Uploaded by FAseeh Malik

Bode Plot Analysis: Frequency Response Explained

A logarithmic plot which we used to plot the phase response and magnitude at very low
frequency to very high frequency is known as bode plot. It is a most common tool which we
used to represent the frequency response of any system. It comprise of the normalized gain
AV(dB) as a function of the frequency in log scale. The system input/ output ratio of bode
magnitude plot compute in special unit called decibels. It is a frequency response plot of given
system. The frequency response of an amplifier or filter represent how the gain of the output
responds to input signals at different frequencies. We mostly used amplifier to amplify the
signal having less magnitude. In a single plot, bode plot of amplifier shows frequency response
at different frequencies i.e. magnitude and phase response of amplifier at different
frequencies. The magnitude of bode plot is zero at low frequency for high frequency amplifier
while the magnitude of bode plot decrease at high frequency for low frequency amplifier. On
the other hand, at low and high frequency the magnitude is very low for mid-band frequency
response and only present at mid-band frequency. We can use bode plot to show the
frequency response for very high frequency on a single graph.