100005542 Important factors in the combustion of high ash coal Date of Submission: October 27, 2019. Word Count: 946 Student Name: Daulet Zhakupov Student ID Number: 100005542 Assignment Name: Academic Writing Cause Essay Writing Tutor: Deanne Cobb-Zygadlo Writing Group: 5 Page 1 of 7 100005542 According to the United Nations (2019) by the 2050 the total population of the Earth will amount to 10 billion people. It means that demand of main resources like food, water and energy will increase sharply. The data collected from experts (Smith, 1993) suggests that a key factor to supply another 3 billion people is to generate enough power and energy to produce significant nutrition. Analysis of modern energy industry shows that the most cost-effective solution can be provided by implication of clean coal technologies. For the Republic of Kazakhstan development of clean coal technologies will open the possibility to adapt vast resources of high ash coal, which traditionally is not used in power industry. Statistics illustrates that only Ekibastuz coal basin has 2 Bt of lowquality coal. (Azizov & Vlasov, 2013) Thus, it can be said that causes for utilization of low-quality coal should be investigated completely. This essay will clarify the key reasons for the industrial implication of bad coal. The focus will be on the most common used (Oprisan, 2011) Ekibastuz coal. First it is essential to define the term ‘high ash coal’. This term means that ash takes 3040% of overall content of fuel. Ash cannot be combusted and causes the corrosion of reactors equipment. Therefore, mentioned type of fossil discards to ash dumps nowadays. It may be stated that implication of high ash coal can improve environmental situation. Today only 72 percent of overall reserves of Ekibastuz coal can be utilized. As (Azizov & Vlasov, 2013) show, the capacity of the basin is 9.7 Bt of coal. Modern technologies used for power generation can allow to implement only coal with the ash content up to 42%. It means that 2.7 Bt of high Page 2 of 7 100005542 ash coal will be sent to dumps. This great volume of bad quality coal will destroy the ecosystem near dumps by poisoning soil water and air with harmful elements. (Niyazbekova, et al., 2018). However, implication of low-quality coal in power production will be expensive reform for industry. As Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company (KEGOC) (2018) reports, current power supply level still be sufficient for Kazakhstan for the next 10 years. The same time, the efficiency of current power plants is around 35-39%, when the clean coal technologies based on high ash coal utilization can increase this parameter to 45% with less emissions of greenhouse gas, sulfur and nitrogen dioxides (Chunning, Jiahai, Yan, & Zheng, 2014). Evidences show that the environmental sustainability can be provided by adaptation of high ash coal in power industry in spite of high cost of implication. Implication of the high ash coal in industrial processes may become a trigger for deep modernization of power industry. The energy industry needs a deep renovation. There are 68 power plants in Kazakhstan (US Commercial Service, 2013). All of them were built in Soviet Union period and do not match contemporary emissions and efficiency requirements. The overall installed capacity is 19.800 gigawatts yet only 15.000 is available. This difference is caused by maturing of mechanisms and lack service (Karatayev, M., & Clarke, M.L., 2014). US Commercial Service (2013) states that modification of power plants and infrastructure is needed to produce enough electricity for export and local consumers. It is also essential to increase energy efficiency. The article (Sarbassov, Kerimray, Tokmurzin, Tosato, & De Miglio, 2013) shows that the Page 3 of 7 100005542 potential upgrade of heat and electricity systems can save one third of this energy types consumption in urban and industrial sectors and average price can be decreased for 1$/GJ. The modernization of power industry should be based on combustion of high ash coal using the clean coal technologies. The quality of coal determines the method of combustion and the appropriate technology (Oka, 2004). The (Oprisan, 2011) shows that the most suitable and effective solution to reform of power industry is to improve the combustion process of low-quality coal via implication of clean coal technologies. The experience of the Public Republic of China the World’s largest coal consumer and leading country in CO2, SOx and NOx emission demonstrates the costeffectiveness of concerned reforms (Chunning, Jiahai, Yan, & Zheng, 2014). Sarbassov (2017) states that the high ash coal of Ekibastuz basin can be used in fluidized bed reactors as a fuel. This type of reactors consumes a low-quality fuel and even a biomass to produce an electricity (Oka, 2004). Nevertheless, the fundamental research is needed to approve the technological possibility for industrial implication of low-quality coal in Kazakhstan. Also, the special conditions as high-qualified engineering staff and equipment are required to combust the high ash coal in the fluidized bed (Sarbassov, 2017). The presented facts and evidences allow to make a conclusion that current status of power industry will not guarantee sustainable and sufficient energy supply due to the aging of equipment and low efficiency. This situation can be improved by adaptation of previously did not used and available high ash coal through the reactors based on clean coal technologies. The foreign and local experience Page 4 of 7 100005542 supports the idea that high ash coal should play a main role in the modernization of energy industry in Kazakhstan. By summarizing all the information mentioned above, it can be said that the possible implication of high ash coal needs to be investigated. This essay has concerned the ecological and industrial benefits from the adaptation of lowquality coal in Kazakhstan. The data provided shows that this type of fuel in case of industrial utilization will allow to provide environmental sustainability by reducing the amount of damaging pollutants and will accelerate the transformation of power industry. Further research in this field regarding the role of high ash coal would be of great help to ensure the energy sustainability. Page 5 of 7 100005542 Reference List Azizov, T. M., & Vlasov, Y. I. (2013). Coal and oil shale basins and deposits of Kazakhstan: reference book. 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