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Romantic Relationships & Student Life: A Case Study

The effects of having a Romantic Relationship of Students while
studying: A case study of Senior High School students of Mayapyap
National High School
The Background and its Problem
Effects of having a romantic relationship while studying
“A true relationship is someone who accepts your past supports your
present, loves you and encourage your future”. This research
discuss about the effects on students having a romantic
relationship or affair to opposite sex while studying. This
research will figure out many effects that may lead to a positive
or negative outcome that is useful to the students themselves.
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, relationship is a
romantic or sexual relationship between two people.
We chose this as our topic because we would like to see the
difference or the effects of having a relationship while studying.
We notice that now a day’s having a relationship is increasing, we
would like to study if being in a relationship helps or not.
A lot of students nowadays get involved to many kind of
relationship. Somehow, students are getting careless on making
decisions on this topic. Due to immaturity and lack of guidance
this may result to some negative and positive outcomes.
Negative outcomes may be in a form which worst may lead
to teenage pregnancy. On the bright side, positive outcome may be
in a form of serving as an inspiration and boost student
determination to focus on their studies to get high marks/grades in
school. It may also teach students on how to be responsible,
patient and be mature on decisions they make.
Puppy love and childhood crushes turn to teenage dating
activities for at least half of all high school students with the
onset of adolescence, teen spend less time with family and more
time with peers, in early teen years, mixed gender groups
predominate. By mid-teens, up to two thirds of high school students
report they have dated or are in a romantic relationship. Having a
boyfriend or girlfriend in high school can have significant effects
on a teen-agers social development and personal identity.
This research paper aims to:
Determine the effects on students having a romantic
relationship or affair on opposite sex while studying.
Know how far the patience of the students on their
relationship is.
Determine how guided the students are when it comes to this
Know the key on how to manage between studies and
Having a commitment on relationship while studying may
result on students to get unfocused to their studies on the
negative side and on the other way around it may lead to success
having each other as inspirations in struggling and striving for
their dreams to come true.
Why did you decide to get involved in a commitment or
Is having a love quarrel before taking examinations affect
your score?
Does having a romantic relationship can affect your studies?
Do your parents know that you’re in a relationship?
If you were to choose between boyfriend/girlfriend and
studies, what will you choose? Why?
There are 3 groups of people that would benefit this
research first are the students who are in a relationship,
especially those who studying at the MNHS because this research
will help them to determine what are the effects of having a
romantic relationship to their studies. Second are the teachers,
because they will know that this issue takes a big part or serves
as a big factor that student get low or high grades in school and
for them also to be aware and to be open-minded to this issue. And
last, to all the parents because this research also reveals the
part of the students. By this research parents will know the
thoughts of their children getting involved to this matter and to
guide their children in a good and pleasing way.
When it comes to SHS having a romantic relationship is
part of it, and as person being attracted to opposite sex is
normal. Having a burden or relationship not only in your life but
also in your time may affect someone’s studies. In nowadays many
students are having romantic relationship while studying, what we
want to know how these students able to maintain their relationship
to opposite sex and their performance in their studies.
Education is one of the highest achievement and the
trademark on how you are being recognized not only at work but also
the people whom you met in your everyday life and the key in
attaining our goal. Its importance in life is what make us who we
really and what are we capable of that lead us to progress and
develop further more. It isn’t a tangible product rather it’s an
intellectual property that each of us uniquely have, but before we
have this information we take it as a step by step process.
When talking about Senior High student life, we
experience plenty of things socializing and having friends is one
of it, but what the relationship of being friends went up to the
next level where in the both opposite sex developed to each that
development resulted to what we psychologically called love in
which both person has the emotion of affection and personal
attachment. Having relationship is part of the environment in life
and many says it serves as an inspiration and feeling that someone
is there for them to accompanied him/her, but as a student the
question is how it does affect the performance and emotion of each
in their studies? What’s the difference of with and without
relationship? How would students budget their time in order for
them, as a partner, maintain that relationship they have.
The status of students of
Mayapyap National High
School while studying
Effects of having a
romantic relationship to
the students while
Students with
Students without
Profile of the respondents
Age 12-18 years old
Male and Female
depending on
Levels of
Performance on complex
cognitive task
Levels of
Our focus is the students here in Mayapyap National
High School. We will survey to those students who are in a
relationship. What are the effects either good or bad? What are
more good in influencing their partners the guys or the girls?
Adolescence - a period or stage of development, as of a
society, preceding maturity.
Affair - a romantic and sexual relationship between two people
who are not married to each other.
Commitment - an engagement or obligation that restricts
freedom of action.
Early teens – Age 12-14 years old.
Immaturity - it is the state of being less than fully-grown,
or at least of acting in a childish or silly manner.
Intellectual property - a category of property that includes
intangible creations of the human intellect, and primarily
encompasses copyrights, patents, and trademarks.
