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Carbohydrates Worksheet: Tests, Sugars, Concepts

Name _____________________________________________________Date________
Activity on Carbohydrates
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for:
_____1. Moore’s test
a. black metallic, bismuth precipitate
_____2. Seliwanoff’s test
b. mahogany red
_____3. Benedict’s test
c. yellowish to bright orange
_____4. Fehling’s test
d. yellow to brick red precipitate
_____5. Nylander’s test
e. brown color with caramel like odor
_____6. Picric acid test
f. red color in the presence of a ketose sugar
_____7. Barfoed’s test
g. general test for CHO
_____8. Tollen’s test
h. used to differentiate monosaccharide from
_____9. Schiff’s test
i. metallic silver
_____10. Molisch’s test
j. magenta color except glucose
a. glucose b. galactose
c. fructose
d. mannose
f. maltose g. lactose
h. pectin
i. glycogen
_____1. Has a bitter taste
_____2. Most important source of CHO in the diet
_____3. Least sweet sugar
_____4. Grape sugar
_____5. A ketose
_____6. Beet sugar
_____7. Found in the rind of unripe fruits
_____8. Found in germinating grains
_____9. Obtain from the hydrolysis of lactose
_____10. Storage of polysaccharide in animals
e. sucrose
j. starch
C. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_____1. It means “few”
a. Mono
b. Oligo
c. Poly
_____2. Also called as beet sugar
a. Glucose
b. Sucrose
c. Starch
_____3. It is produced by the action on the starch paste of acids
a. Dextrin
b. Dextran
c. Dextrose
_____4. It is extracted from seaweed
a. Chitin
b. Starch
c. Agar
_____5. The source of glycogen
a. Liver
b. Fruits
c. Root crops
_____6. Carbohydrates are produced through the process of
a. Carboxylation
b. Photosynthesis
c. Oxidation
_____7. Example of pentose
a. Glucose
b. Ribose
c. Cellulose
_____8. It is insoluble in water and it is found in the outer covering of the starch granule
a. Amyloid
b. Amylose
c. Amylopectin
_____9. It is used in preparing infant food
a. Glucose
b. Maltose
c. Starch
_____10. It is found in yeast and bacteria.
a. Dextran
b. Starch
c. Pectin