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Measures of Dispersion: Lesson Plan for High School

Grade/Level: Fourth Year
Concept: Statistical Measures – Measures of Dispersion
Type of Instruction: Reinforcement
Prerequisite Knowledge: Mean, median, mode, range
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. Differentiate range, standard deviation and variance;
2. Obtain/compute the range, standard deviation and variance of a given set of data;
3. Interpret the obtained value statistically.
Materials: Scientific calculators or computers
Let the students recall how to analyze a set of data using the measures
of central tendencies. Ask them to illustrate how to obtain the mean,
median and mode for ungrouped and for grouped data using the
scientific calculator.
Present the following situation to show that the measures of central
tendency alone are insufficient to describe a set of data.
Find the mean, median and mode for each set of data.
a. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
b. 11, 11, 13, 15, 15
c. 13, 13, 13, 13, 13
What do you notice?
We have three different sets of data but their mean and median are the
Now, let’s look at another aspect of the set of data. Which set is less
varied? Which set is more varied?
Allot 5 minutes.
Let the students illustrate
how to obtain the mean for
ungrouped data using the
scientific calculator’s built-in
Expected Answers:
a. Mn = 13; Med = 13; no Mo
b. Mn = 13; Md = 13; Mo = 11
and 15
c. Mn = 13; Md = 13; Mo = 13
Lesson Proper:
You have studied how to obtain the range of a set of data. Obtain the
range of each set of data.
a. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
b. 11, 11, 13, 15, 15
c. 13, 13, 13, 13, 13
Allot 40 minutes.
Range = maximum value –
minimum value.
Expected Answers
a. 4
b. 4
c. 0
High School Mathematics (7-10/11) | 53
Lesson Proper (continuation)
Notice that the range is a poor measure of how dispersed the set of data
is. Set (a) is more varied than Set (b) but they have the same range.
Let us take a closer look at another measure of variability. The variance
measures dispersion with respect to the means. The standard deviation
is the square root of the variance.
A scientific calculator can quickly compute the standard deviation.
Go to Statistics mode.
1. Clear the data memory.
2. Enter each data using the [M+] key
3. Check if all the items are entered using the key [n].
4. Then press Xσn for population standard deviation and Xσn -1 for
sample standard deviation
What is the standard deviation of each set of data above?
How do you interpret the numerical values obtained?
Note: A smaller value of variability indicates that the data is less varied,
is homogeneous or uniformly distributed and/or consistent.
The variance accounts for the mean deviations. It is obtained by squaring
the standard deviation in your scientific calculator.
Using a computer unit, open MS-EXCEL Program • Encode your data in an array. • After
entering all the data, press fx button for activating the function
dialogue box (or you may go to the INSERT Menu, browse down
and select function) • Then click inside the Select Category Box. Then Browse down
select STATISTICAL • Scroll down to select the statistical measures you want to
obtain (i.e.,
AVERAGE for mean, STDEV for standard deviation, MEDIAN
for median. MODE for mode, VAR for variance)
Expected Answer Xσn a) 1.58
b) 2.00
c) 0
Answer: Xσn -1 a) (1.58)2 = 2.50
b) (2.00)2 = 4.00
c) (0)2 = 0
Provide worksheets to the
students as their guide.
1. Faculty salaries (in thousands of pesos) for a random sample of
teachers in public schools of a certain town were coded and the
coded observations are as follows: 18, 15, 21, 19, 13, 15, 14, 23, 18,
16. Find the mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation and
2. Consider the following set of data
Ann’s Scores 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15
Ben’s Scores 3 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 15
Who has more consistent scores?
Analyzing Data
Consider the following measurements, in liters, for two samples of
orange juice bottled by companies A and B:
Company A 0.97 1.00 0.94 1.03 1.11
Company B 1.06 1.01 0.88 0.91 1.14
Which company has a more uniform content of the bottled juice?
Instruct the student to use a
scientific calculator.
Expected Answers
1. Mean = 17.2, Med = 17,
Mod = 15 and 18, range =
9, SD = 3.19, Var = 10.18
2. Ben has more consistent
scores. The standard
deviation of Ann’s scores is
3.94 while Ben’s is 3.12.
Company A, based on the
standard deviation of the sample
data from both companies:
0.07 of Company A vs. 0.11 of
Company B.
54 | High School Mathematics (7-10/11)
1. A shoe manufacturer claims that the average size of shoes sold is “7”
for ladies and “11” for men. Which average could he be referring
to – mean, median, mode? Why?
2. Two top car salesmen are vying for a supervisory position. To help
resolve who performed better, the sales manager made a table and
compared their sales in the last 7 months.
Month Salesman 1 Salesman 2
1 8 10
2 12 12
3 6 12
4 8 11
5 6 8
6 38 12
7 6 12
Total 84 77
a) By looking at the table, which salesman seems to have a better
sales record? Why?
b) Obtain the mean, median and mode.
c) Obtain the standard deviation for both salesmen.
d) How will you determine who should be promoted to the
supervisory position?
3. A teacher is comparing the performance of three sections in terms of
mean and standard deviation of students’ scores in an achievement
Section A Section B Section C
Mean 42.5 41.65 44.9
Standard Deviation 3.7 3.15 2.9
a. Which section performed best during the year?
b. In which section are the scores more varied?
Expected Answers
1. Mode. It is the most
meaningful measure for
him because he has to
know which size is most
frequently sold.
2. a) Salesman No. 1
b) Salesman No. 1:
Mean = 12; Median = 8;
Mode = 6
Salesmen No. 2:
Mean = 11; Median = 12;
Mode = 12
c) Standard deviations are
11.66 of Salesman 1 and
1.53 of Salesman 2.
d) Even with Salesman 1’s
higher total sales, Salesman
2 was more consistent in all
seven months.
3. a) Section C
b) Section A