Creativity in the language classroom and Features of creativity Sheryl D. Galecia, LPT Are you ? Do you think your colleagues would answer this question the same way as you do? In my experience, people hold very different views of creativity. Why is Creativity Important in the Language Classroom? Language use is a creative act: we transform thoughts into language that can be heard or seen. We are capable of producing sentences and even long texts that we have never heard or seen before. By giving learners creative exercises, we get them to practise an important sub-skill of using a language: thinking creatively Compensation strategies (methods used for making up for lack of language in a communicative situation e.g. miming, drawing, paraphrasing used for getting meaning across) use creative and often imaginative ways of expression. Our learners will need these until they master the language. Why is Creativity Important in the Language Classroom? Some people cannot learn at all if they are not allowed to be creative. They do not understand the point in doing a language activity for its own sake, for only practising the language without a real content, purpose, outcome or even a product. Most people become more motivated, inspired or challenged if they can create something of value, if they feel that in some ways what they do and how they do it reflect who they are. Why is Creativity Important in the Language Classroom? Creativity improves self-esteem as learners can look at their own solutions to problems and their own products and see what they are able to achieve. Creative work in the language classroom can lead to genuine communication and co-operation. Learners use the language to do the creative task, so they use it as a tool, in its original function. This prepares learners for using the language instrumentally outside the classroom. Why is Creativity Important in the Language Classroom? Creative tasks enrich classroom work, and they make it more varied and more enjoyable by tapping into individual talents, ideas and thoughts - both the learners’ and the teacher’s. Creative thinking is an important skill in real life. It is part of our survival strategies and it is a force behind personal growth and the development of culture and society. Am I ever creative? Have you ever found that you wanted to do something but you did not have the right tool / material to do it, and then you found some way of using another object / material and managed somehow? Am I ever creative? Have you every changed an activity in your course book or a resource book to match the needs of a particular group you teach? YES? There you go, you are creative! Are my students creative in my lessons? Do you ever get your students to speak about, write about, draw about or mime what they think? Do your students say things in the foreign language they never heard or read? Do you ever get them to think about rules, problems and how things and language work instead of just telling them? Do you sometimes give them tasks where there is no one possible answer and the answers will vary from one learner to another? YES? There you go, your students have opportunities to think creatively in your classes already! Features of creativity The four features of creativity Imaginative Purposeful Original Of value Imaginative Creative thinking is imaginative as it brings about something that did not exist or was not known before, so it had to be imagined first. We can easily see this in art, but science and technology are also full of imagination. Imaginative It could only be through imagination that Johann Gutenberg was able to combine the wine press and the coin punch to create his printing press. When Galileo was in prison, he wrote about imaginary experiments he made in his head. Another example is Einstein, who – just to give one of the many possible examples – described the random movements of atoms before they could be seen in laboratories. He must have imagined them! Purposeful The examples of scientific imagination above have already indicated that creative imagination is not daydreaming. It has a purpose, an objective, which can be a variety of things from surviving after your boat has sunk, through opening a bottle of wine without a corkscrew, to saving the life of cancer patients by finding a new treatment, or creating the complex emotional impact of catharsis. Original The third feature, originality, highlights that creativity has individuality built in it. It grows out of the individual as a plant grows out from a seed, and it is characteristic of the individual, too. The Nobel Prize winning physician, Albert Szent-Györgyi, who discovered vitamin-C, emphasises this feature of creativity in his definition: “Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different.” Value The last feature, which says that the product or result has to be of value, adds the element of evaluation into creative thinking. When evaluating our creation, we need to see how it serves the purpose. Also, we may need to judge the purpose, the goal itself. There are highly imaginative and original solutions that serve the purpose all right, but the purpose itself may be totally destructive, harmful or immoral. Although the feature of value is a very important one, it is not a clear-cut category as different people are bound to find different things valuable to different degrees. Value What is of value for me may not be of value for you. Just think of the many different views people hold about graffiti. So it is worth asking the question: "Whose values and what sort of values are we using to judge and act?" Making activities creative Give the activity a purpose that is something outside practicing a certain language point. This purpose can usually be defined as some kind of outcome or product, which can be very simple like writing a shopping list for a new dessert learners would like to make for a friend’s birthday. Or it can be something really spectacular like putting a scene students write on stage. In this kind of activity, language is used as a tool, as a means to an end like in real life. Making activities creative We need to organise the learning process in a way that gives time, space and freedom to learners so that they can use their imagination and originality. This often means suspending judgement for the time of the activity and being open to many possible answers, solutions and products. Learners need to understand that there is no one right answer, that there are many valuable solutions possible. This calls for tolerance for ambiguity in the classroom. Managing a creative classroom activity also makes it necessary for the teacher to act more like a facilitator or helper. All this of course does not mean losing sight of the objective or lacking realistic timing. Making activities creative We need to make evaluation an integral part of the creative process. For evaluating a creative activity, it is very important not to restrict the evaluation to language use, as this would give learners the message that the outcome of the activity is not really important. Conclusion In conclusion we can say that if we want to run a creative activity in the classroom, we need to check for the presence of these four features: imagination, purpose, originality and value, and organise the process in a way that all these can be incorporated. References References1. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Volume One, 15th edition, p.4922. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Encyclopedic Dictionary (1994) Oxford, Oxford University Press p. 373. National Curriculum in Action; Bronowski, Jacob: The Reach of the Imagination in: Shrodes, C – Finestone, H. – Shugrue, M. (Ed.): The Conscious Reader. (1988) New York: Macmillan Publishing Company5. von Oech, Roger; A Whack on the Side of the Head, How You Can Be More Creative. Creative Think, California, 1992, p.7