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OASIS CSOC Request Management Guide

OASIS Next Gen Project
Manage CSOC Requests
Giuseppe Leoni
March 07, 2017
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
• CSOC Requests application allow CB’s to manage
Complex Certification Structure Review Request
Form 204-F1 on-line into the OASIS System.
• CB persons dealing with CSOC request shall have
the CSOC Request and the CSOC Admin boxes
set-up by the CB Admin in their User profile.
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Request
Click on “CSOC Requests”
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
Click on “Create New Application”
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
OASIS will assign automatically
the N° of the request and the
initial Revision (by default 1)
Pre-setted CB data
Select the Request Type
from the drop-down menu
Click on icon open
instant help
Enter all the details
required by each box, in
particular those identified
by which are
mandatory fields
Thick the box of the
applicable certification
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Request
Enter all the detailed
Information required by
each box
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
Click on “Add Attachment” to add any
evidence supporting the request
Enter all the details
required by each box, in
particular those identified
by which are
mandatory fields
Click on “Submit Form for Review”
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
Confirmation message of the
successfully submittal of the
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
• The CSOC Request is now submitted to the CSOC
Administrator (a notification will be send by
OASIS to him) for the administrative application
review which may result in two possible answers:
1) Request Incomplete – please resubmit
2) Application accepted – ready for CSOC Review
• In the first case, the application (example 10025
for Demonstration CB2) is returned to the
requesting CB (a notification will be send by
OASIS to him) for the necessary actions.
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
• In the second case, the application (example
10024 for DemoCB) is submitted (a notification
will be send by OASIS to him) to CSOC members
for review
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
Click on “CSOC Requests”
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
1) Request Incomplete
Click on “Number” link
to review the reason
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
1) Request Incomplete
Reason for the Result Incomplete
answer from the Administrative Review
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
1) Request Incomplete
Click on the small triangle close
to Additional Actions and then click
on “Copy to Resubmit”
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
1) Request Incomplete
Message to inform that a copy of
the application will be made, click on
“OK” to proceed
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
1) Request Incomplete
The application is now at
Revision 2 and the Status
is WIP (Work in Process)
Request Type is automatically
updated to “Resubmittal”
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
1) Request Incomplete
Enter all the additional
Information requested
in the related each box.
Add Attachment as needed
Click on “Submit Form for Review”
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
2) Application accepted
Click on “Number” link
to review the reason
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
The application Status
is now Ready for CSOC Review
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
• The CSOC Request is now ready for CSOC Review
by the CSOC Members (2 Industry Reps and 1
AB Reps per Sector) which may result in four
possible answers:
1) Concur
2) Concur with recommendation
CB to confirm recommendations are incorporated prior to
proceeding with certification activity
3) Do not concur
CB to resubmit on its entirety
4) Request incomplete
CB to provide additional information to support the
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
Manage CSOC Requests
Click on “Number” link
to review the reason
CSOC Decision
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region
To be used for future CB activity
related to this CSOC application
Manage CSOC Requests
Application status
Click on Withdraw will
cancel the application
The IAQG is a legally incorporated international not for profit association
(INPA) with membership from the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific Region