इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 14255 (1995): Aerial Bunched Cables for working voltagess upto and including 1100 Volts [ETD 9: Power Cables] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS14255:1995 ( Reaffirmed 2005 ) Indian Standard AERTALBUNCHEDCABLES-FORWORKING VOLTAGESUPTOANDINCLUDING 1 lOOVOLTS -SPECIFICATION UDC 621.315211 ( 621-315.616-96 Q BUREAU MANAK April 1995 OF BHAVAN, ) : 621-396.67 BIS 1995 INDIAN STANDARDS 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 ZAFAR MARG Price Group 4 Power Cables Sectional Committee, ETD 9 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted Power Cables Sectional Committee by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council. the This standard specifies the requirement of Polyethylene/crosslinked polyethylene insulated cables with aluminium conductors twisted over a central bare/Insulated aluminium alloy messenger wire for use as overhead distribution feeders for rated voltages up to and including 1 100 V. Many countries are now increasingly using cables with insulated conductor This system is commonly called ABC system ( Aerial Bunched Cables ). for LT overhead lines. In the ABC system, the insulated conductors ( 3 or 4 numbers as required ) are twisted around a high strength aluminium alloy bearer wire, which carries the main weight and also serves as the earth-cumneutral wire. The bearer wire ( messenger ) may be bare or insulated. The phase conductors are not under tension. The system is very safe and LT faults are practically eliminated Consequently, interruptions of supply are minimized and the life of transformers is considerably increased as these are not subjected to frequent faults as happens with the bare conductors. The problem of tree clearance is also minimized. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance places with IS 2 : 1960 $Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The number of significant retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in thts standard. IS 14255 : 1995 Indian Standard AERIAL BUNCHED CABLES - FOR WORKING VOLTAGES UP TO AND INCLUDINS; 1 100 VOLTS - SPECIFICATION SECTION 1 GENERAL definitions, in addition to those given (Part 32) : 1993 shall apply. 1 SCOPE 3.1 Routine Tests 1.1 This slaudard covers the requiremruts 01 insulated polyethylenc/c~rossli~~ked polyethyleur cables with aluminium conductors twisted over a central bare/insulated aluminium alloy messenger wire for use as overhead distribution feeders. Tests made by the manufacturers on all finished cable leugths to demoustrate the integrity of the cables. 3.2 Type Test Tests required to be made before supply OII a geueral commercial basis ou a type of cable in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance characteristics to meet the intended application. 1.2 The cables covered in this standard are suitable for use on three phase ac (earthed or unearthed) system for rated voltage up to and including 1 100 V. NOTE-The cables conforming to this standard may be operated continuously at a power frequency voltage 10 percent higher than the rated voltage. NOTEThese tests are of such a nature that after they have been made, they need nothe repeated unless changes are made in the cable materials or design which might change the performance characteristics. 1.3 The cables covered in this standard are suitable for use where the combination of ambient temperature and temperature rise due to load, including temperature ou exposure to direct smllight results in conductor temperature not exceeding the following: TyVe of lnsrtl~~tion Normal Contimdous Opercztion in IS 1885 3.3 Acceptance Tests Tests carried out ou samples taken from a lot for the. purpose of acceptance of the lot. Short Circuit Oprcition 3.4 Optional Tests Polyethylene 70°C 160’C Crosslinked polyethylene Special tests to be carried out, wheu required by agreement behveeu the purchaser and the supplier. 