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Automata Theory Coursework: Simulation & Research

Submission and presentation
Submit your work before February 26, Friday – so that I will have time to read it. Presentation will be on
February 27, Saturday, from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM. There is no need to create a presentation (you may if
you want to). I only need you to be able to articulate and explain your answers clearly. If you do not
have an internet connection during the presentation, I will call you using your mobile number; make
sure that you can be contacted during the scheduled time.
Simulating models of computation through programming; and research.
The second option is recommended for people who has a stable internet connection and a computer
where they can code.
In the programming part, you are tasked to choose two models of computation that you will simulate.
You can choose from our past lessons, or if you are feeling adventurous, you can choose other models
of computation such as lambda calculus and cellular automaton. Trust me, they are fun!
I have listed four high level user stories that will guide you in your programming task.
User Story 1
As a user, I want to be able to setup a model of computation so that I can configure it depending
on the problem I want to solve.
User Story 2
As a user, I need the model of computation to be able to process a string input based on my
configuration and produce an output so that I can verify if it is working correctly.
User Story 3
As a user, I must be able to see how the model of computation is processing the input so that
I can dissect its inner workings.
User Story 4
As a user, I can pause and resume the execution, or do a step-by-step execution of the
simulation anytime I want so that I can follow how it works.
You can either choose to work with or without my supervision. With my supervision, I will be able to
share my experience and expertise in the industry on how to manage projects properly. Hopefully, this
will help you manage your thesis work in the future and also serve as an introductory as to how we do
things in the industry.
Alan Turing and other important people in computing
Alan Turing is a very important figure in computing that he is often regarded as the father of
theoretical computer science; whilst others regard him as the father of modern computer
science. Regardless, his contributions to the field of computing are undeniable.
You are tasked to write a biography of Alan Turing – his life, works in computing (WW2, AI,
cryptography, logic, biology, etc.), relationship with Christopher Morcom and Joan Clarke, later
days, and death. You may add as many information as you want.
AL 102 – Automata Theory and Formal Languages
John Gerald Maagad Agbayani
Camiguin Polytechnic State College
Aside from Turing, also do a research on three other prominent people in computing. They can
be old figures, such as Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, or modern figures. These people do
not necessarily need to be in the field of computing. They can be linguists, mathematicians,
logicians, biologists, engineers, and many more. Just make sure that the people you choose are
not the same with other groups.
Follow the ACM Proceedings Template when writing your work. When referencing, follow the
ACM Reference Format. You are not allowed to reference Wikipedia; however, you can use the
references at the bottom of the Wikipedia page.
AL 102 – Automata Theory and Formal Languages
John Gerald Maagad Agbayani
Camiguin Polytechnic State College