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Healthcare Leadership Assignment: Theories & Practice

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BTEC Higher National Diploma in Healthcare Practice
Team and Individual Leadership: Mentoring & Coaching Others
(Unit 32)
5: 15 credits
The effectiveness of relevant theories and principles of team
and individual leadership, coaching and mentoring in
healthcare practice
Dr Maria Iyekekpolor
April 1st, 2020
Name:……OLUWATOYIN OYEWUNMI……………………………………………………………………
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Front page
Table of contents
Part One (Report Writing)
Part Two (Portfolio)
Health and social care involves different activities, strategies, actions, and procedures which are
fronted by highly trained and qualified care practitioners which are aimed at meeting the care
needs of patients, and care home residents. Just like other sectors in UK, healthcare sector is a
highly stratified and organized with principles, policies, guidelines, and legislation which are
developed at national and local levels in order to ensure the conduct of care staffs toward proper
and person centred approach care delivery and achievement of care objectives. In order to
achieve excellent delivery of care, there is need for team working, interprofessional
collaborations, and information sharing which are all needed for personal and organizational
development. In addition, proper organization management through the use of appropriate
leadership, coaching, and mentoring strategies will give organizations the opportunity to breed
competent hands and be able to deliver the best care based on the laid down principles.
This report will look at the different theories and principles of team, leadership and mentorship
and their application to the delivery of holistic care in a health and social care setting. This report
will also examine the application of mentorship and coaching strategies and how these could
impact upon employee performance.
P1 Assess the impact of theories, and principles of team and individual leadership, on own
style of coaching and mentoring as applied in practice
Theories could be described as an abstractive way of reasoning or presenting an idea in order to
be able to pass out a perspective or the opinion of a theorist about a particular concept or subject
matter. Principle on the hand could be best described as the fundamental or stereotypic idea
which serves as a background guide for the activities of a particular system, establishment, or
organization. These two concepts – theories and principles are words that are deeply rooted and
which serve as a major baseline for so many policies, procedural guideline, and even legislations
in a health and social care setting. In addition, many theories and idea as well as their
understandings have led to the development of so many policies and procedures in healthcare
practice. A typical example of this is the person centred approach in healthcare practice.
Leadership has been described in many contexts and this has also been used
interchangeably with the concept of management in organizational setting. Broadly speaking,
leadership could be described as the process whereby an individual sees a particular direction
and tries as much as possible to guild and motivate other members of the same group to work in
the same direction in order to ensure the achievement of objectives. Leadership is all about
understanding what needs to be done at a right time and influencing other individuals in the same
situation behaviourally in order to join hands and achieve the task at hand (Cooper, 2013).
Coaching could be best described as a personal development strategy which involves an
experienced individual supporting a learner or a less experienced individual in order to achieve
specific personal and professional skills and objectives and this is done through the provision of
appropriate training and guidance. Mentorship is also in close relation with coaching but this
report will examine some of the clear cut differences between the two concepts. Mentorship is a
form of relationship where an experienced and more knowledgeable individual assist a less
experienced or knowledgeable in order to develop on a personal basis (Cook, 2015). In health
and social care session, an individual that will be a leader, a coach, or a mentor must be an expert
and must have gathered substantial experience in a particular profession in health and social care
practice. With this experience in a particular specialty, he or she could lead, mentor, and guild
upcoming professionals in order for them to fall in line and develop both on a personal and
collective basis (Dale, 2016).
Transactional leadership theories
Transactional leadership is the type of leadership theories that leads and coordinates the activities
of a particular group based on the policies and principles of the organization. Transactional
leadership is otherwise referred to as management by the book. In this type of leadership theory,
leaders stay and execute their functions based on the existing structures of the organization. The
main feature of this type of leadership is working based on the available resources, motivating
members of a team through the introduction if the reward and punishment systems (Dale, 2016).
When members impress and do what is expected of them, they are eulogized and rewarded while
in the opposite, they are reprimanded and punished. The reason for the issue with the patients
with Alzheimer’s disease in the case study is because of the fact that the care workers in shift
have lacked proper briefing and collaboration in the delivery of care based on the
recommendations of the family. A transactional leader will always ring the policies of the
organization and make sure employees are well aware of this development (Donnelly, 2012).
