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Optical Communication Systems: IMDD, Coherent, Soliton

Syllabus: Digital transmission systems, design of
IMDD links- power and rise time budgets,
coherent Systems, sensitivity of a coherent
receiver, comparison with IMDD systems.
Introduction to soliton transmission, soliton links
using optical amplifiers, GH effect, soliton-soliton
interaction, amplifier gain fluctuations, and
design guide lines of soliton based links.
Point-to-Point Links – IMDD system design
Key system requirements needed to analyze optical fiber links:
1. The desired (or possible) transmission distance
2. The data rate or channel bandwidth
3. The desired bit-error rate (BER)
LED or laser
(a) Emission wavelength
(b) Spectral line width
(c) Output power
(d) Effective radiating area
(e) Emission pattern
(a) Core size
(b) Core index profile
(c) BW or dispersion
(d) Attenuation
(e) NA
pin or APD
(a) Responsivity
(b) Operating λ
(c) Speed
(d) Sensitivity
System considerations - Selecting the Fiber
Bit rate and distance are the major factors
Other factors to consider: attenuation and distance-bandwidth product, cost of
the connectors, splicing etc.
Then decide
• Multimode or single mode
• Step or graded index fiber
System considerations - Selecting the Optical Source
Emission wavelength depends on acceptable attenuation and dispersion
Spectral line width depends on acceptable dispersion (LED  wide, LASER 
Output power in to the fiber (LED  low, LASER  high)
Stability, reliability and cost
Driving circuit considerations
System considerations - Selecting the detector
• Type of detector
– APD: High sensitivity but complex, high bias voltage (40V or more)
and expensive
– PIN: Simpler, thermally stable, low bias voltage (5V or less) and less
• Responsivity (that depends on the avalanche gain & quantum
• Operating wavelength and spectral selectivity
• Speed (capacitance) and photosensitive area
• Sensitivity (depends on noise and gain)
Typical bit rates at different wavelengths
LED Systems
LASER Systems.
800-900 nm
150 Mb/s.km
Multimode Fiber)
2500 Mb/s.km
1300 nm (Lowest 1500 Mb/s.km
25 Gb/s.km
(InGaAsP Laser)
1550 nm (Lowest 1200 Mb/s.km
Up to 500
(Best demo)
Design Considerations
• Link Power Budget
– There is enough power margin in the system to meet the given
• Rise Time Budget
– Each element of the link is fast enough to meet the given bit
These two budgets give necessary conditions for satisfactory operation
Link power budget
• Optical power received at the photo detector depends on:
– The amount of light coupled into the fiber
– losses occurring within the fiber
– Losses in connectors & splices
– System Margin
• Link power budget is derived from the sequential loss
contributions of each element in the link.
• Each of these losses are:
• Pin and Pout are input and output powers of the loss element
• In addition to the power losses, a margin is provided to
accommodate ageing (6-10dB)
Optical power-loss model
PT  Ps  PR  mlc  nlsp   f L  System Margin
PT : Total loss; Ps : Source power; PR : Rx sensitivity
m connectors; n splices
Rise-Time Budget
Coherent systems
• Unlike the direct detection coherent transmission technology uses all the wave
aspects of light. The coherent detection process is sensitive to the amplitude,
frequency and phase of an incoming optical signal.
The major advantages of the coherent systems are:
receiver sensitivity improvement of 5-20 dB,
excellent frequency selectivity, 1-10 GHz,
possibility of equalization at the intermediate frequency (IF) band
Fig: Block diagram of coherent system
Derivation :
The main advantage of HOMODYNE is that it is possible to transmit information by
modulating the phase or frequency of the optical carrier.
Disadvantages :
a) the difference between Øs & ØLO should be a constant. But here it is not.
b) matching of the transmitter and LO frequencies put stringent requirements on
the optical sources.
a) receiver design is simplified.
b) Line width requirements are quite moderate when asynchronous demodulation scheme
is used.
IMDD system Vs Coherent system
IMDD System
Coherent system
Intensity of optical signal is varied with Detection process is sensitive to amplitude,
amplitude of the modulating signal.
phase and frequency of the incoming optical
No phase information is needed. So no local
oscillator is required.
Local oscillator is required.
Detected electric current :𝐼𝑠 =2𝑅𝑃𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙
Detected electric current :𝐼𝑠 =2𝑅 𝑃𝑠 𝑃𝐿𝑂 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙
Low sensitivity
Receiver sensitivity improvement of 5-20 dB
Low frequency selectivity
Excellent frequency selectivity, 1-10 GHz,
Low Power penalty
High Power penalty
Low Unamplified transmission distance
High Unamplified transmission distance
Low gain
High gain
Possibility of equalization at the intermediate
frequency (IF) band
Low hardware cost
High cost
Soliton propagation
Time broadens due to GVD
SPM overcomes the pulse broadening effect of GVD
• Advantages:
1.Dispersions are reduced
2.Pulse shape can be maintained
3.Transmission speed can be increased
• Disadvantages:
Proper power maintenance is a critical issue
Ultra short pulses of picosecond pulse width
Soliton features/advantages
• A soliton has two distinctive features which are potentially important for
the provision of high-speed optical fiber communications.
1. It propagates without changing shape
2. The shape is unaffected, that of a soliton, after a collision with another
• The dispersion limitation and avoids inter symbol interference while the
collision invariance.
• Potentially provides for efficient wavelength division multiplexing.
• Solitons are unaffected by polarisation mode dispersion.
• Solitons are well matched with all optical processing techniques.
• If the solitons are controlled properly they can be more robust than NRZ
• The particle nature of solitons can be employed for sliding-frequency
guiding optical filters along the link.
• The particle feature of solitons is also very useful to perform various all
optical functions such as switching.
Soliton Transmission System
 LASER cannot generate RZ pulse by its own.
 Uses optical modulator & NRZ-RZ converter driven by DFB LASER
 Here, Mach Zehnder modulator is used for modulating NRZ data at desired
transmission rate (2.5-40Gbps)
 Instead of single NRZ stream, several multiplexed NRZ can be used before
conversion to RZ
 At receiver, another RZ-NRZ converter is present and a demux separates the
Maximum data rate is determined by how close two adjacent pulse/bits can
be packed. To determine how close two solitons can propagate without
interacting one needs to solve nonlinear Schrödinger equation numerically
with initial condition
𝑢 𝑧 = 0, 𝑡 = sech 𝑡 − ∆ + sech(𝑡 + ∆)𝑒 𝑗𝜃
where ∆ is their initial separation and θ is their relative phase. Note that ∆=
0 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑁 = 2 bound soliton while ∆= ∞ will correspond to two
independent single solitons.
Evolution of two co-propagating solitons with ∆= 3.5 is shown in figure .
It can be seen that these collapse and separate with an oscillation
period 𝑍0 𝑒 ∆ . This process is referred as “Brother Soliton”.
If the relative phase “θ” between adjacent solitons is such that 𝜃 ≠
0 then they experience repulsive force.
Propagation over Length
𝐿𝑐 =
𝜋 ∆
𝑒 results in collapse of two in2
phase soliton and distance ∆ apart at input. By choosing the soliton
𝐿 𝑇 < 𝐿𝐶