3/2/2021 Rotor (/dotacje-fundusze-europejskie) English (/en/) ABOUT A ROTARY AIR PREHEATER (EN/RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT/ABOUT-A-ROTARY-AIR-PREHEATER) HISTORY (EN/RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT/HISTORY) ROTARY AIR PREHEATER ELEMENTS (EN/RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT/ROTARY-AIR-PREHEATER-ELEMENTS) HEATING BASKETS (EN/RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT/ROTARY-AIR-PREHEATER-ELEMENTS/HEATING-BASKETS) SEALS (EN/RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT/ROTARY-AIR-PREHEATER-ELEMENTS/SEALS) DRIVES (EN/RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT/ROTARY-AIR-PREHEATER-ELEMENTS/DRIVES) ROTARY AIR PREHEATER BEARING SYSTEMS (EN/RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT/ROTARY-AIR-PREHEATER-ELEMENTS/ROTARY-AIR-PREHEATER-BEARINGSYSTEMS) BLOWERS (EN/RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT/ROTARY-AIR-PREHEATER-ELEMENTS/BLOWERS) WHY UPGRADE? (EN/RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT/WHY-UPGRADE) HEATING BASKETS Comparing to the human anatomy, hea ng baskets are the lungs of the boiler energy recovery system. During each rota on of the rotor, the stream of encounters a thousand square meters of hea ng surface in the form of close- ue gas ng, specially pro led sheets, packed in packets called hea ng baskets that ll the segmented rotor. Hea ng baskets capture heat from the ue gas and transfer it to the air stream. All of this takes place in a con nuous cycle, with the rotor speed ranging from 1 to 3 rpm. Hea ng baskets are arranged in the rotor in two or more layers, to form layers of the hot end baskets (GK), and cold end baskets (ZK). ZK baskets operate at a lower temperature of gases, o en have di erent material and basket lling pro le than GK baskets, due to problems associated with increased corrosion and condensa on of gases. Serwis korzysta z plików cookies w celu realizacji usług zgodnie z polityką prywatności (/polityka_cookies.pdf). Możesz określić warunki przechowywania lub dostępu do cookies w Twojej przeglądarce lub kon guracji usługi. https://www.rotor.lublin.pl/en/research-and-development/rotary-air-preheater-elements/heating-baskets 1/3 3/2/2021 Rotor MATERIAL The selec on of appropriate basket parameters is crucial to ensure op mum heat transfer and obtaining a minimum pressure drop of the outlet gases. Depending on economic factors and customer requirements we use various steel for baskets lling: DC01 O en used as a lling for GK baskets, due to low carbon content has a high capacity for forming and rela vely low price. Corten Called “weathering steel”, with increased corrosion resistance, due to moisture on the surface, a rust-like protec ve coa ng appears by itself. For this reason, it is used mainly as a lling for ZK baskets. In architecture, it is some mes used to cover buildings in combina on with glass or concrete gives them a brown, austere and modernist look. Enamel coated steel with a thin layer of hard enamel, a low surface adherence and high resistance (acids, sulphur, corrosion, temperature, steam). Used under par cularly aggressive condi ons. Duplex Steel characterized by high mechanical proper es and good resistance to corrosion, superior hardness, and therefore resistance to abrasive wear. Disadvantage – limited applica on temperature: 250÷300°C. FILLING PROFILE Di erent pro les of perforated sheet metal in di erent combina ons are used as a lling, in order to obtain the best thermal performance, while keeping the best parameters of the gas ow. Most o en we use FNC corrugated sheet metal for GK baskets, and a combina on of corrugated and plain sheets for ZK baskets. The FNC sheet provides high thermal e ciency and low pressure drops, while the combina on of corrugated and plain sheet has lower thermal e ciency, but is more resistant to clogging by ash and is characterized by be er gas ow parameters. Serwis korzysta z plików cookies w celu realizacji usług zgodnie z polityką prywatności (/polityka_cookies.pdf). Możesz określić warunki przechowywania lub dostępu do cookies w Twojej przeglądarce lub kon guracji usługi. https://www.rotor.lublin.pl/en/research-and-development/rotary-air-preheater-elements/heating-baskets 2/3 3/2/2021 Rotor See also HEATING BASKETS/OFFER (en/o er/deliveryassembling/hea ngbaskets) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OUR OFFER Company headquarters Contact details ROTOR phone no.: 81 441 71 22 Zakład Mechaniki Maszyn Sp. z o.o. fax no.: 81 460 89 90 Motycz 325C e-mail: biuro@rotor.lublin.pl (mailto:biuro@rotor.lublin.pl) 21-030 Motycz Serwis korzysta z plików cookies w celu realizacji usług zgodnie z polityką prywatności (/polityka_cookies.pdf). Możesz określić warunki przechowywania lub dostępu do cookies w Twojej przeglądarce lub ibif.pl kon guracji usługi. created by: (h p://ibif.pl) https://www.rotor.lublin.pl/en/research-and-development/rotary-air-preheater-elements/heating-baskets 3/3