Geo Factsheet Number 296 The Maldives: on the frontline of climate change The Maldives is an archipelago nation situated in the Indian Ocean. A beltway of 1200 tiny islands, dotted within 26 concentric atolls, stretches for 750 kilometres off the south-west tip of India down to the equator. Whilst sovereign control covers an area of around 90,000 square kilometres, over 99% of this area is ocean, with just 300 square kilometres of habitable land. Only 340,000 people live in the Maldives, and around one third of these live in the capital city of Male’ (pronounced Mar-lay), which is one of the most densely populated square miles on earth. Around one hundred other islands are also inhabited, although these tend to operate under a more traditional, selfsufficient, and strictly Islamic lifestyle. A long-term dictatorship under President Maumoon Gayoom was ended in 2008, when Mohamed Nasheed won inaugural elections to become the first democratically-elected president of the Maldives. The Maldives is generally considered one of the most beautiful and picturesque regions in the world, which is reflected in an upmarket and luxury tourism sector. Every year, around 700,000 tourists come for consistently hot temperatures, white sandy beaches, clear blue seas, and fantastic marine wildlife. To accommodate guest demands for alcohol, sunbathing, and haram foods such as pork, tourist resorts are kept strictly separate from inhabited islands. Figure 1 Formation of the atolls in Maldives region Changes in sea level in Maldives region +2 sea level -2 sea level -6 change (cm) -10 The higher the sea level rises, the higher the sands become. The interior lies below sea level and is vunerable to flooding The islands continued to grow as storms deposit new sediment on the beaches. The interiors of the islands were left at a lower level -14 8000 years ago 0 coral reef volcanoe Millions of years ago, corals began to grow on the slopes of volcanoes, creating reefs. As sea levels rose after the end of the last ice age, the coral reefs grew. The volcanoes reroded and disappeared underwater. The calciferous materail of dead corals is deposited on the reefs, creating circular islands around the sunken volcanoes. Situation Climate change poses a real and present danger to the very existence of the Maldives. The highest natural point in the entire archipelago is just 2.4 metres, and most islands sit less than a metre above sea level. Given that waters are expected to rise by this amount in the coming decades, the Maldives faces a very precarious and uncertain future. Many scientists believe that it could be the first country entirely wiped off the map by climate change, with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stating that the Maldives will be entirely uninhabitable by 2100. Even in the short term, climate change threatens to destroy the fragile coral ecosystem, on which so many livelihoods are dependant. A reminder of its likely impacts was demonstrated by the damage caused from the overtopping of the 2004 tsunami waves. It sent the Maldives back down to LDC status. 1 Geo Factsheet 296 The Maldives: on the frontline of climate change Figure 2 Reef island features island faru giri reef flat lagoon reef front thila inner reef slope inner reef sea-floor terrace cave outer reef slope Figure 3 Possible scale of sea level rises, caused by global warming 3(a) How high, how soon? 3(b) The predicted causes of sea level rise 100 German Advisory 500 Major ice sheets 80 400 sea level change 300 (cm) Delta Committee 2000 estimated sea level 60 rise (cm) 200 40 b Rahmstorf 20 2000 2100 usu al possible conditions from ocean (thermal expansion) radical mitigation (2006) 1900 as ice & glaciers 100 0 usi s nes 2200 0 1960 2300 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 Figure 4 President Mohamed Nasheed Responses International Lobbying The Maldivian response to climate change takes two major lines: prevention, and preparation. Initially, efforts were focused on the former, as politicians and other influential people attempted to spread the climate change message on the world stage, and force action to prevent runaway global warming. As early as 1987, President Gayoom was warning the international community that the Maldives may not survive the twenty-first century. In 1992, he told the United Nations that his countrymen were “an endangered people.” After his election in 2008 President Mohamed Nasheed continued to beat the drum on the world stage. In one well-known publicity stunt he held the world’s first ever underwater cabinet meeting, seeking to highlight the plight of the Maldives. He also founded the association for “climate vulnerable countries”, and starred in an influential documentary, all of which have made Nasheed a hero of the international environmental movement. 