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Vaping Popularity Among Teens: Reasons & Risks

Why is Vaping so Popular in the Teenage Community?
As a teenager myself and without doing any research, I can answer to this question
pretty quick. Teenagers have become more and more aware of the risks of drug and tobacco
use. There are some irreversible consequences in the body and some issues in their mental
health too. Because of this, some of them prefer to put just flavor in the vape. The vape is
small, can be hidden easily, and it’s not as obvious as a pack of cigarettes. A vape can also be
reusable. You can put whatever substance you want in it, whether you want to put nicotine or
whether you don’t. But why do teenagers vape in the first place? Well, it’s because they believe
they can be more popular with it, they demonstrate to their friends an increase level of
independence showing they can do whatever they want to do without their parents’ approval.
Mostly it’s because of peer pressure. Also, there is a big factor in family and academic life.
Some teens are stressed about family or school and want to vape because they think the stress
will stop. I believe vaping can start an addiction for younger people rather than stop one from
older ones.
Vaping was made for making adults who are addicted to smoking. They can put a flavor
or scent without as much nicotine as the cigars. This way, smoking users would start to
decrease the levels of nicotine. Unfortunately, many teenagers who never consumed nicotine
or never tried a cigarette, started trying vaping. Many teenagers have mentioned that the
vaping device like Juul was not as smelly as cigarettes.
Vaping is an addiction of teenagers. They can start using them only at parties but then, it
becomes a day-to-day problem. It is popular because of this too. If it wasn’t that addictive,
teens would probably not be as much interested.
Many teenagers had stated that vaping was popular because of the flavor. The vaping
device comes with some liquids called e-liquids or juices who have fruit, mint, chocolate,
mango, and strawberry flavor and much more. This means it doesn’t taste bad and it is very
appealing for the younger community. Teen vaping users believe that because it tastes good
and has a more pleasing smell than cigarettes, that it isn’t bad. But they are wrong, it still has
nicotine, which means it still has the same effects and risks but only a smaller scale.