90°C 2XJ°C 3.5 Earthed 2 REFERENCES 2.1 The following Indian adjuncts to this standard: IS No. 398 (Part 4) : 1979 Staudards Almninium conductors for overhead transmissiou purposes : Part 4 Almninium alloy stranded conductors (aluminium-magnesimnsilicon type) (second mvision) x130 : 1984 Conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords (Frst revision) 10418: Drums for electric cables 10810 (series) a>The me Electrotechnical vocabulary : Part 32 Electric cables Cfirst revision) 1982 An electric system which fultills auy of the following conditions: are necessary 1885 (Part 32) : 1993 b) 4 Methods of test for cables. (The relevant part numbers are given iu col 4 of 10.1) neutral point or mid fioint connectiou is earthed iu such a manlier that even under fault conditions, the maximum voltage that can occur between any conductor and earth does not exceed 80 percent of the nominal system voltage; The Deutral point or mid point comiectiou is not earthed but a protective device is installed which automatically cuts out any part of the system which accidentally becomes earthed; or In case of ac system oidy, the neutral point is earthed through an arc suppression coil with arraugemeut for isolation within 1 hour of occurrence of the fault provided that total of such periods in a year does not exceed 125 hours. 3.6 Unearthed System 3 TERMINOLOGY 3.0 System AII electric system which does not fulfil the requirements of earthed system (see 3.5). For the purpose of this standard the following 1 IS 14255: I995 SECTION ncsium- silicon alloy wires containing approximate 0.5 perc’~nl magnrhium and approximately 0.5 pcrccnl silicon conli,rming to IS 39X (Part 4) : 1979). 2 MATERIALS 4 (:ONI)ll(“I‘OH 4.1 I’h;~se/Strect I,ighting (conductor The colductor shall hc 01‘ H2 or H4 ~ontplying will1 lhc rrquircn~cuL\ 4.2 Messenger (Neutral The conductor grade 5 INSIJIAI‘ION aluminiutn IS X130 : 10X4. of <Conductor or Otherwise) shall he of heat treated St No. 5.1 Thr insulation shall hc cithcr of’ cross-linkrd polycthylrnc co~npound or ot’polycthylcnr conq~ound, conforming to requircmcnt given in Tahlrs I and Z rcspcclivcly. alumi~~iun~-taag- Hequimmenl.5 ‘fed.5 (1) (3) (2) i) Tensile strength 12.5 N/mm’, ii) IJlongation 200 iii) Agcing at break : I‘emperafure Ihration ‘l‘ensile strength variation c)Elongation variation iv) Treatment : ‘I’emperature 200 * 3Y’ 1.5 min Mechanical stress 20 N/cm’ 175 percent, MUX c) Permanent elongation (set) after cooling 15 percent, Mus Shrinkage: : Temperature 130 * 3?’ 1 hour 4 percent, MUX II) Shrinkage Water absorption (Gravimetric): a) Treatment : Iemperature Duration h) Water ahsorbed viii) Max ~2.5 perccn t , Max ‘lime under load Duration vii) i2.5 percent, h) Elongation under load a) Treatment vi) 135 f 3°C 7 days f lot set: a) v) Min Min in air oven: a) Treatment h) peramt, 8.5 * 2?‘ 14 days I mg/cm2, MUX Volume resistivity: a) at 27°C’ 1x I>) ilt 7tPC’ 1 x 10” ohm-cm, Min (.‘arbon blilck: a) (‘onten h) Dispersion IO’” ohm-cm, Min Under consideration IS 14255 : 1995 Table 2 Properties of PE Insulation (Clause 5.1) SI No. Requirements Property Volume resistivity: i) a) at 27Y 1 x 1014 ohm-cm f Min b) at 70°C 1 x 1OL2ohm-cm 9Min ii) Tensile strength lO.N/mm’, Min iii) Elongation at break 300 percent, Min iv) Melt flow index 3,Mrrr v) Wcat softening point 8S°C, Min vi) Carbon black: vii) a) Content Under consideration b) Dispersion Under consideration No cracks shall be visible to naked eye Environmental stress cracking 6.4 SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION The size of street lighting conductor shall be 16 trim*. 6.5 The size of messettger cottductor and its breaking 6.1 The power/outer insulated neutral/street lighting cottductors shall cottform to flexibility class 2 of IS 8130 : 1984. 6.2 The messettger (Neutral conductor) or otherwise shall be either stranded circular or cotnpacted circular type and shall have tnittitttum 7 strands. The surface of the conductor shall be smooth. 