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Philosophy 101 Symbolic Logic Syllabus

Philosophy 101 Symbolic Logic
CRN 51897
Spring 2021
Mesa Web/Mesa Remote Mon, Wed 11:10 am – 12:35 pm
Instructor: Dr. Mary Gwin
Office: SB 311J
Office Phone: 619-388-2331
Email: mgwin@sdccd.edu
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 12:45 pm – 2:15 pm, Tuesday 2:15 pm – 3:15 pm, Thursday
10:00 am – 11:00 am, and by appointment. All office hours will be conducted via Zoom.
This class is conducted online and via Zoom. All office hours and class meetings will be held via
Zoom in my personal meeting room @ https://cccconfer.zoom.us/s/2965645861.
Tentative Zoom meeting dates: 2/1, 2/8, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10,
5/17, 5/24. These are all Mondays from 11:10 am – 12:35 pm. (We can meet Wednesdays on
request, but we are not scheduled to meet on Wednesdays.)
Textbook: Hurley’s Concise Introduction to Logic, 13th ed. MindTap V2.0
Buy either: ISBN: 0357267176 (Access code card with paper copy of book)
ISBN: 0357419391 (Access code card only)
There will be supplementary readings posted to Canvas.
Course Description: This course is a study of the elements of symbolic logic, sentential calculus and
quantification theory. Topics include identity, definite descriptions, natural deduction and structure of
language. This course is intended for philosophy majors and students pursuing studies in computer
Advisories: ENGL 101 with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent or Assessment Skill Level R6/W6
and MATH 096 with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent or Assessment Skill Level M50
Course Learning Outcomes:
Critical Thinking: Think critically in reading, writing, and/or speaking about the elements of symbolic
logic, sequential calculus and quantification theory, thereby identifying problems, theses, arguments,
evidence and conclusions.
Communication: Write or speak about the elements of symbolic logic, sequential calculus and
quantification theory, thereby addressing problems, formulating theses, making arguments, analyzing and
weighing evidence, and deriving conclusions.
Professional and Ethical Behavior: Demonstrate an ability to understand one's role in society, take
responsibility for one's own actions, and make ethical decisions in complex situations.
Student Learning Objectives:
1. Identify and describe the rules of inference.
2. Identify, describe and/or formulate the terminology commonly used to designate the symbolic
formulation of inference and logically equivalent expressions.
3. Critically evaluate formal arguments.
4. Prove the validity and invalidity of deductive arguments in formal/symbolic notation.
Philosophy 101 Symbolic Logic
CRN 51897
Spring 2021
Mesa Web/Mesa Remote Mon, Wed 11:10 am – 12:35 pm
5. Compare and contrast deductive techniques in predicate logic with formal proofs of modern symbolic
and sentential logic.
6. Identify and/or describe the philosophical foundation presupposed in modern, symbolic logic. 7. Trace
the implications of assumptions through the use of the techniques of symbolic logic.
8. Provide significant examples of issues drawn from everyday life which may require the use of
techniques/methods studied in the course.
Student Evaluations: Successful completion of this course requires regular and timely attendance,
consistent completion of the reading effort and motivation to comprehend and the willingness to ask
questions and consider new ideas and ways of thinking. Attendance will not be taken after the first two
weeks, but exercise sets and exams are assigned regularly. While there is no direct penalty for missing
class meetings, the more classes you miss, the more discussion you miss.
Exercise Sets
There are 40+ exercise sets in MindTap worth 10 pts. each. These are practice exercises and replace
traditional in-class/homework assignments. You have unlimited attempts on each of these exercise sets.
The lowest grade on 3 of your exercise sets will be dropped. Total for exercise sets in MindTap: 400
There are 10 discussion forums in the course. These occur regularly, though not weekly. Check Canvas
for due dates and prompts. Each forum is worth 10 points. Total for discussions: 100 pts.