2 2080 3000 Geo Factsheet 296 The Maldives: on the frontline of climate change Creation of Artificial Islands Figure 5 Creation of artificial islands Recent efforts have shifted the focus away from preventing climate change, and towards preparing for its damaging consequences in the country. One of the earliest practical responses to climate change was instigated by President Gayyoom in 1997. His government identified a shallow lagoon near Male’ as a good site for building an island from scratch. For the next seven years, sediment was dredged up from the seabed and poured into this site, creating a 2km² artificial island called Hulhumale, which rises an impressive two metres above sea level. Farukolhfushi (club med) Kurumba Village Hulhumale phase II (future) 204 hectares There is also the potential for higher sea walls to be built if this proves insufficient. Nearly three thousand people now live on the artificial island, and it already provides a muchneeded overspill for the densely populated city of Male’. Eventually, the government are planning for Hulhumale to become a major population hub for tens of thousands, so the construction of schools, roads, and dozens of functional, high-density tenement blocks is ongoing. Given its rigid and practical planning, Hulhumale is dismissed by some Maldivians as an ugly concrete jungle, which lacks the character, culture, and community of traditional island homes. However, it is generally recognised that the creation of well-planned artificial islands may be the most practical and efficient way for displaced Maldivians to stay in the country. Hulhumale phase I (existing) 188 hectares Dhoonidhoo Existing airport Future expansion of airport 305 hectares Funadhoo Male N 192 hectares Land Reclamation and Sea Walls Purchasing Land Abroad One of the biggest and most expensive measures has been a nationwide land reclamation project. Sediments dredged from island harbours and the seabed is deposited on islands that are on the frontline of climate change. This helps by both expanding the island size and preventing erosion. For example, a land reclamation project on Thulaadhoo, in Baa Atoll, has enlarged the island by 40 acres, which has stopped flooding in the short-term, and also buys time to prepare more sturdy and rigid sea defences. When President Nasheed entered office in 2008 one of his most widely-reported proposals was the creation of a flat-rate fee for all tourist arrivals, which could be ring-fenced into a multi-million dollar sovereign wealth fund. Eventually this money would be used to purchase a new Maldivian homeland in an unpopulated area of India, Sri Lanka, or Australia. In the event that the islands could not be saved from rising sea water, and Maldivians had to evacuate the entire country, they would already have a new place to move and call home. On Ihavandhoo, in Haa Alifu Atoll, a two-metre dyke is under construction, which will eventually ring the entire island and hopefully hold back the sea. A strong sea wall was also constructed around the Male’ in 1987. Such projects are dependent on local circumstances – Ihavandhoo is a very small but densely-populated island, meaning a sea wall is both cost-efficient and feasible. However, the vast amount of money required to hire expensive foreign contractors with specialist equipment means building dykes cannot be a universal solution for each of the 1200 islands in the Maldives. This idea was described as “the final insurance policy.” However, it is unclear whether the announcement was anything more than a way of attracting attention and publicity to the plight of the Maldives. Challenges International Clout The Maldives are responsible for just 0.0014% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, and has a population that is scarcely the size of Leicester, yet the battle against climate change is ultimately a global one, and entirely outside of their sovereign control. Figure 6 Dykes Maldivian statesmen lack the power and influence to make the major emitters of greenhouse gases change their ways. The sad reality is that however hard they fight for action, their impact will be minimal. Therefore, whilst maintaining an impressive and disproportionately loud voice in the international climate change discourse, the Maldives will not be able to prevent sea level rises unless more powerful and influential countries commit themselves to the cause. 3 Geo Factsheet 296 The Maldives: on the frontline of climate change Funding Public Hostility to Projects The challenge to fund action against climate change is simply immense, partly because the Maldivian economy is almost entirely reliant on two key industries: tourism and fishing. Between them these sectors employ 88% of the workforce and account for almost 95% of government revenues. This lack of economic diversity means that government fiscal planning is particularly vulnerable to outside factors. Any number of uncontrollable events can affect tourist arrivals or create global fluctuations in the price of fish, and trigger a significant and unexpected shortfall in government revenues. For example, a small drop in tourist numbers after the 2008/9 financial crisis generated a significant 5% decline in