaker and sample. Furthermore, the sample was diluted with DI water into an 1L volumetric flask. With the stock solution prepared a series of ppm standard were made from 0.50 up to 20ppm. First a 20ppm fluoride standard was created by adding 10.0ml of TISAB together with 20.0ml of the Fluoride stock. Additionally, a set volume of DI water was used to dilute the mixture and then its contents were mixed thoroughly. Similarly, these measures were reproduced for the lower range of fluoride standards. Apart from this, a mouthwash solution was prepared with 10.0ml of sample and 10.0ml of TISAB. The mouthwash solution was diluted in 100ml volumetric flask and had 20.0ml transferred to an PE beaker. Thereafter the process was reproduced but with an unknown fluoride sample from the instructor. Once prepped the PH of both solutions were then checked for assurance of the suitable working range. Observations: Part A To start the prepared standards the PE breakers were labeled for the series of ppm concentrations. 10ml of TISAB was added to all the volumetric flasks beforehand. Thereafter a clean serological pipette was acquired to place the calculated volume of Fluoride sample into the standards. Carefully each mixture was diluted with DI water to the same set mark. The made solutions were then mixed thoroughly but not allowed to sit for a lengthy period inside the volumetric flask. 20ml of each standard solution was transferred to its respective labeled PE beaker. Part B The pH of the sample solution and different ppm concentration were taken beforehand. In addition, the pH meter was calibrated in buffer solutions of with a pH 10 & 7. Through the calibrations process the electrode was sat in the solution until the readings were confirmed ready. Thereafter the electrode was carefully wiped with a tissue and placed into the next buffer solution. Once pH of the samples was found the test began with the fluoride electrode. Starting off the lowest ppm solution tested first by placing the electrode into the solution while be cautious that the highly sensitive tip doesn’t contact any surfaces except the analyte. Meanwhile, the electrode would sit until the device has signaled to be ready. The mV was then recorded, and electrode removed from the solution to be carefully cleaned. This series of measures were then done over again from the lowest ppm to the higher ppm concentrations. Results and Discussion: Quantitative Data & Qualitative Data: From the series standards concentrations produced it was used in calculating the log concentrations. In which was used to converted to find Molarity of the standards fluoride solutions log(concentration)*(1g/1000mg) (1mol/19g) = log (-0.301) *(1g/1000mg) *(1mol/19g) = -1.58E-05mol/L. Once calculated were conducted a calibration curve of log concentration vs mV. Based off the graphs’ linear equation Y=mx + b= 15.9 = (-30.7) x - 9.7 served as a reference into calculating final F- concentration of unknown. In addition, the equation was then solved for the X variable to provide the final log concentration for both mouthwash and F- ion of unknown. X = (4.9-15.9)/-30.7= 0.358ppm and X = (-9.7 - 15.9)/-30.7 = 0.834ppm. Finally, with the log concentrations found a simple reverse of operations of the antilog conducted to find first ppm. Thereafter, a simple stochiometric conversion to Molarity to discover both the concentration in the mouthwash sample. With the mouth sample coming to be 1.20E-04 and F- ion 3.59E-04. 100 INITIAL CONCENTRATIO N NaF: pH STANDARD, PPM (mg/L) 5 0.5 5.9 1 6.5 2 7.5 5 8.5 10 9 20 6.6 Mouthwash 7 F- ion Unknown SLOPE Mouthwash F- ion Unknown PPM mV log (Conc), PPM 27.7 16.4 4.3 -10.2 -13.7 -21.2 4.9 -9.7 INTERCEPT -30.7 -30.7 15.9 15.9 MOLARITY, moles/L -0.301 0.000 0.301 0.699 1.000 1.301 0.358 0.834 -1.58E-05 0.00E+00 1.58E-05 3.68E-05 5.26E-05 6.85E-05 1.20E-04 3.59E-04 LOG (CONCENTRATIO N) 0.358 0.834 CONCENTRATION PPM 2.28 6.82 Graph 1: Linear regression Graph 2: Linear equation Graph 3: Linear Equation Sources of Error: Miss calibration of the ISE could lead to spikes in the initial concentration reading. Thus, that data point surrounding the slope of the trendlines greatly effects the precision of the overall calibration curve. Without the usage of the TISAB buffer the data required to discover the unknown samples won’t be accurate at all. Because TISAB is needed in order to detect the just fluoride concentrations. Conclusion: Within the second and third graph it was evident that the pattern of these graphs followed Nernst's’ equation. However, the desired slope was not quite achieved with the calculated slope of coming to –30.7. Overall, the precision of the experiment was achieved but not quite on the accuracy aspect. Cited: Daniel, C. Harris “Let the Titrations Begin" Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Kate Parker,2016, pp. 365-370.