6.3 ‘A protective barrier may be applied between the cottductor and ittsttlatiott, if required. Such barrier, whett used, shall be cotnpatible with itisulating material and suitable for the operating tetnperature of the cable. Table 3 Size and Reqtthments load shall be as per Table 3. 6.6 There shall be no joittts in atty wire of the messenger conductor except those tnade in the base rod or wires before fntal drawing. The directiott of outer layer of wires in ntessettger conductor shall be right hand. 7 INSULATION 7.1 The cottductor (with protective barrier, wherever with crosslinked shall be provided applied) polyethylene or polyethylette ittsulatiott applied by extrttsiott. of Messenger Cottductor (Clause 6.5) SI No. Nominal Cross Sectional Messenger Conductor Area of Phase Conductor Sectional Area Maximum dc Resistance at 20°C Minimum Breaking Load mm2 mm* ohm/km kN (1) 9 (2) 16 (3) (4) (5) 25 i .38 7.0 ii) 25 25 1.38 7.0 3.5 25 1.38 7.0 50 35 0.986 9.8 v) 70 50 0.689 14.0 vi) 95 70 0 492 19.7 iii) iv) Nominal Cross IS 14255 : 1995 7.2 Thickness of Insulation 7.4 Application The average thickness of insulation shall be not less than the nomiual value (t;) specified in Table 4. Table 4 Thickness of Insulation of Insulatiou The insulation shall be so applied that it fits closely on the conductor (or barrier, if any) and it shall be possible to remove it without damaging the conductor. 7.5 The colour of insulation shall be black. 8 COKE II)ENTIFI’I(:ATION Nominal Area of Nominal Thickness (ti) 8.1 Tbe phase conductors shall be provided with one, (‘onductor rImI* mm (‘1 16 (2) 1.2 25 1.2 35 1.2 50 1.5 70 1.5 9s 1.5 7.3 Tolerosce on Thickness two or three ‘ridges’ and outer neutral insulated conductor, if provided, shall have four ‘ridges’ as shown iu Fig. 1 for quick identification. The street lighting conductor and messenger conductor (if insulated) shall not have any identilication mark. 8.2 Identification by other means, as agreed between the supplier and purchaseer, is also permissible. 9 ASSEMBLY (LAYING III’) 9.1 Three insulated phase couductors, one insulated neutral conductor (if required) and a street lighting conductor (if required) shall be twisted around the bare (or insulated) as required messenger conductor without fillers with a lay not exceeding 3.5 times the diameter of the insulated phase conductor. of Insulation of measured values of thickness ofinsulation shall not fall below the nominal value (li) specitied in Table 4 by more than 0.1 mm + 0.1 (ri). The +~allest 9.2 The direction of lay shall be right hand. ORS NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR F1cr.1 CORE IDENTIFICATTON 4 3 IS 14255 : 1995 10.1 Type Tests SECTION 4 TESTS 10 CLASSIFICATION OF TESTS SI The following Tests shall constitute Requirements Test Method (Ref to Part No. of IS 10810) No. (2) (1) a) (3) i) Tensile test See IS 8130 test iii) Resistance test : 1984 2 do 3 do 5 Test on messenger conductor: i) Breaking load ii) Elongation test iii) Resistance test c) (4) Tests on phase/street light conductor: ii) Wrapping b) type tests: Physical tests for XLPE 2 see 11.3 11.3 See Table 3 5 Set Table 1 7 Insulation: i) Tensile strength and elongation at break ii) Ageing in air oven iii) Hot set test iv) .Shrinkage test v) Water ahsorption See Table 3 (Gmvimetric) do 11 do 30 do 12 do 33 vi) <hrbon black: Under consideration 1) Content 2) Dispersion d) Physical test for PE insulation: i) Tensile strength and elongation at break ii) Melt flow index See Table 2 7 do 23 do 32 iii) Carbon black: 1) Content 2) Dispersion do Under consideration iv) Vicat softening point do 22 v) Environmental stress cracking do 29 e) Test for thickness insulation f) Insulation g) High voltage test resistance (Volume resistivity) See Table 4 test See Table 1 and 2 See 11.2 8 43 45 IS 14255 : 1995 disregarded aud auother test made. 10.2 Acceptance Test The following shall coustitute acceptaure a) b) 4 4 tests: Tensile test (for phase/street light conductor), The elongation of the specimen shall be not less thau 4 percent on a gauge length of 200 nun. 11.4 Bending Test on the Completed Wrapping test (for phase/street light conductor), Breakiug load test for messenger conductor, Elougatiou test for nlesseuger conductor, e> CT,uductor resistauce test, f-J Test for thickness of hsulatiou, g) Tensile strength and elougatiou at break h) Hot set test for XLPE insulation, j) Insulation resistance test, aud k) High voltage test. 10.2.1 A. reconnnended sampling tests is given in Annex A. 10.3 Routine test, Cable The test shall be performed ou a sample of complete cable. The sample shall be bent around a test mandrel at roonl teulyeraturr for at least one coinplete turn. It shall then be unwound aud the process shall be repeated after turuing the salnyle around its axis by 180 degrees. The cycle of these operatious shall theu be repeated twice. The diauleter of the mandrel shall be : lO(D+d) where D = actual diauleter of the cable, for example, nlininunu circuulscribiug diameter, nun; and plan for acceptance d = actual diauleter of the phase conductor, nun. Requirelneut allowed. Tests : No cracks visible to the naked eye are The following shall constitute routiue tests: a) Conductor resistance test, and b) High voltage test. 10.4 Optional SECTIQN 5 IDENTIFICATION, AND MARKlNG PACKING Test 12 IDENTIFICATION The following shall constitute optional test: 12.1 Manufacturers, Bending test. Identification Unless otherwise stated in this standard, the tests shall be carried out in accordance with appropriate parts of IS 10810 taking into account additional information given in this standard. The nlanufacturer shall be identified throughout the length of the cable by means of a tape bearing the manufacturers name or trade-mark and year of lnanufacture. In case the above inethod cannot be employed, or if the purchaser so desires, colour identiticatiou threads in accordance with a scheme to be approved by the Bureau of Iudiau Staudards (BIS) shall be employed. 11.2 High Voltage Test 12.2 Cable Identification High voltage test at room temperature (Type, Acceptance and Routine Test ): Cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation shall be identified throughout the length of the cable by the legend ‘XLPE 90’ aud year of manufacture by a yriuted tape. No identificatiou is required for polyethyleue insulation. 11 DETAILS OF TEST 11.1 General The cable shall withstand a voltage of 3 kV ac (nns) at a frequency of 40 to 60 Hz or a dc voltage of 7.2 kV between conductors for 5 minutes. 11.3 Elongation Test on Messenger NOTES 1 Single tape bearing manufacturer’s name or trademark and the cable identification, that is, XLPE 90, it’ Conductor Test shall be carried out on wires before stranding. The specimen shall be straightened by baud and au original gauge leugth of 200 nnn shall be marked ou the wire. A teusile load shall be applied by nleaus of a suitable tensile testing machine. The load shall be applied gradually aud the rate of separation of the jaws of the testing machine shall be not less than 25 nun per minute and uot greater thau 100 nnn per minute. The elongation shall be measured after the fractured cuds have been titted together. If the fracture occurs outside the gauge marks, or withiu 25 nnn of either Inark, aud the required elongatiou is not obtained, the test shall be provided, shall be acceptable against the requirement of 12.1 and 12.2. 2 Identitication required in 12.1 and 12.2 shall be given on any one of the insulated conductor of cal~les. 13 PACKING AND MARKING 13.1 The cable shall be wouud ou a druui (see IS 10418 : 1982) of suitable size aud packed. The euds of the cable shall be sealed by non-hygroscopic material. 