Transformational leadership theory
The transformational leadership is that type of leadership theory that centres on the role of the
leader in identifying the needed change within the group and developing a blueprint of
inspiration to team members which will bring nothing but uniformity of purpose, focus, and
cohesiveness to the team (Moss, 2017). Transformational leaders try as much as possible to focus
on the personal development of team members as this is a way by which achievement of tasks
and objectives could be done in a collective and systematic way. There are four basic features of
a transformational leadership and they are idealistic influence, intellectual stimulation,
individualised consideration and inspirational motivation all of which are referred to as four ‘’I’’
(Moss, 2017).
Action centred leadership theory
Action centred leadership is the type of leadership theory that focuses on the task at hand and the
achievement. Leaders in this category focus on the task at hand and ensure that these tasks are
completed at the appointed and allotted time. There are three phases to action centred leadership
and they are task, team and individual phases. The task function centres on gathering all
intellectual resources and combining it right within the team to bring about the achievement of
the objectives of the team (Iles, 2011). The team functions centres on cohesiveness of the group
which is one of the important factors needed for team efficiency and effectiveness. The
individual function centres on the ensuring personal development and expertise that collective
contribution within the team or the group will bring about efficiency and effectiveness. An action
centred leader will put in proper supervision and briefing strategies in place and this could
prevent lapses that come from lack of proper communication leading to a default in the care
strategies deployed to the patient (Iles, 2011).
Contingency theory
The contingency theory is the leadership theory that stipulates that leadership is not all about a
particular style of leadership but rather, the effectiveness of leaders solely depends on the ability
to make use of different leadership approaches in different organizational situations. Therefore,
contingency theory speaks about flexibility of leaders which ensures the right approach is
deployed in the right situations (Hayes, 2015).
As a health and social care worker, I work in a healthcare facility where we attend to the need of
individuals with learning disability. I’m a support worker in this particular health and social care
setting and my obligation is to support service users in their day to day activities and schedules
and this helps to keep clients in line.
As a leader in my health and social care setting, my approach centers on my colleagues at work
and my clients. As a healthcare professional, my coaching style is a holistic style and this style of
coaching fits into the philosophy of my place of work. Holistic coaching is a supportive coaching
which gives a coach the opportunity to work with individuals to achieve the right flow and
balance and this could be achieved by the total acceptance of individual attributes, peculiarities
and thinking. My approach aims at making my patients better and to get them to believe in
themselves and in their abilities.
The mentoring style that is also fitting for the kind of atmosphere and most especially the nature
of my work is the cheerleader mentoring side and this mentoring style looks for the positive
qualities of my patients while ignoring the negative side.
Models could be best described as a yardstick that is used as a figure or three dimensional
systems to bring about an understanding of a concept. Coaching and mentoring has been
described as an integral aspect of healthcare delivery and it helps to achieve personal
development in professional career and most especially in the aspect of care delivery.
Coaching models
The GROW model of coaching is the most commonly use coaching technique in a health
and social care setting. This coaching model involves understanding of the objectives and
forecasting of the result. Grow coaching models in health and social care services involves four
different strategies which are learning through experience, learning reflection, insight, making
and pursuing these choices (Hare et al., 2014). Grow coaching model is applicable to employee
personal development in health and social care setting. The coach tries as much as possible to
pass information’s across based on the experience that has been gathered on the policies and
procedures of the organization (Hare et al., 2014). This aspect of grow model could be used to
speed up the learning process of professionals involved in the case depicted in the case scenario.
This will help them familiarise themselves with the procedures and gather experience for
subsequent practice (Ewens, 2014).
TGROW coaching model is a coaching model which is a consolidated and upgraded
version of the GROW coaching model. This model was developed by Miles Downey. The T
portion of the TGROW is the factor that gives the coach the opportunity to examine the topic to
be discussed and the exact implication and relevance of the topic to the coachee, this model of
coaching gives the opportunity to be able to deal with people with learning disability and as a
coach in this regard, my main focus on my client when using this model is to see if the subject
Matter will benefit the service user (Ewens, 2014). In doing so, using a more simple and direct
approach will afford me such opportunity. In the case of the case scenario, dealing with
incompetence and lack of cohesiveness leading to a failure to comply with relative’s instruction
is a complex effort if coaching is to be applied and in this case, TGROW will afford an
opportunity to analyse the situation, know the parties involved, and understand why the coaching
should take place (Manongi, 2016).
