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Crew Member Job Description Examples & Skills

Crew Member Job Description Example | LiveCareer
McDonald’s Crew Member Job Description and Duties | CLR (coverlettersandresume.com)
Sales Assistant CV: Tips and Template - NIJobs Career Advice
Warehouse Packer Resume Samples | Velvet Jobs
Resume Template (qwikresume.com)
Crew Member, 04/2016 to 06/2017
M cD on ald' s - H ud son , New Yor k
Demonstrated integrity and honesty while interacting with guests, team members and m a n a ge r s .
C r os s - tr a in e d a n d c o o r di n a te d s c h e du l ing w i th te a m m e m be r s t o e n s ur e s e a ml e ss s e r vi c e .
O p e r a t e d t h e dr i v e - th r o u gh w i n d o w a n d s a l e s r e gi s t e r qu i c k l y a n d e f f i c i e n t l y .
Greeted customers and provided ex cell ent customer s ervice.
P l e a s a n t l y a n d c o ur te o u sl y in te r a c te d w i th c u s to m e rs .
Pr epar ed foun tain dri nks an d i ce cr eam i tems .
V e r i f i e d t h a t p r e p a r e d f o o d m e t a l l s t a n d a r ds f o r q u a l i t y a n d q u a n t i t y .
Followed food safety proc edures ac cording to com pany policies and heal th and sanitation r e gu l a t i o n s .
S t r i c t l y f o l l o w e d a l l c a s h , s e c u r i ty , i n v e n to r y a n d l a bo r po l i c i e s a n d pr o c e du r e s .
Maintained clean an d safe enviro nment, including in the kit chen, bathrooms, building e x t e r i o r , pa r k in g l o t , du m ps t e r a n d s ide w a l k .
R epor ted to all sh if ts wearin g a n eat, cl ean an d un wr in kl ed uni f orm .
Reported to each shift on time and ready to work.
- Ensures items are well stocked
- Assists in the training of new employees'
- Participates actively with other crew members and managers to meet sales target during your shift
- Greeted customers and provided excellent customer service
- Consistently deliver the highest standards of quality, service and cleanliness (QSC)
-Protect the establishment by adhering to sanitation and safety to keep kitchen staff
informed by noting timing of meal preparations
- Maintained clean and safe environment, including in the kitchen, building exterior, parking
lot, dumpster and sidewalk
- Prepared and serve cold drinks, hot beverages and desserts
- Responsible for packing orders for drive thru and making sure customers get their orders
- Communicate with cashiers and other crew members
- Respond to customers’ questions, concerns and complaints and make sure they leave satisfied
- Work on your feet for most of your shift
- Wash, cut, trim and slice vegetables required for salad orders
- Prepare breakfast pre-sets such as toasties, ham cheese pockets, hotcakes and fill sauces and dressings
Your role is vital in making sure our customers receive a fantastic
Macca’s Experience. You will be a brand fan, food fanatic and a people
person. Our role requires a high level of initiative to ident ify
cleanliness and maintenance opportunities . You will have a keen eye
for detail, responsible for janitorial duties, cleaning restaurant
equipment and minor handyman responsibilitie s. I maintain all aspects
of the internal and external restaurant environ ment to provide a
clean, functioning and welcoming environment for customers and the
team. I uphold McDonald’s beliefs and adhere to our Policies and
Procedures. I take pride in the quality of my work, proactively looking
for ways to improve the restaurant . I ensure that equipment is well
functioning and the environment is safe and secure for our Crew,
Managers and Customers.
Crew Member Job Description Example | LiveCareer
McDonald’s Crew Member Job Description and Duties | CLR (coverlettersandresume.com)
Sales Assistant CV: Tips and Template - NIJobs Career Advice
Warehouse Packer Resume Samples | Velvet Jobs
Resume Template (qwikresume.com)
Excellent customer service skills with the ability to develop rapport quickly and
establish close working relationships
Well developed time management skills with the ability to prioritise workload to ensure
tasks are completed on time and to a high standard
Work well in team environments or competently working alone.
I have the ability to multitask and stay calm in stressful situations
I am a proven leader with a "can do" attitude
10 retail skills that transfer to important life
Time management.
Interpersonal skills.
Patience and Tact.
Attention to detail.
Crew Member Job Description Example | LiveCareer
McDonald’s Crew Member Job Description and Duties | CLR (coverlettersandresume.com)
Sales Assistant CV: Tips and Template - NIJobs Career Advice
Warehouse Packer Resume Samples | Velvet Jobs
Resume Template (qwikresume.com)
7. Composure.
8. Cultural Awareness.
9. Business Awareness.
10. Numeracy.
Technical Proficiencies: Solid command of Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and of
social media. Swift learner, easily mastering new software systems.
Administration: Typed general communication and letters to customers and businesses as directed. Ensured
accurate development of communication by providing correspondence to supervisor for approval.
Crew Member Job Description Example | LiveCareer
McDonald’s Crew Member Job Description and Duties | CLR (coverlettersandresume.com)
Sales Assistant CV: Tips and Template - NIJobs Career Advice
Warehouse Packer Resume Samples | Velvet Jobs
Resume Template (qwikresume.com)
Records Processing: Entered customer information into internal records management system. Updated
existing customer records while creating new data files as directed.
Visitor Management: Greeted all visitors to site and ensured they understood their obligations and
expectations while on site. Ensured all visitors added details to visitor log.
Take initiative and ownership: Resolve customer complaints promptly and professionally. This involved taking
necessary steps to meet customer needs and effectively resolve food or service issues.
Adept at operating POS systems
Handling customer transactions with scrupulous accuracy
Serve food and assist cooks as needed to provide quick and high-quality customer service
Issue receipts, refunds, credits, or change due to customers
assisting members of local community with planting and caring for their own allocated sections. Assisted in setup
and preparation of the garden including general repair and maintenance works.
Served customers
Handled cask including operating of cash register
, but not limited to issuing receipts or change to customers
Strive to satisfy customers: Served and prepared fresh, hot foods to customers at windows and tables with a
smile in a timely manner.