13.2 The cable shall carry the following 6 infonnatiou IS 14255 : 1995 either stencilled attached to it: on the drum or contained in a label a>Referettce b) Cl 4 e) q g) h) j) to this Ittdiatt Standard, for example, Ref IS 14255 ; Mattufachtrer’s ttattte or trade-tttark; Type of cable and voltage grade; Notttittal cross-sectiottal area of phase cottductor; Length of cable ou the drum; Nutttber oflettgtlts on the druttt (if more than otte); Directiott of rotatiott of drum (by ttteatts of att arrow); Gross mass; Coutttry of tnattufacture; attd k) Year of manufacture. 13.2.1 The cable (drum or label) , may. also he marked with the Standard &4ark. NOTE -The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisionsof Hureauoflndian Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The details of conditions under which the license for the use of Standard Mark may he granted to manufacturers or producers may he obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards. SECTION 6 ACCESSORIES FOR AERIAL BUNCHED CABLES 14 The accessories which are in cottttnott use for aerial buttched cables are uttdrr consideration. ANNEXA (Clause 10.2.1) SAMPLING A-l LOT A-l.1 In any consignment the cables of the sattte size tttattufactured uttder essetttially sitttilar conditions of yroductiott shall be grouped together to cottstitute a lot. A-2 SCALE OF SAMPLING A-2.1 Samples shall be taken attd tested frottt each lot for ascertaining the cottfortnity of the lot to the requiretnettts of the specification. A-2.2 The ttutnber of drutns (n) to be selected from the lot of drums (N) of cottsigmnent of cables shall be itt accordance with col 2 and 1 of Table 5 respectively. These satnples shall be takett at random. A-2.2.1 In order to ettsure the rattdotnttess of selection, rattdom nutnber tables shall be used (see IS 4905 : 1968 Methods of rattdom sampling). A-3 NUMBER OFTESTS CONFORMITY ANI) CRITERION FOR A-3.1 Suitable lettgth of test sample shall be taken from each of the drutns selected. These test samples shall be subjected to each of the acceptattce tests (see 10.2). A OF CABLES test sample is called defective if it fails itt any of the acceptance tests. If the ttutttber of defectives is less than or equal to the correspottdittg permissible ttumber (a) givett in co1 3 of Table 5 the lot shall be declared as conforming to the requirements of acceptattce test, othetwise not. Table 5 Number of Drums to be Selected for Sampling and Permissible Number of Defectives Number of Drums in the Lot Number of Drums tu be Taken as Sample Permissible Number of Defectives (1) (2) n (3) 2 0 N up to 50 a 5 0 101 “300 13 0 301 “500 20 501 and ahove 32 51 to 100 r( L Bureau of Iodian Standards 51s is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardtzation, marking and quality certification of goociz and attending to connected matters in the country. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ), BIS. Review of Indian Standards Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition. This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot Amendments Amend Issued Since Publication Date No. No. ETD 09 (3478). Text Affected of Issue _~_^_____. ..___--___ - -BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Telephones : 331 01 31, 331 13 75 Regional 110002 Telegrams : Manaksanstha ( Common to all offices ) Telephone : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur NEW DELHI 110002 Eastern : l/14 C. I. T. Scheme CALCUTTA 700054 Northern : SC0 Southern : C. I. T. Campus, Branches New Delhi Offices : Central Western Marg, E9 MIDC, 400093 Maniktola 34-A, CHANDlGARH IV Cross Road, Marol, 37 84 99, I 37 86 26, 600113 ( East ) 37 85 61 37 86 62 60 38 43 ( 60 20 25 160022 MADRAS Andheri 331 01 31 ( 331 13 75 Marg VII M, V. I. P. Road, 33.5-336, Sector : Manakalaya, BOMBAY Shah Zafar 235 02 16, 235 04 42 235 15 19, 235 23 15 632 92 95, 632 78 58 632 78 91, 632 78 92 BHUBANESHWAR. BHOPAL. BANGALORE. : AHMADABAD. COTMBATORE. FARIDABAD. GHAZTABAD. GUWAHATI. HYDERABAD. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. KANPUR. LUCKNOW. PATNA. JAIPUR. Priuted at New lndia Printing Press. Ehurja. India