Students’ participation in discussion will be evaluated according to how well they address all
aspects of each prompt, interact with their classmates, and address any questions or comments
that I have on their posts. Students are expected to post to each discussion on three separate days
of the week the discussion forum is posted and due. The cumulative word count for posts must
total at least 200 words for each prompt. The word count requirement includes your responses to
your classmates and your responses to me. Students are required to respond to any question that
I have on their posts. Students are encouraged to respond earlier in the week, rather than later in
order to get the discussion going, but are required to have their initial response in a new thread
under the prompt completed by Wednesday at 11:59 pm of the week the discussion is posted.
Students are required to respond to at least two of their classmates’ posts in a meaningful way.
Let me give you some examples of how the requirements for discussions can be met.
Example #1: Joe posts his initial response to the prompt in 100 words on Tuesday. Joe
responds to a classmate on Friday with 50 words. Joe responds to another classmate on Sunday
with 50 words.
Example #2: Mary posts an initial response to the prompt in 500 words (wow!) on Wednesday.
She responds to one of her classmates on Friday in 75 words. She responds to another classmate
on Saturday in 25 words.
Example #3: Madeline posts 75 words in response to one of her classmates’ initial posts on
Tuesday. On Wednesday, she posts her initial response to the prompt in 20 words. On
Thursday, Madeline posts 105 words in response to a second classmate’s post.
Philosophy 101 Symbolic Logic
CRN 51897
Spring 2021
Mesa Web/Mesa Remote Mon, Wed 11:10 am – 12:35 pm
These are just three examples, but there are many more ways to meet these requirements.
Remember you must post a total of 200 words over the course of the week, post on at least three
days of the week, and respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts during the learning week.
You can, of course, post on more than three days and post more than 200 words. But, these are
the minimum requirements for full credit. Also, while I do not grade discussions based on
grammar, punctuation, etc., I expect to be able to understand what I’m reading, and I expect your
classmates to be able to understand what you are posting, so try to write your responses as
professionally as possible.
Because regular attendance in the form of participation in discussions is mandatory, penalties
will be assessed for a) not posting on the three days required for each discussion and b) not
posting by the deadline. The following policies and penalties will apply.
a) For each day that is missing on the three day requirement for discussion posts, a 10%
penalty may apply per day for up to three days missing. This penalty will apply to the
grade assessed for the quality of the discussion per the rubric provided. If the student
does not post at all to a discussion, no credit will be received. If a student only responds
to his classmates, but has no initial post, then there may be an additional 10% penalty for
not having an initial post, assessed to the content of the responses. If a student only
makes an initial post and adds to it over the week in order to meet the three day
requirement (i.e. does not respond to any of his classmates’ posts or only responds to one
classmate), there may be an additional 10% penalty. (The additional penalty is on top of
any grade assessed per the rubric provided.)
b) A 10% penalty per day for up to three days may be assessed to reflection papers
submitted after their due date. No credit for a reflection paper will be given starting on
the fourth day that the paper is late.
c) A 10% penalty may apply if you do not respond to a question that I have about your
response to the prompt.
There may be exceptional times when some aspect of one of the course requirements cannot be
met. In these cases, students must first notify me of their reason for not meeting the course
requirement. Students must provide an excuse in writing from a legitimate source documenting
the reason given for the missing work (e.g. doctor’s note). Accepting the reason for the missing
requirement, the provided documentation, and allowance for makeup work or extra time is solely
at my discretion. As a general rule, though, I am inflexible regarding discussion board
requirements, so you should budget your time accordingly.
There are 4 exams located in Canvas, and each are weighted equally at 50 points. Since each exam is
worth the same amount, each exam will be cumulative, but not comprehensive. The exams will consist of
true/false, multiple choice, and short answer questions. You will have three attempts on the multiple
choice/true false parts of the exam. The short answer portions will require you to upload written short
answers in the form of proofs or truth trees. The last exam (truth trees) will be made up entirely of short
answer questions. Total for exams: 200 pts.
Philosophy 101 Symbolic Logic
CRN 51897
Spring 2021
Mesa Web/Mesa Remote Mon, Wed 11:10 am – 12:35 pm
The total number of points possible for the course is 700, and grades will be assigned from the following
Below 420
My grading policy is firm and grades are non-negotiable.
