MODULE 1: PROPERTIES AND STRUCTURE OF MATTER INQUIRY QUESTION: HOW DO THE PROPERTIES OF SUBSTANCES HELP US CLASSIFY AND SEPARATE THEM? RECAP STAGE 5: God created the whole world. The study of matter enables us, as chemists, to explore the order that God has instilled in his creation. WS1.1 11PSA (WB) P. 15 & CHAP 1 TEXT & PRAC I CAN DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN: • MIXTURES AND PURE SUBSTANCES • ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS • SOLIDS, LIQUIDS AND GASES • SOLUTIONS AND SUSPENSIONS • PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES • ATOMS AND MOLECULES • CHEMICAL SYMBOLS AND FORMULAE LEARNING OUTCOMES: (SUCCESS CRITERIA) After completing this inquiry question students should be to: • Explain the difference between a homogenous and a heterogeneous mixture giving suitable examples of each (for each example given explaining why it is a homogeneous/heterogeneous mixture) • Explain the difference between a physical and a chemical property giving suitable examples of each. • Describe how melting point and/or boiling point could be used to determine the purity of a substance • Calculate the density of a substance given appropriate data. • Explain how a stated heterogeneous mixture was separated using physical separation methods. (For each separation method describe how the separation was achieved) • Explain how a stated homogeneous mixture was separated using physical separation method/s. (For each separation method describe how the separation was achieved) • Calculate the percentage composition by weight of component elements and/or compounds in a substance • Classify elements based on their position and properties in the periodic table using both physical and chemical properties. • SEE STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS AND/OR CYU CHAP 2 FOR SUMMARY NOTES KEY TERMS Property, classify, substance, homogeneous, heterogeneous, mixture, separation technique, physical/chemical property, element, compound, percentage composition, IUPAC nomenclature, periodic table etc. LEARNING INTENTION: Explores the properties and trends in the physical, structural and chemical aspects of matter • Difference between a physical & chemical property & link with physical and chemical change p. 20 WB p.4 • • State examples of physical and chemical properties • Explain that whether a substance is homogeneous or heterogeneous (see p.4 flowchart), has a particular colour, is magnetic or a specific particle size are all factors which can be used to classify substances p. 21-23 WB p 5 • Describe the difference between melting point and boiling point and explain how they can be used as a test for purity • HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=AW8V2FX0Y8C • Analyse graphical data to determine whether substances are solids liquids or gases p. 21-23 • Define density. Calculate density given relevant data Colossians 1:17 and Psalms 111:2 LEARNING INTENTION: Explores the properties and trends in the physical, structural and chemical aspects of matter • Explain that physical properties can be used to separate mixtures • Describe how the process of filtration works to separate mixtures, including suitable mixtures, examples and relevant terms/equipment used • Describe how the solubility may work to separate mixtures, including suitable mixtures, examples and relevant terms/equipment used • Describe how boiling point may work to separate mixtures, including suitable mixtures, examples and relevant terms/equipment used • Describe how the process of distillation works to separate mixtures, including suitable mixtures, examples and relevant terms/equipment used (including the concept of fractional distillation) • Explain how immiscible liquids can be separated, including suitable mixtures, examples and relevant terms/equipment used • P.25-29, WB p.4-5 SEPARATION TECHNIQUES • FILTRATION: SEPARATE SOLIDS FROM LIQUIDS • DECANTATION: SEPARATE LIQUIDS WITH DIFFERENT DENSITIES • EVAPORATION: IS USED TO SEPARATE COMPOUNDS WITH DIFFERENT BOILING POINTS • CENTRIFUGE: IS USED TO SEPARATE COMPOUNDS OF DIFFERENT DENSITIES • DENSITY: CAN BE USED TO CONVERT BETWEEN VOLUME AND MASS Explore homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures through practical investigations: using separation techniques based on physical properties (ACSCH026) • Investigation 2.1 p. 28-29: separating salt, oil and water • WB: practical activity 1.1 p 27-29 WRITING A HYPOTHESIS AND AIM • SEE SCAFFOLDS WORKING SCIENTIFICALLY • IDENTIFY VARIABLES METHOD, EQUIPMENT AND RISK Calculating percentage composition by weight of component elements and/or compounds (ACSCH007) • Define gravimetric analysis and describe when an why it might be used in the analysis of mixtures p. 30-33, WB p. 4 • (N)calculate % by mass of each component of a mixture given relevant data (WB Practical activity 1.2 p30-32) ELEMENTS Elements in the bible…. and God made elements with specific structures, properties and functions • Recall the definition of an element. State the most common elements on earth. Recall that most elements are combined as compounds but some are found uncombined • Describe the characteristics of metals and non-metals • Describe semi-metals as elements that are difficult to classify as metals or non-metals (noting their position on the periodic table) • Investigations 2.3 & 2.4: Classifying elements as solid liquids and gases p. 34, Classifying as metals or non-metals p. 3537 • Recall that known elements are placed together in the periodic table. p.37-39 WBp.5 • Describe how the periodic table has vertical groups of elements (numbered – sometimes with roman numerals) and horizontal rows or periods • Some of the groups have names (noble gases, alkali earth metals and halogens) and mostly elements in a group will have similar properties LETS EXPLORE BONDING (NOTE THIS IS IQ4 AND RELATES TO TASK 1) • HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=LQKC3BFZK6W • HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=ZPAHPXVR8WU • HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=H24UMH38_LI • HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=S08QDOTD0W0