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Educational Reform Essay: Technology, Parental Involvement, NCLB

RUNNING HEAD: Educational Reform Essay
Educational Reform Essay
Alecia N. McClendon
Grand Canyon University: SEC-501-O101-Foundations
March 13, 2019
RUNNING HEAD: Educational Reform Essay
Positive Changes and Negative Changes in Education
Positive: Students are able to access resources both inside and outside of school. Students have
access to their own laptops in which they are able to take home and complete assignments. The
number of educational programs such as I-Ready and IXL are used as an intervention tool to
assist those students who need an extra push. “There are now excellent computer programs for
students who are struggling in school, as well as students who are advanced beyond their grade
level. These programs are founded in research-based learning and grow with students”
(Christman, 2017). In our society, technology is a driving force, it’s something that has become a
valuable asset in our lives.
Negative: With the increase use of technology in the classroom, there can cause a negative
impact on students. While technology is viewed as an important tool in the classroom it cannot
replace the teacher, and students should be taught on how to use other sources of information to
obtain knowledge. I-Ready and IXL are all wonderful programs that enrich learning, they cannot
replace real instruction that is given by the teacher. “A computer program can’t provide the
teaching moments and genuine understanding that a teacher brings to the learning environment”
(Christman, 2017).
Parental Involvement
Positive: Parental involvement is crucial to a student’s success. The relationship between the
school and parents in a valuable asset and is needed in order to promote a rich and safe learning
environment where students are able to thrive. Having parents in their child’s education will help
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bridge the academic gap among students, and help combat behavior issues that may arise in the
Negative: While it’s safe to say that parental involvement is imperative to student achievement,
there can be issues where parents are involved too much. Having a parent show up to school with
their child everyday can cause issues, not only with their child but with the teacher. This may
lead to an altercation with the teacher and the parent on what’s best for their child. Granted the
parent has the final say, but the teacher has the student’s best interest at heart. As parents become
more involved with their child’s education, the can become vocal in demanding change for their
No Child Left Behind
Positive:The No Child Left Behind Act was created in 2001 as an avenue to hold both students
and school accountable. This act implemented new changes in the educational setting. As we
know that when it comes to change it can be viewed as both positive and negative. There are
several positive changes that came out of this act, they are providing support to train teachers to
become highly qualified, and the close the academic among minority students. Having highly
qualified teachers in the classroom means that students, “are now getting quality education from
the best possible instructors” (Ayres, 2019). Having highly qualified teacher in schools will lead
student to become life-long learners, and productive citizens which will bring positivity to the
community. This was brought to light by the No Child Left Behind Act. “The No Child Left
Behind was designed to measure educational growth and status by ethnicity and to help close the
achievement gap between white and minority students. By shedding a light on this area, schools
have the ability to focus on these students who are failing and provide additional support to those
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Changes Needed
There are several changes that are needed to improve our educational system. They are,
to increase funding that will provide more academic and social support to students and to provide
schools with an onsite Social Worker, and Psychologist, There are many schools who are facing
extreme funding cuts, and this is a major issue, especially those schools who are a part of a low
income community. “Poor children who attend better-funded schools are more likely to complete
high school and have higher earnings and lower poverty rates in adulthood” (Leachman et al.,
In order to promote a positive and safe learning environment social workers and
psychologist are needed to address the trauma that students are facing. While educators serve as
a first line of defense, school social workers and psychologist are needed to help students deal
with the traumas they are facing. “As trauma‐informed care begins to take hold in schools,
school mental health providers (e.g., school psychologists, counselors, and social workers) desire
concrete service‐delivery options for students affected by trauma” (Reinbergs and Fefer, 2019)
How these changes will affect ethical dispositions of educators
“Professional Dispositions are professional attitudes, values and beliefs demonstrated through
both verbal and non-verbal behaviors as educators interact with students, families, colleagues
and communities. These positive behaviors support student learning and development”
(Bloomsburg University, 2019). These changes will have a major impact on teachers. We are
able to voice our concerns through social media, and while teachers may have a valid claims,
they must follow the proper guidelines and procedures that are set in place by the district. While
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these changes may or may not be implemented one thing if for sure is that teachers must use
restraint when voicing their concerns about these issues.
RUNNING HEAD: Educational Reform Essay
Ayres, C. (2019). 14 Crucial Pros and Cons of the No Child Left Behind Act. [online]
ConnectUS. Available at: https://connectusfund.org/14-crucial-pros-and-cons-ofthe-no-child-left-behind-act [Accessed 14 Mar. 2019].
Intranet.bloomu.edu. (2019). The Role of Dispositions During Education Field Experience |
intranet.bloomu.edu. [online] Available at: http://intranet.bloomu.edu/coe-fielddispositions [Accessed 14 Mar. 2019].
Christman, T. (2017). Pros and Cons of Educational Trends. [online] Available at:
https://www.jsonline.com/story/life/wellness/school-age/2017/01/10/pros-and-conseducational-trends/95029686/ [Accessed 14 Mar. 2019].
Leachman, M., Albares, N., Masterson, K. and Wallace, M. (2019). Most States Have Cut School
Funding, and Some Continue Cutting. [online] Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Available at: https://www.cbpp.org/research/state-budget-and-tax/most-states-have-cutschool-funding-and-some-continue-cutting [Accessed 14 Mar. 2019].
Reinbergs, E. and Fefer, S. (2019). Addressing trauma in schools: Multitiered service delivery
options for practitioners. [online] Available at: https://doiorg.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1002/pits.22105 [Accessed 14 Mar. 2019].