The CLEAR model of coaching involves a tactic that employs the strategies that include
contracting, listen, exploration, action, and review (Manongi, 2016). This model is very
beneficial as it creates an avenue to plan, activate and review the coaching strategy. Active
listening will afford me the opportunity to be able to know where the misinformation is coming
from and the specific individuals that need to be addressed amidst the caregivers on duty. This
coaching strategy also gives the coach the opportunity to review the performance in terms of
personal development and compliance with policies and procedural instructions.
Mentoring models
The most commonly used and perhaps the most effective of the mentoring models is called the
Dyads mentoring model. This mentoring model is otherwise referred to as the one on one model
whereby the mentor and the mentee is in close contact. This mentoring strategy is the most
commonly used strategy in health and social care practice and it is the best method to use to
tackle the problem of incompetence as depicted in the case scenario. Dyads mentoring model
will give the opportunity for an experienced and senior individual in the same profession to make
younger and naive employees who are vulnerable to mistakes learn from experienced employees
and become an expert themselves (Barker, 2018).
eMentoring is another type of mentoring and the advantage of this mentoring model is the fact
that it could be used in conjunction with other mentoring model. eMentoring involves the mentor
and the mentee not necessarily staying in one location. Social media platform is a good avenue to
practice eMentoring and this could make use of platforms such as emails, Google hangouts,
Skype, etc (Barker, 2018).
group mentoring involves a mentor working with clusters of mentees and this is also applicable
in a health and social care setting and most especially, to solve the problem of failure to follow
instructions or breach of information dissemination as depicted in the case study. The advantage
of this type of mentoring is the fact that is enables mentees to learn from each other and grow on
a collective basis. This enhances personal and team performance on a very large scale (Marquez,
Mentorship strategies are the different methods of mentoring that are deployed by mentors in a
particular system to bring about a change in behaviour, experience, learning, and expertise as the
case may be. The strategy that is used by any mentor depends on the situation on ground and the
particular environment. This aspect of the report will and examine some of the strategies that
could be used by a coach in relation to the case scenario above and in relation to a health and
social care setting.
One of the most important and perhaps the best strategy that could be utilised by a mentor in a
health and social care practice is being a good example or simply put, leading by example. A
mentor that does not show dexterity and extreme professionalism in his or her practice in HSC is
not fit to be a mentor and it can be said that he or she does not have what it takes to be a mentor.
Being an example involves showing professionalism and expertise where expected. Most times,
the dispositions of a mentor are enough to change the behaviour and transform a mentee. From
the case scenario depicted, it could be discovered that all through the process, the whole situation
lacked expertise. If an individual is an experienced person designed to mentor the affected
employees, he or she should follow due process and make the employees learn under these
circumstances (Cook, 2015).
Listening and support is strategy that brings about effective communication and rapport
between a mentor and a mentee. A mentor uses this strategy to hear any personal or
organizational issues that a mentee may be passing through and this gives room for advice,
counsel, and mediation. This process helps to give employees the right support and motivation
they need to be the best in what they do (Cook, 2015).
Confronting unprofessional behaviours is a correctional strategy used when a mentee engages
in unprofessional behaviour such as the one depicted in the case scenario. In this, the mentor
confronts the employee concerned and make sure they understand why the behaviour is
unprofessional. This also gives an avenue for the mentor to teach mentees on the right thing to do
in case any similar situation arises in the nearest future. This is quite different from reprimanding
techniques but then, it is a good avenue to bring to the notice of mentees that what they have
done at that particular time is purely wrong (Barker, 2018).
Encouraging excellence is a good strategy to use and this could be used in conjunction with
confrontation strategies. In this, the mentor tries to explain to the mentee what could have been
done in order to promote professionalism in such situation. This is also a good motivation
strategy as it creates the urge for mentees to be the best in their fields of endeavours (Barker,
The impact of mentorship could be described in the context of the possible benefits of
mentorship in the process of trying to deal with situation that arose from the case scenario and to
this end, I will say without mincing words that mentorship would go a long way to bring about
an understanding of the policies in healthcare practice and the concise understanding of the
procedural guidelines in each aspect of practice.
