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General Chemistry Pre-Lab Planning Guide

Pre-Lab Plan- General Chemistry I Laboratory
Pre-lab planning is essential for every experiment to ensure a smooth and safe process
while performing the experiment. According to the ACE-Labs model we have attempted
to follow in this lab course for years (read Pages 3 and 4 of the laboratory manual for
details), one of the objectives is to provide students with the opportunity to explore
chemistry from a scientist (researcher) point of view. Scientific exploration comprises
looking into novel discoveries and testing ideas or experiments never considered before;
to achieve that, many scientists need to develop their own methods and experiments.
Thus, in this adapted hybrid format, we seek to conserve that component of the ACELabs and prompt students to design their own experimental procedures before they
perform them in the lab or through online simulations.
In each Module, you need to read the introduction material and watch the background
videos as described in Canvas in the “Pre-lab Submission” assignment. Once you
understand what each project entails and know the experiment objective(s), you need to
write a pre-lab plan including all the sections in the rubric available in Canvas. Think of
ways of how each project can be completed with the materials and resources available
and solve the guiding questions in the lab manual to guide the process. All pre-lab
submissions are about the experiments you would do as if you were to perform them in
the lab (e.g. for online sections) or as you will perform them during the in-person lab
sessions (e.g. for hybrid sections).
The hazard information of each chemical can be found in a Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
Please find the SDS information for each chemical used in this lab through the zipped
folder available in Canvas under the "Supporting Documents" Module or online from
websites of companies like Fischer Scientific or Sigma Aldrich, and search for the
chemicals and their SDS. Read and record the SDS information from these sections of
the SDS form:
• Section 2: Hazard(s) Identification
• Section 7: Handling and Storage
• Section 8: Personal Protection
Section 9 of the SDS contains the physical and chemical properties. You can use that
section to record the properties of the chemicals as prompted in the rubric.
For more information regarding the importance of Safety Data Sheets check this link
from the American Chemical Society (ACS):
Pre-Lab Submission Assignment in Canvas
Follow the rubric provided in Canvas to construct your own pre-lab plan in each Module.
The pre-lab plan needs to be written in your lab notebook or composition book. Make sure
the writing is legible and the overall structure is organized. To submit the pre-lab plan,
create a single Portable Document Format, PDF file to upload under the corresponding
assignment section in Canvas. Make sure it is readable and neat before you submit
it. Only PDF files will be accepted. If your work can’t be read the instructor won’t
be able to grade it.
Creating the PDF file:
Here are some suggested methods for making your PDF files
1) Use a scanner: You might have one at home. There are various sources on campus
as well. Many of the photocopiers have scanning options that will email you a PDF of
your document.
2) Use your phone: You can search for directions in the internet of how to convert
pictures into PDF files using your cellular phone.
3) Use Microsoft Word: You can take pictures with of your pre-lab page(s), crop out the
surrounding area leaving only the page visible, email them to yourself, and insert them
into a word file (as a USF student you can download Office 365 for free). Then save
or print the file as Adobe PDF before uploading it to Canvas.
4) Use the Acrobat software: As a USF student you may request special access to the
Acrobat Pro DC software. Click on this link for more information
Guidelines to follow:
1) If you have multiple pages for a single assignment, they must be combined into a
single PDF.
2) It must be a legible PDF file.
3) Your writing should be in the correct orientation - the top of the page at the top of the
4) The image should be cropped so that only the written pre-lab work is in the image (no
objects or irrelevant images should appear) and it is aligned correctly on the page.
Once you have created the PDF file, you can upload it to Canvas. You can do this directly
from a computer if your file is on a computer or through the Canvas app on your phone.
Using the app will require that you have the file in your Google Drive (the one accessed
with your school email) or downloaded on your phone.
Pre-Laboratory Notebook Guidelines
The pre-lab assignment is intended to prepare students for the experiment and will need
to be completed and submitted to Canvas before starting the actual lab. Some laboratory
notebook guidelines can be found on Page 60 of the lab manual.