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Liposuction with Fat Transfer Operative Report

First Name
Last Name
Date of Procedure
PreOperative Diagnosis:
PostOperative Diagnosis:
Tumescent Lipoabdominoplasty with Fat Transfer
Julio C. Novoa, M.D.
Tumescent Anesthesia (Specific concentration and amount documented on IntraOperative Sheet)
After signing informed consent, the patient was taken to the Procedure Room where she was marked in a
standing position.
A preoperative assessment was completed and no significant discrepancies were detected when compared to
the original history and physical examination.
With continuous electrocardiac monitoring and intermittent automatic B.P. monitoring, the patient was positioned
comfortably so as to permit infiltration of local anesthetic and liposuction with optimal exposure of treated areas.
The targeted areas were scrubbed with hibiclin. In selected areas, small intradermal blebs of local anesthesia
were infiltrated and appropriate 2 and 4mm incisions were placed for eventual passage of liposuction cannulas.
The next step involved infiltration of local anesthesia, using Tumescent Technique. (Refer to the Intra Operative
Documentation Sheet) Infiltration was assisted with the use of a peristaltic pump.
After completing the infiltration of local anesthetic solution, liposuction was carried out using cannulas size 3mm.
Liposuction was performed using the fat transfer device, Tissu-Trans Filtron system. Once the TTF system was
filled to 1500, fat collection was stopped and liposuction was continued using the MicroAire PAL system using 24mm cannulas.
The amount of infiltrate in total was 9,200ml. Total volume of Aspirate was 4300ml. Total volume of Supranate
was 2600ml.
Total volume of Infranate was 1,700ml. The patient was then turned on her stomach and the buttock area was
prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Both buttocks were marked for infiltration of anesthetic and
fat. A total of 1,550ml of tumescent anesthetic was used in the buttocks.
The TTF system was then prepped for fat transfer and (16) 60cc syringes were prepared in sterile fashion for
the transfer. Multiple infiltration points were made on each buttock at the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock positions.
Each buttock was infiltrated with 8 syringes at multiple levels and angles of distribution. The fat was then
massaged in place and the incisions were closed using 4-0 Vicryl.
The patient was then turned on her back for the completion of the abdominoplasty. Once the maximum
benefit of liposuction was achieved, an elliptical incision was made within the mons pubis area and below the
umbilicus (Pelosi technique). Caution was given to specifically resect only the dermis and preserve the
subcutaneous structures.
Wound closure was performed directly, without further undermining, by folding over the subcutaneous
structures. The umbilicus was repositioned approximately 3cm above its original skin position and the edges
were sutured using 2-0 Monocryl. Closure was completed using 2-0 Monocryl as a subcuticular closure.
The upper-mid, and upper lateral incision sites were closed using 4-0 Vicryl. The lower lateral and lower-mid
sites were sutured open for drainage of fluid. t
This completed the procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure very well.
Sponge, lap and needle counts were correct x 2.
Estimated blood loss was negligible.
Immediately postoperative, the wounds were covered with sterile gauze pads and elastic support garments
were placed.
Next orthostatic blood pressure and pulse measurements were recorded.
The patient was observed for 30 minutes and allowed to go home ambulatory.
She was given wound care and postoperative instructions prior to discharge.
Surgeon’s Signature