One of the impacts that mentorship would have on the defaulting employees as depicted in the
case study is gaining practical advice, encouragement, and support. In this regard,
mentorship will create an avenue for employees to understand the litigrity of different
professions and the policies and legislation regarding service user’s rights. Mentorship in this
situation will assist in bringing employees to gain an in-depth understanding of different
procedures and responsibilities of each profession in respect of laid down rules, policies, and
Mentorship in regard of the case scenario could also ameliorate the situation and the impact
would be in the aspect of learning from the experiences of others. Mentorship will create an
avenue for employees to learn from their mistakes, reflect when necessary, and build up their
potentials toward expertise and professional practice.
A case of show of extreme unprofessional traits could tamper with the morale and the selfconfidence of employees and an example is what was shown in the case scenario. Mentorship
will go a long way to provide encouragement and motivation needed to gain confidence and
focus on future artilleries. This is also very important for personal development and it will
grossly help to bring employees to believe in themselves.
Mentorship will also impact the communication and personal skills of employees in healthcare
delivery and practices. Improvement with communication skills will go a long way to bring an
avenue whereby healthcare workers would liaise with colleagues and work as a team in order to
prevent future errors in professional practice. Mentorship would also go a long way to promote
and improve skills especially in lone working in order to make the right decision.
Mentorship helps to develop employees in the aspect of decision making and this will give the
defaulting employees the opportunity to make the right decision under any circumstance. Making
the right decision at the right time is integral to both personal and organizational development.
P5 Create a plan for the delivery of a series of practical mentoring sessions within own work setting to support
care assistants Create a plan for the delivery of a series of practical mentoring sessions within own work setting
to support care assistants.
A plan could be best described as a blueprint of all activities that an individual wants to embark upon at a particular
time and in this case, a typical plan always contain different objectives and the strategies that would be put in place in
order to ensure the achievement of such objectives. In addition, a plan also contains implementation strategies as well
as the evaluation strategies. The implementation strategies helps to examine and criticise ways by which the plan will
be executed while the evaluation strategies will examine the implementation and the actions in order to know if the
strategies are actually effective or not.
A mentorship plan is a plan that contains all the activities that would be executed in the course of mentoring a mentee
or group of mentees and this plan is always developed and followed to the letter by the mentor.
My work experience
There are different ways by which mentorship plans could be produced and implemented and my place of work has a
policy when it comes to mentorship activities. I am a care assistant in a health and social care facility that helps in
dealing with patients with varying degrees of learning disabilities. My responsibilities centers around patient support
with daily activities, medications, monitoring, and to follow up and help them meet appointment with their care
practitioners. I also coordinate activities of other colleague care assistants as I am the official in charge of the
As a leader with excellent mentorship ability and who should coordinate activities and plan for the implementation of
personal development activities of my junior colleagues, it is highly pertinent that I come up with an appropriate plan
that will help me to be able to mentor and follow up my colleagues and bring them up to speed in terms of the
schedules of work and most especially, in the aspect of personal development
Below is a template of a mentorship plan that is being use in my place of work
Area of competency Learning strategies Beginning date and Roles of supervisors Performance
(Specific areas to for mentee
ending date
and co-workers
The area of competency is the initial aspect of mentorship plan in my place of work and
this has to do with setting goals and objectives. In this part of the plan, the goal of mentorship for
the mentee and that of the mentor are been consolidated together and this gives a clear cut
understanding of what the mentor and the mentee want to do. As a mentor, this is the part where
myself and the mentee will have to work together in order to develop the goal of the mentorship
Learning aspect refer to the aspect of mentoring that involves the dissemination of
knowledge through experience from the mentor. It involves working with the mentee to examine
different areas of practice which needs reinforcement and professional input. This is a very
crucial aspect of mentorship in my place of work and this is because of the fact that it gives room
for mentees to learn and acquire knowledge and experience in professional practice and care
delivery which will help them achieve personal development as well as professional
advancement. Learning will also give an avenue for mentees to ask questions where necessary so
as to find out areas where they may be confused and get answers to their agitations. I believe the
reason I was assigned a mentee is for the individual to learn under me and so, supervision,
monitoring and on spot teaching would be put in place aside other mentorship programs.
The beginning and ending date is a terminating setpoints that is assigned to mentoring
activities and this is because mentorship cannot last for ever. Just like objectives are set in a time
bound manner, mentorship activities must also be targeted as to be able to bring about a change
in behaviour of an employee in terms of professional practice. Therefore, the plan and the
implementation would have a specific date that it will begin and specific date that it will end.
In my place of work, mentorship activities are not always limited to only one mentor.