national GDP for 2009, and this meant that a number of half-finished land reclamation projects had to cease for several months. Tourist numbers (and therefore government revenue) similarly declined after both the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami and the period of political instability in February 2012. As we have seen, despite its reputation for expensive luxury holidays, the Maldives is not a particularly rich country, and remains borderline on several UN indicators for LDC status. In 2011 the GDP per capita was estimated at just $8600 – a figure comparable to countries such as Ecuador or Bosnia. Many of the poorest Maldivians react unfavourably to the multi-million dollar projects on their doorstep, which they consider an unnecessary and wasteful use of resources, especially given the cases of corruption that commonly haunt such ventures. This problem is particularly severe because climate change is not universally accepted as a genuine threat. Until 1998 there was only one secondary school outside the capital city, which means many older Maldivians lack the education to understand and assess the scientific case for global warming. Similarly, many devout Maldivians struggle to square anthropomorphic climate change with their faith in an omnipotent god, and this has created widespread fatalistic acceptance of the sea level situation which may befall them. Lots of Maldivians, even the younger generations, therefore refuse to support climate change action and expenditure, either because they do not accept that global warming is happening, or else think it would be foolish and impossible to resist the will of Allah. Figure 7 Other services Tourism Industry Agriculture Fisheries GDP 20 percentage points Political Opportunism 10 A number of opportunistic politicians have successfully exploited public uncertainty about climate change, and fuel some very persistent rumours that global warming is nothing more than a conspiracy perpetrated by Western scientists against their country. After 2008 politicians from opposition parties found this to be an excellent strategy to cleave into the record of President Nasheed’s government, taking the focus away from some popular health and welfare reforms. A few super wealthy resort owners, unhappy with Nasheed’s attempts to implement a higher tourist tax, have also capitalised on the climate change agenda. These individuals have always enjoyed a significant influence in the national political scene, and some were even accused of instigating events that led to Nasheed leaving office in February 2012. The combination of public opposition to climate change projects, and wealthy backing for their opponents, is reflected in the election of many sceptic MPs who have sought to cut expenditure in the area. 0 -10 -20 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Although successive governments have sought to diversify the economy and increase GDP, only a limited amount of options are available to them. The landscape and topography of the Maldives is not suited to intensive agricultural or industrial development, and there are very few natural resources that can be exploited. Nor is it particularly easy to impose tax increases; a higher tariff proposed by President Nasheed was one of the factors that led to his removal in Feburary 2012, and some influential resort owners gave financial backing to coup leaders. The fragile Maldivian economy is therefore the biggest internal challenge in their internal fight to handle climate change. The government budget is limited ($500 million in 2010) and cannot be significantly increased, yet with the pressures of health, education and welfare spending, the government is running at a big deficit even before it can make provision for climate change. Meanwhile, hundreds of inhabited islands require expensive improved defences or land reclamation projects if they are to survive rising sea waters. One option has been to seek foreign sponsors – after the floods of 1987 President Gayyoom secured a $60 million donation from Japan to build a sea wall around Male’, and this has largely protected the capital from further damage. However, such support cannot be relied on for the sparsely-populated peripheral islands. Planners will eventually have to make hard-nosed financial decisions on which islands to evacuate and allow to sink, and which to develop into hubs, capable of supporting and protecting a populace swelled by resettlements from elsewhere. Acknowledgements; This Geo Factsheet was researched and written by Liam Orton who spent 4 months teaching on the island of Ihavandhoo in the Maldives. Curriculum Press, Bank House, 105 King Street, Wellington, TF1 1NU Geopress Factsheets may be copied free of charge by teaching staff or students, provided that their school is a registered subscriber. No part of these Factsheets may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any other form or by any other means, without the prior permission of the publisher. ISSN 1351-5136 4