Mid-teens – Age 15-17 years old.
Open-minded - having a mind receptive to new ideas, arguments,
Personal attachment - An enduring emotional bond that develops
between one adult and another in an intimate relationship:
romantic attachment.
Personal identity - the concept you develop about yourself
that evolves over the course of your life.
Predominate - If one type of person or thing predominates in a
group, there is more of that type of person or thing in the
group than of any other.
Sex - character of being male or female.
Tangible products - Tangible items are those we can see,
touch, or smell.
Review of Related literature
Before going into the main variables of the study, the
researchers discuss in the first part why do adolescents get
involve in romantic relationships and how these relationships
contribute in the growth and development of adolescents. In the
next part, the researchers talk about the connection of independent
variables in this study such as the romantic relationship which
involves time, motivation and anxiety. These three variables were
looked into to determine or to see if there is relationships exist
between romantic relationship the academic performance of
individuals and its effect. In the last part of the chapter, the
researchers try to evaluate previous studies related to the topic
of this study.
An article of Lockwood, 2017 talked about the Love and
Other Grades: A Study of the Effects of Romantic Relationship
Status on the Academic Performance of University Students Of the
few studies that have examined the effects of romantic
relationships on academic performance, most have been concerned
with adolescent students. This study analyzes a data set of more
than 300 students at a midsized, private University in the
northeast United States to determine if participating in a romantic
relationship predicts grade point average or course attendance. The
results of multivariate analyses indicate that being in a romantic
relationship while in college is significantly associated with
class absences, but not with grade point average. Specifically,
logistic regression models show that participation in a romantic
relationship more than doubles the odds of failing to attend three
or more class meetings per course in a semester. Practical
implications of these findings include the consideration of
romantic relationships among the undergraduate student body by
university administrators and faculty when attempting to address
course attendance concerns. Additionally, this study suggests that
future researchers examine the characteristics of romantic
relationships and romantic partners in order to more fully
understand how such relationships might affect the academic
performance of university students.
Joshuaelevate, 2016 stated the Early Romantic
Relationship (Advantages and Disadvantages) First many teenagers
“excel in their class”, because they become motivated to study hard
because of their partner which is considered as a positive result
for every students and teenagers having an early romantic
relationship. The second advantage is many teenagers “get
inspired”, because their partners give them an inspiration for so
many things. Third advantage is many are “happy to have a partner”,
because their relationship gives joy and happiness. Many for a
teenagers looks for a partner that gives them joy and contentment.
The fourth one is many students and teenagers “gain better selfesteem or self-confidence”. Many teenagers having an early romantic
relationship gain self-confidence because when we have a partner we
feel safe and secured. Our partner gives us an assurance,
Our partner gives us an assurance that we can do more.
Lastly, many teenagers said that “they gain more friends” because
of their partners.
Because when we are in a relationship we
encounter and meet our boyfriends or girlfriends friends.
There are more advantages of having an early romantic
relationship. These are the positive results to every teenager who
are engage in romantic relationship. It is to know that having an
early romantic relationship gives them a positive result for every
aspect of their lives; to their social and emotional life.
Most teenagers and students answered that one of the
disadvantages of having an early romantic relationship affect their
study “they gain lower grades”, because of their boyfriends or
girlfriends. How ironic that many are said that having an early
romantic relationship helps them to excel in class, but it also
affect to their study to gain a lower grades. The second
disadvantage for many teenagers is “they learn to keep secrets from
their parents”. Engaging in a relationship helps them to keep
secrets, because their parent doesn’t allow them to enter in a
relationship so when someone court them and become officially on it
is better for them to keep it as a secrets. Third, teens “tend to
be quarrelsome”. Both men and women teenagers become quarrelsome
because of their partners. That is what you called “mind your own
and stay away from what is mine” attitude of a teenagers. Fourth
disadvantage is many teens “come home late”. Because they want to
hanging out with their boyfriends and girlfriends, they wanted to
spend more time with their partner’s companion. Lastly, having an
early romantic relationship disadvantage for teens is “they
disregard major priorities”. Teens are easily distracted when it
comes to their partner. They wanted to give enough attention and
time to their boyfriends or girlfriends. Reason why teens forgot to
prioritize, focus and manage more important things.
These disadvantages is only few from many disadvantages and
negative effects of a teenagers engaging in an early romantic
We cannot say that early romantic relationships are right
or wrong. We cannot criticize or judge teenagers because they enter
in a relationship at a very young age. Teen age year now is very
aggressive and willing to take risks.
For teenagers, there is nothing wrong to try and to enter
in a romantic relationship. It is only becomes wrong for how you
handle you relationship to someone. Remember that love is a
decision. If you will have it wrong, many people and even you will
be affected.
The published materials above help us to determine the
effects of having a romantic relationship to the students.