Even though the mentee is assigned to one mentor, co-workers also have a crucial role to play in
ensuring professional development and advancement of their colleagues. Therefore, co-workers
and other experienced members of the organization would also give their professional input in
the learning process of the mentee
Performance indicators are like the improvement signs that will pass a note of
confidence about the employee or mentee and this will help to ascertain if the mentorship
program and encounter has been effective all the way or not. This gives room for proper
evaluation and ratification. Remark from colleagues and performance evaluation could also be
that could
be used
Communication that
is a very
process which cannot be looked upon with disdain in a health and social care
establishment and this is because any professional development strategy that may be put in place for employees and
mentees will never see the light of the day without the choice of a good and efficient communication process. This
means that all developmental processes including a person centred approach must be implemented using the right
communication link.
Communication can be defined as an active process that involves the development of the right message in the form
of information and which is intended for a purpose from a sender, to a receiver through a specific media. A crucial
part of communication which is highly neglected by individuals is what is called the feedback system an in this case,
feedback could be described in the context of acknowledgment of the message send or giving a vivid and concise
account of the nature of the message and the effect of utilization of the same message.
Communication theories are different standpoints or different schools of thought about communication and its
relevance in any organization setting. Examples of some of these theories as they apply to health and social care as
well as support for individuals is humanistic theory, cognitive theory, social theory, and behavioural theories.
Humanistic theory is a communication theory that takes 16
into account the fact that every individual in a system have
the potential and the inherent ability to be better and be the best in everything and anything they do and this is very
much applicable when the self-esteem, needs, and dignity of the employee is being taken into account. This
communication theory is taken into account fully in my health and social care place of work and this is achieved via
The cognitive communication theory is a communication theory that takes into account the level of intelligence and
the intellectual ability of an employee or a care assistant. This theory deals with the intelligent quotient of the
individual and the intelligence of a care assistant could be tested in a number of ways ranging from the way by
which the individual handle clients to the way by which an individual respond to change within the organization. In
dealing with care assistants with different levels of intelligence, different strategies could be deployed and a mentor
that will achieve learning and teaching objectives with a slow learner have to be patient, painstaking and most
especially, he or she must be an active listener. The understanding of this communication theory will afford a leader
or a mentor the ability to be able to plan appropriately depending on the level of intelligence of an individual
learners and this will bring tremendous effectiveness and efficiency in the learning process. One thing that I would
do as a mentor is to assess the intelligence quotient of my mentee and this will help me develop the right approach.
The Psychoanalytic theory of communication is the communication strategy that deals with the behaviour,
emotions, and the stress status of an individual.
The benefit of this theory to support plan for care assistants lies in the fact that it brings about the understanding of
the best learning criteria for healthcare professionals depending on their personalities, stress level, emotions among
others. The fact is that different people learn under different circumstances and when these pass a message across to
leaders and mentors in healthcare practice on the best time to implement mentorship and learning strategies in order
to be able to achieve effectiveness and most especially, personal development on the side of the care assistant.
Actually in the real sense of it, knowing the best learning condition for mentees is very important as it will afford
them the opportunity to learn under their optimum conditions which will enhance learning and their performance
Leadership has been discussed in the initial aspect of this report as the process by which an individual understands
and fully comprehends a particular goal and objective of a system and then try as much as possible to influence other
members of the system to look at the same direction, share the same philosophy, and together, put hands on the deck
to ensure that these objectives and tasks are achieved at the right frame of time. Leadership is a very important
concept in health and social care and the benefits cannot be far-fetched. Apart from the fact that leadership bring
about cohesiveness and focus on the artilleries of a team, it ensures that professionals make informed decisions on
service users and other peculiar activities for the benefit of the service users and most especially, for the personal
development of the junior employees.
My work designation in my place of work is a care assistant and I’m in charge of the unit in my place of work, my
leadership style in my place of work takes three dimensions and these dimensions are transformational leadership
style, action oriented style, and servant leadership style. I also discovered that sometimes, I make use of the autocratic
leadership style by this is quite circumstantial.
