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Top Social Media Forums for B2B Marketing Firms

Top Social Media Forums for B2B Marketing Firms
“83% of B2B marketers are using social media as a content marketing tactic.”
- Content Marketing Institute
Many B2B marketing agencies still see email as the most important vehicle to their overall content marketing
success but LinkedIn ranks higher than all the other social media platforms when it comes to content marketing
followed by YouTube, Twitter, SlideShare, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
With a perpetually-evolving landscape of channels used to deliver content, how does a B2B marketing agency
decide which ones are right for their business? Here’s taking a look at the four top social media platforms for
B2B marketers1. LinkedIn
Did you know there are more than 675 million professionals on LinkedIn and they are doing more than just
looking for new jobs. They are reading status updates, clicking on articles, and most importantly- converting to
leads. As much as 80% of leads sourced through social media for B2B marketers come from LinkedIn. In
addition to that, if you are looking to educate prospects on the value of your solution, LinkedIn drives more
traffic to B2B blogs and websites than Facebook and Twitter combined.
2. Twitter
When asked which channels they use to distribute content, 77% of B2B respondents listed Twitter. Although the
use of Twitter is down by 8% since 2014, it still ranks second in the list of top social media platforms for B2B
marketers. A majority of marketing leaders understand that it is an efficient and effective way to spread their
3. YouTube
YouTube has also become less popular with B2B marketers than it once was much like Twitter, nevertheless it
still ranks as the fourth most important channel for distributing content. While the once global media sharing
platform has faced stiff competition from Twitter and Facebook native video in recent years, it still remains a
great search engine for videos.
4. SlideShare
Forbes has called SlideShare- “the quiet giant of content marketing” because most B2B marketing agencies are
yet to tap into its full potential despite the fact that it receives 500% more momentum from business leaders than
any other social media platform. Since Google indexes every presentation on SlideShare- a large part of that
traffic comes from organic search as well.