Computer Requirements: Material in this class is designed to be compatible with any desktop
or laptop computer equipped with a modern internet browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari
will be sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the course. Some browsers work better on certain
devices. We will be using Zoom for virtual office hours, so all class participants should be
prepared to access Zoom if participants want to meet virtually. You will not need a Zoom
account to access office hours because I will provide the link.
Important Deadlines: These are available at
Deadline to Receive, Process & Pay for Add Codes & to Drop Classes With No “W” Recorded is
Refund Deadline of Enrollment Fees &/or Non-Resident Tuition is 2/16/21
Withdrawal Deadline - No Drops Accepted After This Date is 4/16/21.
Structure of the Course: Like a face to face version of this kind of course, this is a discussion
driven course. Consequently, we will have our opportunity for discussions during our Zoom
meetings. The dates for the Zoom meetings are listed at the beginning of this syllabus.
Late and Make-up Work Policy: As a general rule, exams and exercise sets may not be made up, but in
cases where there is a legitimate excuse provided for missing work an exception may be made. You must
make arrangements with me. Accepting the reason for missing work is purely at my discretion, and I may
require documentation for your absence.
Student Responsibility to Drop/Withdraw: It is the student’s responsibility to officially add,
drop, or withdraw from the course stated in the class schedule. If you fail to withdraw from the
course, you may receive a failing grade. Before you withdraw, you should speak to me. I may
be able to offer other possible options.
Professionalism: I expect students to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to treat
this course with as much seriousness as they would a job.
Netiquette Guidelines: Respectful behavior is expected of you in our online learning
environment. Please read the Netiquette Guidelines available at the following link:
Philosophy 101 Symbolic Logic
CRN 51897
Spring 2021
Mesa Web/Mesa Remote Mon, Wed 11:10 am – 12:35 pm
Online Classroom Behavior and Academic Integrity: Students are expected to respect and
obey standards of student conduct while in the online classroom. The student Code of Conduct,
disciplinary procedure, and student due process (Policy 3100, 3100.1 and 3100.2) can be found
in the current college catalog in the section Academic Information and Regulations pages 39-51,
and at the office of the Dean of Student Affairs (I4-408). Charges of misconduct and disciplinary
sanctions may be imposed upon students who violate these standards of conduct or provisions of
college regulations. As your instructor, I have the following expectations or your behavior in this
1. Promote a courteous learning atmosphere by exhibiting mutual respect and
consideration of the feelings, ideas, and contributions of others.
2. Demonstrate respect for your work, as well as the work of others, by recognizing
and acknowledging strengths and improvements.
3. Recognize everyone's opportunity to contribute information in a relevant and
meaningful manner by not monopolizing discussions, interrupting, interjecting
irrelevant, illogical or inappropriate questions or comments.
4. This class will be conducted in accordance the college student code of conduct and
basic standards of academic honesty. Cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic
dishonesty are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Violations of academic
integrity will result in no credit (e.g. 0 pts, “F”) for the assignment/activity. (See
Policy 3100 for details.)
As students in this course, you must adhere to the policies and procedures of the San Diego
Community College District, as well as all Federal, State, and local laws. Students are subject to
charges of misconduct concerning, but not limited to, the following acts as described in Policy
3100: The taking of and passing off as one’s own work or ideas of another; plagiarism and
academic cheating. Please refer to Mesa’s student policies located at
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who need
accommodations are strongly encouraged to notify me and DSPS during the first two weeks of
class. DSPS can be found at http://www.sdmesa.edu/student-services/disabilityservices/Index.shtml. Their phone number 619-388-2780.
Tentative Schedule
Please see the Canvas calendar for your full schedule of due dates. Here is an abbreviated list of
due dates for exercise sets and exams.
Chs. 1,6-3/1/21
Ch. 7-4/12/21
Ch. 8-5/3/21
Truth Trees-Appendix B 5/29/21