The transformational leadership style is the best style I use and this style helps me a lot to execute the function of a
leader and that of a mentor simultaneously. What I have come to understand as a leader who has gained tremendous
experience in professional practice and team activities is that when team members are very good, competent, and
developed through the effort of the leaders, it goes a long way to promote the image of the group and most especially,
it brings the highest sense of responsibility which is needed to be able to focus on the task and ensure that the tasks
are achieved at the right time. My tactics in this regard involves studying my team members a fully comprehending
the pattern of their learning. Understanding the pattern and the factors that facilitate their learning will afford me with
the opportunity to design effective ways to pass my professional knowledge across to them. There are some of my
group members and junior colleagues that I learnt that the best thing to do to make them stay in track is to criticise
them on the spot and teach them the right thing to do at the right time. Some of them also require that we analyse the
situation together in order for them to see where they have gone wrong after which we will brainstorm strategies to
improve performance under such circumstance in the nearest future. All these afford me the opportunity to develop
my colleagues and this has gone a long way to bring tremendous development to the unit.
Another leadership style that I mostly use which also gives me the opportunity to implement my mentorship strategies
is the action oriented approach. To this end, I am a perfectionist and I like when the unit produce a performance that is
excellent. Promotion and encouragement of excellence amidst my team members is highly paramount and what I do is
that I make them believe in their abilities and capabilities and I try to motivate them and review their performances as
The servant leadership style is a style that I don’t use independently but rather, I use this strategy alongside other
leadership and mentorship strategies. When a task is set before the team, I ensure that I take the lead and start it even
before members of the team begin to embark on the assignment. This method brings motivation on its own and the
reason why I embrace this method is that it brings uncommon strength, energy, and focus to the team.
Autocratic leadership style is not a style I love to use. However, I use this style of leadership in a situation where I
have team members that belong to the X category of workers as described by the famous behavioural scientist called
McGregor. These workers are lazy and they don’t like to be challenged or be responsible. Once I notice these set of
individual, I give them instructions without any question and I try to evaluate their performances as at when due.
As a leader and mentor in a healthcare service providing organization, the main focus of these mentorship and
leadership strategies is to be able to have upcoming workforce that will project the good image and the integrity of
such an organization through the delivery of quality and person centred care approach. Therefore it could be said
without leaving any stone untouched that leadership and mentoring strategy implementation by a who be mentee and
leader will go a long way to affect the professional practice of employees in a positive manner.
My leadership and mentoring skills grossly helps my mentees in the aspect of confidence. Confidence is a factor in
HSC practice that could make or mar a professional especially in the aspect of relationship with clients, patients, or
service users alike. When professionals lack confidence, relating with service users and their relatives will be quite
difficult. In addition, confidence is needed to be able to make some important and appropriate decisions with or
without supervision. Therefore, my leadership and mentorship abilities and strategies grossly assist my mentees to
gain confidence in the discharge of their professional duties to service users. This confidence gives them the
independence to work with or without my supervision and monitoring.
Another impact of my leadership and mentoring skills on the professional practice of my mentees lie in the aspect of
morale. Morale could be simply explained in the context of having interest and being enthusiastic about a particular
assignment or task. My leadership and mentorship styles advocate for excellence and give them the necessary
motivation that is needed to do the job. One of the ways by which I create morale in my team is through servant
leadership. Mere seeing me embarking on the task is enough to gear my colleagues up and make them wake up to their
responsibilities. In addition, reward strategies that have been put in place further charge them to duties and this brings
about a sense of satisfaction in the job.
Learning is a continuous process and the funny fact about this concept is that learning is unlimited. Even a freshly
minted professor could learn at one point or the other and this could also be from anybody. Apart from the fact that
my leadership and mentorship strategies often challenge me to seek knowledge, it helps my mentees to learn in a great
deal and this is also a great opportunity for them to acquire new information’s and knowledge which would grossly
help them to advance the course of their professional careers.
I enjoyed mentoring a lot because of the fact that it gives me the opportunity to develop myself because I have
understood the fact that someone cannot give what he or she does not have. Therefore it is highly important that I
develop myself. Mentorship challenges me a lot and it helps me to go extra mile to ensure personal development. The
feedback of colleagues and managers about my excellent mentoring skills is also worthy of note. Many times, I have
received commendation about my excellent mentoring skills and this has also helped me to build on my leadership and
mentoring skills the more.
Health and social Care setting is a very sensitive setting and as such, it requires the greatest level
of professionalism, expertise, and dedication. Leaders and managers have a role to play in
understanding each employee and developing mentorship, coaching, and leadership strategies.
This report has been able to bring about a discussion on different mentorship strategies and the
different coaching and leadership strategies that could be deployed by a who be leaders in order
to bring about personal and organizational developments.
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